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Final placements - FMS Delhi Class of 2014 (unverified report)


Raghav Srini

@Team InsideIIM, the damage has been done, there is no point in trying to appease us... btw, if indeed insideiim is so "fair", why this obsession with IIM I... just because your founder is from I, it does not mean that you develop such a soft corner for I and publish a plethora of articles about I and in the process cover up the dismal placement scenario there...

26 Mar 2014, 09.32 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Team InsideIIM

We are the team behind your favourite platform.

All articles about IIM Indore are written by IIM Indore Media Committee. Please read more about our self-publish option. By the way, the maximum articles on this portal are by IIM Calcutta. No one has stopped FMS Media Committee to publish any story about FMS. They just refuse to do so. We are not trying to appease anyone. FMS participation is welcome. But that doesn't mean we hide the fact that your placement committee lies blatantly.

27 Mar 2014, 09.32 AM |

Jatin Mehra

Team Inside IIM, What an act of immatureness? There is an unverified guy who says he/she is from FMS and used some rough words and how do you reply? "But that doesn’t mean we hide the fact that your placement committee lies blatantly." Now this guy can be from IIMI or L or XL, just to screw the relationship b/w FMS and Team Inside IIM. Now did you get why don't we (FMS) want to carry forward with the relationship with you.?

27 Mar 2014, 01.34 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Raghav Srini

Dude, I am indeed from FMS... they can use the email ids to track our FB page...

27 Mar 2014, 06.45 PM |


No, they can not. :P

27 Mar 2014, 06.59 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Team InsideIIM

We are the team behind your favourite platform.

We can. @Jatin Mehra - rs47 is Raghav Srinivasan from FMS. He is a regular commenter on our portal.

27 Mar 2014, 07.27 PM |

Team InsideIIM

We are the team behind your favourite platform.

Also, AK47 and Jatin Mehra are the same person.

27 Mar 2014, 07.29 PM


The whole point is anybody can make any email id, as you accept generic Gmail IDs. I thought you got my point, Deliberately I used the ID with my name to prove the point . If you want, I can make another email id with to prove my point.

27 Mar 2014, 07.52 PM

+Read Replies (2)

Team InsideIIM

We are the team behind your favourite platform.

Please do it. We also have your ip address - which is Noida - hometown of Mr.Jatin Mehra. We have a few more details but we do not wish to embarass you or your institute any further. However, if this behaviour continues we may do that too. Please note that these comments are being read by campus hiring teams of many top companies in India.

27 Mar 2014, 08.13 PM |

Rahul Saini

Lol wat are you going to do with the IP address?? OMG are you 12 year old? No wonder this b school thingy is so messed up .Look at the online media ..So called moderator has less than an IOTA of Emational quotient. Its more fun looking at some so called online media forums behaving in such a manner. "Recruiters from top companies are reading your comments!!" OMG youo just proved yourself your worth! lol man

30 Mar 2014, 09.01 PM |


Ok. So?

27 Mar 2014, 08.28 PM

Team InsideIIM

We are the team behind your favourite platform.

Final warning to Mr. Jatin Mehra from FMS Delhi. Request you to stop frivolous discussions on this thread or both your ids - Jatin Mehra and AK47 will be blocked. The idea of the comments section is to get people to interact and exchange views and insights that make a difference to their career.

27 Mar 2014, 08.36 PM

Udit Singh

Use TOR Jatin, you are leaving your IP address open !

27 Mar 2014, 09.27 PM

Raghav Srini

@Team InsideIIM, you randomly accuse our placement team of lying?? speaks a lot about you guys... we do not want to have anything to do with you guys or your website, come what may... you might continue publishing our reports but the fact of the matter remains that they would continue to be unverified... we will never yield to your request of publishing our report...

27 Mar 2014, 11.07 PM

+Read Replies (2)

Ritabrata Chakrabarti

As if InsideIIM is dying to publish the "verified" report. Caught red-handed and then shouting, speaks a lot about the maturity level. Seriously, at least use TOR or something like that if you want to con people.

27 Mar 2014, 11.43 PM |

Team InsideIIM

We are the team behind your favourite platform.

@rs47 - We do not make any random accusation without adequate proof. If someone were to take us to court, we ensure we have proof before anything is published under our name on this platform. Last May, FMS Delhi's placement committee was found wanting when it came to reporting the truth. Your committee misled aspirants and companies. You cannot attract talent or recruiters to your campus by lying so blatantly. We can only REQUEST you to share accurate data. And we leave it there.

