The term VUCA will be relevant than ever before
Entering into a top BSchool doesn’t guarantee a bed full of roses. Take COVID-19 for example which has disrupted the life of every single person. It happened at a time when we BSchool students were about to join our respective companies for summer internships and most of them have now been converted into Work from Home internships, something never thought of before. It’s a new experience for everyone and the term VUCA is what we are living real-time!
Competition will be high and you need to be ready to feel less insecure
An MBA degree has a lot to offer. It will make you more confident and you will be ready to face all kinds of situation. But when you enter a B-School, you will realise how little you know compared to your peers. It is important to always stay updated and leave no opportunity to learn something new. It is also important to not waste time after BSchool interviews and get yourself ready for the two years ahead by taking up courses and reading newspapers regularly.
Improving your PPT skills will go a long way
Before joining BSchool, I was always told that you will learn the art of making presentations while at BSchool. While it might be true for some, most people never end up learning it for real until they do their summer internship. And those who don’t tend to fall behind those who have mastered it pretty well. Case study competitions from various companies form a very big part of BSchool life and is one of the best ways to learn about the industry and apart from your thinking and research skills, it is PPT skills that will come very handy!
FOMO will be at all-time high if you don’t know how to manage it
At B-Schools, we fall in the trap of following the crowd, big time! And the problem occurs when we start following everybody’s random stuff instead of the productive ones. There will be competition, there will be jealousy and born out of that, there will be FOMO which one needs to let go of. You must do what is best for you in the long term, not what everyone else feel is right. If you feel a particular course is good for you, don’t ask! Just do it. You will eventually learn how to be a part of the crowd while standing out. You will learn how to network while at BSchool while pursuing your own goals and projects.
Learning personal finance will help you throughout your life
Once we get out of a BSchool with a handsome salary in hand, how many of us know how to actually manage that money? While B-Schools will give you an idea for sure, you will have to learn most of it yourself, especially if you are not specialising in finance. Managing personal finance is not a rocket science and learning it online from Youtube or through online courses on Stock Market and Alternative Investment Methods is pretty easy. Once you do it, take my word, you will appreciate investing your time in it more than anything else in your life.
Anushka Kuthari
Very well written. This surely will help. Thank you.
20 Apr 2020, 03.53 PM
Aditya Trupta Pattanayak
The last point is the best one .
22 Apr 2020, 12.01 AM