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Parth Shekhar

Aspirant | Kalinga Insitute of Industrial Technology



15 Stories

5 TED-Ed Videos For Curious MBA Aspirants

Curiosity didn’t kill the Cats, instead, it gave them their nine lives!  -The Wolf Monk (@theancienthowl)Curiosity is often underemphasized. But, it is one of the strongest markers of success.When was the last time you had that feeling of inquisitiveness engulfing your existence? When was the last time when you surfed

Internship Experience At Philips - An Interview With Indranil Choudhury, IIM Calcutta

Last two months were the topic of summer internships for the B-Schoolers. They have had life-changing and practical experiences after a rigorous first year. A Summer Internship plays a huge role in shaping the strategies and approaches for the second year.Philips India Limited is one of the most sought-after companies

Dream To XL - InsideIIM Short Stories

Trust in dreams, for in them is hidden the gate to eternity – Khalil Gibran“Hey! are you coming or not?”, a voice made him gaze up from the stony path that he was strolling upon. He then turned around to find the source of the voice. It had a weird

What Kind Of A Reader Can Ace Reading Comprehension?

Reading Comprehension!These two words bring either a dreaded feeling in the guts or confidence crawling across one’s spine followed by a sense of calmness.You may be fond of reading. You might love reading books of all genres or some specific ones. I too just love to read, be it novels,