28 Mar 2014, 10.27 AM |

atul mishra

Team FMS, if InsideIIM is saying something in a bold manner, then all I am saying is you guys(or placom) can try to contact them and ask what proof you have. This a very strong allegation and it is important that you two work together to sort the issue. Remember few years ago when plavment committe of IIM Lucknow was found to favor their friends, the college openly dismissed the whole committee and established a new one. Truth is about being honest and it should work both ways. InsideIIM also needs to talk to FMS officials if they indeed have proof. The most important stakeholder in this case are aspirants and students. FMS has exceptional brand image and mind blowing ROI but if InsideIIM is indeed leveling such charge then they should contact this website

29 Mar 2014, 11.00 AM

Vineet Jain

@teaminsideiim - When you write things like "We have a few more details but we do not wish to embarass you or your institute any further. However, if this behaviour continues we may do that too", you make FMS Delhi's resolve to not associate with you stronger. This is exactly why the last two placement teams have wanted to keep their distance from insideiim. This kind of language from an official id is unwarranted, and almost amounts to a threat to the institute, in response to a comment from someone who is not a spokesperson of the institute or the placement team or in any other official capacity. We hope you will show some maturity in the future to sound remotely credible and a tad bit professional. @aspirants: Please don't be swayed by reading comments on one thread. Visit other forums, websites like pagalguy, career360 etc for similar discussions to get the real unbiased picture. And above all, speak to people you may know at FMS to find out how good the placements this year really were

29 Mar 2014, 10.16 PM

Harsh Kumar


Adding to what Vineet said: we here at FMS have full faith on the Placement Team that we have, they are unbiased, ethical and have done a phenomenal job .And we do not need any forum to tell us that . Period...

29 Mar 2014, 10.46 PM

Freak @K

@Team insideIIM I completely agree with vineet,how can u lament an institute by directly saying "Your committee misled aspirants and companies",give us the proof..

24 May 2014, 05.14 PM

Parichay Kumar

Guys, are the accusations leveled by insideiim true? I was planning to withdraw from a top rated IIM and join FMS , if converted , mainly due to its ROI Should I give a second thought to it?

26 Jun 2014, 04.25 PM

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Raghav Srini

@Team InsideIIM, the damage has been done, there is no point in trying to appease us... btw, if indeed insideiim is so "fair", why this obsession with IIM I... just because your founder is from I, it does not mean that you develop such a soft corner for I and publish a plethora of articles about I and in the process cover up the dismal placement scenario there...

26 Mar 2014, 09.32 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Team InsideIIM

We are the team behind your favourite platform.

All articles about IIM Indore are written by IIM Indore Media Committee. Please read more about our self-publish option. By the way, the maximum articles on this portal are by IIM Calcutta. No one has stopped FMS Media Committee to publish any story about FMS. They just refuse to do so. We are not trying to appease anyone. FMS participation is welcome. But that doesn't mean we hide the fact that your placement committee lies blatantly.

27 Mar 2014, 09.32 AM |

Jatin Mehra

Team Inside IIM, What an act of immatureness? There is an unverified guy who says he/she is from FMS and used some rough words and how do you reply? "But that doesn’t mean we hide the fact that your placement committee lies blatantly." Now this guy can be from IIMI or L or XL, just to screw the relationship b/w FMS and Team Inside IIM. Now did you get why don't we (FMS) want to carry forward with the relationship with you.?

27 Mar 2014, 01.34 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Raghav Srini

Dude, I am indeed from FMS... they can use the email ids to track our FB page...

27 Mar 2014, 06.45 PM |


No, they can not. :P

27 Mar 2014, 06.59 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Team InsideIIM

We are the team behind your favourite platform.

We can. @Jatin Mehra - rs47 is Raghav Srinivasan from FMS. He is a regular commenter on our portal.

27 Mar 2014, 07.27 PM |

Team InsideIIM

We are the team behind your favourite platform.

Also, AK47 and Jatin Mehra are the same person.

27 Mar 2014, 07.29 PM


The whole point is anybody can make any email id, as you accept generic Gmail IDs. I thought you got my point, Deliberately I used the ID with my name to prove the point . If you want, I can make another email id with to prove my point.

