While for Freshers it is a peek into the corporate world, for several of us it is a journey back to where we came from, except now we are a bit wiser and are associated with tag, we are the old wine in the new bottle, we are not as excited as the freshers, but for us it is a chance, it is the next step we always wanted and to unlearn and re-learn many things. Talking to seniors what we figured out was that a PPO at the back of the mind creates undue pressure, a lot of times PPOs are not rolled out because of openings not being available in the company, in the end, it is not a test of our calibre, but that does not mean we shy away from giving our best, it’s just that we are not ridden by constant fears as we work on our projects. Curiosity, anxiety and uncertainty are common and is a part of every intern’s journey, how we overcome it and not get bogged down by it decide where the internship will take us.
When we return after two months we will be the ones handing over our Gyaan to the juniors, making them ready for what we are about to see, and so the saga continues, but there is always a Peter Pan that wants to loiter and holds on to the Junior hostel refusing to budge to the senior hostel, wants to hold on to being a student and not work, wants to make friends rather than making money , but the time has come to let go of him and embrace what we have worked so hard for.