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6 Stories

China Is Importing Rice From India After Decades, Here's Why - Business News At A Glance Ep.15

2020 is coming to an end. The year that was an anomaly, a blip on the radar is nearing the tag end. Lots of crazy things have happened this year.

How China’s Subtle Wisdom Is Benefiting Its Economy

Why is China a major export house? How has China turned its biggest disadvantage into its biggest strength? What can India learn from China's strategy? These are the questions I

Uber In China - A Journey Which Never Took Off

Uber entered China in 2013 after a test phase in Shanghai. But the company never really was able to settle in facing stiff competition from the local players. Uber was

China - Rewarding Innovation & Making Medicines Affordable - Chirag From IIM Nagpur

The Chinese Pharma industry is worth $105 billion and is second biggest market after the US. This industry has been growing at an average rate of 16.72% annually over the

'Forbidden City, The Great Wall, Home Of Emperors and Kings' - IIMK Students Visit To China Organized By MHRD

We landed in China, to witness its culture, tradition and its mightThe task at hand is daunting, strengthening the 2 nation’s ties

My Experiences In China - Anubhav From IIM Shillong

China was a new, different, unpredictable country for me to understand while looking at it from outside. My first understanding about China was that it is a closed country, not