2. Analyse the mocks!
This one is more important. Even if you give the frigging tests, it will be of no use till you go back and find out where you messed up. Set aside two hours after every mock test and go over the questions. By this time you must have realised what questions work for you, and what questions take the wind out of you. Analysing the mocks will help you with this regard.
3. Eat. Study. Sleep. Repeat.
Set a routine. Do not - and I mean DO NOT - run around like a headless chicken. Your time is precious - learn to respect it. Set a routine for yourself - it will help you cope better with the stress. Wake up every morning, and plan for the day. There is nothing like the joy of crossing things off your list as you go through the day.
4. Set aside some time
This time is yours - it is sacred, it is sacrosanct. It is the time you are giving yourself. Believe me, as the CAT approaches, this fifteen minute window will be the rock you have moored to in those tumultuous times. Avoid drama. Just take this time to calm yourself - do some yoga, some meditation, anything that will help you find that inner peace.
5. Sleep
Do not compromise on your sleep. I had almost nodded off in a test (true story!) and it haunts me to this day. So make sure you sleep well and you treat your body well.
Good luck. You are going to need it.
About the Author:
Pooja Wanpal considers reading the sole aim of her life. She is obsessed with trekking, pani puri, and adores traveling. She is a freelance content writer, and has penned the novel, ‘Love and Lokpal’. She is currently studying Human Resource Management and Labour Relations at Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai. She is also a part of the InsideIIM Student Team 2016-17.