It's a long journey ahead, and he will meet many people along the way. Some of them stick around. He will meet some of the best groups of people in life here. One of them is his study group. You work with them for the next two years to come. Assignment deadline is suddenly achievable. The group works on the strengths of its members. Learning from each other, working in harmony and completing tasks which were in not possible alone. Lesson 4, keep your study group together.
Now unable to walk he stumbles into unknown corridors of the hostels. He dreads the worst. It’s the senior wing. A gate opens and invites him in. Scared he slowly walks towards the light. He is flabbergasted by sight. A room full of seniors and everyone is happy. It was a dawn of truth for him (as the night passed in inductions), the seniors tell him what to concentrate and when to concentrate. MBA is rigorous work, he learns the need to work together and more importantly to learn from the experience of others. Lesson 5, your seniors are your lifeline, know them, respect them, trust them. What they do might not make sense initially, but they do it for your good.