As with anyone who cares about the way they dress and groom, especially being an MBA student, I like to go for the best brands out there. Most prominent of these brands is Allen Solly and Pantaloons. For my formal wear, I have always preferred Allen Solly. This is primarily because of two reasons, the fit that the clothes provide and the creativity in terms of style that they bring to the table. It might get monotonous wearing the same formal clothes cut from similar fabric and made into similar styles, but Allen Solly takes great care in curating their offerings so that you never get tired of wearing formals to your workplace. Rather, it motivates me to go to work dressed to nines. Pantaloons, on the other hand, provides great comfort while making sure that you do not compromise on your style quotient while being relaxed in their clothing.
I have always felt like I should be in a position of authority to make an impact in someone's life or make a difference that matters to the society, but lately I have come to realize that in doing the little things, you can compound the effect of those little things and make it impactful. So, I have been participating in blood donation drives that my college club has been organizing over the past year. Though not very impactful, it is the start of something good and I will work on it to make it bigger.