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A Girl in a Business School



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22 Nov 2013, 08.10 AM

Sriram Raja

I totally agree with you that people have such prejudices and cast aspersions on women for no reason, but is it not true that women have a clear cut advantage when it comes getting into b-schools? By advantage I am talking about the "gender diversity" factor in the admission criteria. Don't you think that you shouldn't be complaining of about your b school, where you were "pampered" enough already to get in?

2 Dec 2013, 05.09 PM

Jagadeesan Palanivel

who am I? Who is but the form following the function of what... ...and what I am is a man in a mask. A mask of names. Me being Jagadeesan or Jack or whatever fancy names people address me, the "who" holds far less importance as compared to the "what" that consumes every tiny bit of my mind, devouring me, eating away all characteristics left me to identify myself as one of above said names. Whats left of me behind these masks, is a simple idea! yes, there is a face beneath this mask but it's not me. I'm no more that face than I am the muscles beneath it or the bones beneath them. Yes I am an IDEA. An idea which will radically change the world as you see it today! An idea which will infect you and transform you no matter what! I am the IDEA and If you want to be one too, add me...

I appreciate the author for writing on this topic which had to be shed light on. Don't get me wrong, I shared this article when I read it and I agree with the author's views but, today I came across and article which counters this view and I thought people should know and judge for themselves:

8 Dec 2013, 07.52 AM

apoorva 30

Thank you for writing this article. MBA, is the last place where you would expect to listen to such malicious gossip but sadly, some people are so competitive that they usually stoop to very low levels and out right question your achievements.

24 May 2018, 06.35 PM

apoorva 30

Thank you for writing what should be actively discouraged. MBA, is the last place where you would expect to listen to such malicious gossip but sadly, some people are so competitive that they usually stoop to very low levels and out right question your achievements.

24 May 2018, 06.36 PM

Mini Mock Test

HitBullsEye National Mock CAT Test- March

Participants: 94

Top One Percent GMAT Full Mock-March

Participants: 13

Hitbullseye CAT 2023 VARC-March

Participants: 136

Hitbullseye CAT 2023 DILR-March

Participants: 51

Hitbullseye CAT 2023 QA-March

Participants: 43

VARC 2023 - Test 19

Participants: 1204

MBA Admissions 2023 - WAT 20

Participants: 112

MBA Admissions 2023 - WAT 19

Participants: 36

MBA Admissions 2023 - WAT 18

Participants: 17

MBA Admissions 2023 - WAT 17

Participants: 18

MBA Admissions 2023 - WAT 16

Participants: 11

MBA Admissions 2023 - WAT 15

Participants: 17

MBA Admissions 2023 - WAT 14

Participants: 15

MBA Admissions 2023 - WAT 13

Participants: 17

MBA Admissions 2023 - WAT 12

Participants: 18

MBA Admissions 2023 - WAT 11

Participants: 17

MBA Admissions 2023 - WAT 10

Participants: 17

MBA Admissions 2023 - WAT 9

Participants: 13

MBA Admissions 2023 - WAT 8

Participants: 12

MBA Admissions 2023 - WAT 7

Participants: 17

MBA Admissions 2023 - WAT 6

Participants: 14

MBA Admissions 2023 - WAT 5

Participants: 20

MBA Admissions 2023 - WAT 4

Participants: 29

MBA Admissions 2023 - WAT 3

Participants: 25

MBA Admissions 2023 - WAT 2

Participants: 38

MBA Admissions 2023 - WAT 1

Participants: 80

Unilever Changemakers 2023

Participants: 27

WAT-PI | Current Affairs: Sports

Participants: 152

NMAT Logical Reasoning 2

Participants: 162

IIFT Quant - 1

Participants: 422

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22 Nov 2013, 08.10 AM

Sriram Raja

I totally agree with you that people have such prejudices and cast aspersions on women for no reason, but is it not true that women have a clear cut advantage when it comes getting into b-schools? By advantage I am talking about the "gender diversity" factor in the admission criteria. Don't you think that you shouldn't be complaining of about your b school, where you were "pampered" enough already to get in?

2 Dec 2013, 05.09 PM

Jagadeesan Palanivel

who am I? Who is but the form following the function of what... ...and what I am is a man in a mask. A mask of names. Me being Jagadeesan or Jack or whatever fancy names people address me, the "who" holds far less importance as compared to the "what" that consumes every tiny bit of my mind, devouring me, eating away all characteristics left me to identify myself as one of above said names. Whats left of me behind these masks, is a simple idea! yes, there is a face beneath this mask but it's not me. I'm no more that face than I am the muscles beneath it or the bones beneath them. Yes I am an IDEA. An idea which will radically change the world as you see it today! An idea which will infect you and transform you no matter what! I am the IDEA and If you want to be one too, add me...

I appreciate the author for writing on this topic which had to be shed light on. Don't get me wrong, I shared this article when I read it and I agree with the author's views but, today I came across and article which counters this view and I thought people should know and judge for themselves:

8 Dec 2013, 07.52 AM

apoorva 30

Thank you for writing this article. MBA, is the last place where you would expect to listen to such malicious gossip but sadly, some people are so competitive that they usually stoop to very low levels and out right question your achievements.

24 May 2018, 06.35 PM

apoorva 30

Thank you for writing what should be actively discouraged. MBA, is the last place where you would expect to listen to such malicious gossip but sadly, some people are so competitive that they usually stoop to very low levels and out right question your achievements.

24 May 2018, 06.36 PM