They say, when life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Well, sometimes it gives you cancer. I was diagnosed with stage 2 Burkitt's Lymphoma in November, 2016. I had to undergo a very stringent chemotherapy regimen for a period of six months when I would essentially remain an invalid, confined to a hospital bed for most of the period. This also happened to be the final year of the graduation. I am an Electronics and Telecommunication engineer from Assam Engineering College, Guwahati. One of the most important events for an engineering graduate, campus placements, could not be availed by me as I had to undergo the treatment and it was not possible in my home town of Guwahati, Assam. Under the care of Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai and Basavatarakam Indo- American Cancer Hospital, Hyderabad, I was finally cured in April, 2017. I missed by chance to graduate with my peers, but I managed to survive. The thoughts of having to repeat a year and being unable to get placed naturally made me very depressed. I struggled to get back to my routine, being away from my books and studies for six months. But, with much determination, I managed to work through the papers of my final year and complete by bachelor's degree. The period after that was mostly dominated by a lack of motivation and a lack of energy, both mental and physical. It took me a lot of support from my family and friends and even more determination and will on my part to break free of the stagnation that was setting in my life. I worked hard and today I am a student of IIM Bodh Gaya, one of the best colleges in the country.