Growth begins when we begin to accept our own weakness -Jean Vanier
During my school days, I used to be an introvert person. I felt shy talking to girls. I was afraid of speaking in front of large audience. When I joined engineering, there used to be 2 subjects in the first and second semester respectively i.e. English Communication and Business Communication. The main purpose of these subjects was to improve our communication skills and hence we used to get tasks that involved speaking in front of the class. I was afraid to do that. Then the thought came to my mind what I really want to do. I realised, I want to grow in my career and hence I should rectify my earlier mistakes and develop myself. So, the best way out in this situation was to face it. Gathering all my courage I attended all my classes and completed the tasks successfully. This helped a lot to overcome my fear. Recently I have successfully presented a paper in an international conference at Orlando where I had to address leaders from various countries.
The other part of my challenge was talking to girls. During the same period of time, groups were divided for different projects and I was the only boy in my group. So, I had to work with my friends(girls) to get the projects done. Initially it was a challenge for me but later on I became comfortable with this. This could happen because of the efforts that I put from my side and of course I got a situation that compelled me to do that. After this I was comfortable in communicating with not only with girls in my group but also other girls in general. Now, I am happy to say that I have successfully improved myself to communicate with people irrespective of gender or number of people.