27 Mar 2014, 07.52 PM

+Read Replies (2)

Team InsideIIM

We are the team behind your favourite platform.

Please do it. We also have your ip address - which is Noida - hometown of Mr.Jatin Mehra. We have a few more details but we do not wish to embarass you or your institute any further. However, if this behaviour continues we may do that too. Please note that these comments are being read by campus hiring teams of many top companies in India.

27 Mar 2014, 08.13 PM |

Rahul Saini

Lol wat are you going to do with the IP address?? OMG are you 12 year old? No wonder this b school thingy is so messed up .Look at the online media ..So called moderator has less than an IOTA of Emational quotient. Its more fun looking at some so called online media forums behaving in such a manner. "Recruiters from top companies are reading your comments!!" OMG youo just proved yourself your worth! lol man

30 Mar 2014, 09.01 PM |


Ok. So?

27 Mar 2014, 08.28 PM

Team InsideIIM

We are the team behind your favourite platform.

Final warning to Mr. Jatin Mehra from FMS Delhi. Request you to stop frivolous discussions on this thread or both your ids - Jatin Mehra and AK47 will be blocked. The idea of the comments section is to get people to interact and exchange views and insights that make a difference to their career.

27 Mar 2014, 08.36 PM

Udit Singh

Use TOR Jatin, you are leaving your IP address open !

27 Mar 2014, 09.27 PM

Raghav Srini

@Team InsideIIM, you randomly accuse our placement team of lying?? speaks a lot about you guys... we do not want to have anything to do with you guys or your website, come what may... you might continue publishing our reports but the fact of the matter remains that they would continue to be unverified... we will never yield to your request of publishing our report...

27 Mar 2014, 11.07 PM

+Read Replies (2)

Ritabrata Chakrabarti

As if InsideIIM is dying to publish the "verified" report. Caught red-handed and then shouting, speaks a lot about the maturity level. Seriously, at least use TOR or something like that if you want to con people.

27 Mar 2014, 11.43 PM |

Team InsideIIM

We are the team behind your favourite platform.

@rs47 - We do not make any random accusation without adequate proof. If someone were to take us to court, we ensure we have proof before anything is published under our name on this platform. Last May, FMS Delhi's placement committee was found wanting when it came to reporting the truth. Your committee misled aspirants and companies. You cannot attract talent or recruiters to your campus by lying so blatantly. We can only REQUEST you to share accurate data. And we leave it there.

28 Mar 2014, 10.27 AM |

atul mishra

Team FMS, if InsideIIM is saying something in a bold manner, then all I am saying is you guys(or placom) can try to contact them and ask what proof you have. This a very strong allegation and it is important that you two work together to sort the issue. Remember few years ago when plavment committe of IIM Lucknow was found to favor their friends, the college openly dismissed the whole committee and established a new one. Truth is about being honest and it should work both ways. InsideIIM also needs to talk to FMS officials if they indeed have proof. The most important stakeholder in this case are aspirants and students. FMS has exceptional brand image and mind blowing ROI but if InsideIIM is indeed leveling such charge then they should contact this website

29 Mar 2014, 11.00 AM

Vineet Jain

@teaminsideiim - When you write things like "We have a few more details but we do not wish to embarass you or your institute any further. However, if this behaviour continues we may do that too", you make FMS Delhi's resolve to not associate with you stronger. This is exactly why the last two placement teams have wanted to keep their distance from insideiim. This kind of language from an official id is unwarranted, and almost amounts to a threat to the institute, in response to a comment from someone who is not a spokesperson of the institute or the placement team or in any other official capacity. We hope you will show some maturity in the future to sound remotely credible and a tad bit professional. @aspirants: Please don't be swayed by reading comments on one thread. Visit other forums, websites like pagalguy, career360 etc for similar discussions to get the real unbiased picture. And above all, speak to people you may know at FMS to find out how good the placements this year really were

29 Mar 2014, 10.16 PM

Harsh Kumar


Adding to what Vineet said: we here at FMS have full faith on the Placement Team that we have, they are unbiased, ethical and have done a phenomenal job .And we do not need any forum to tell us that . Period...

29 Mar 2014, 10.46 PM

Freak @K

@Team insideIIM I completely agree with vineet,how can u lament an institute by directly saying "Your committee misled aspirants and companies",give us the proof..

24 May 2014, 05.14 PM

Parichay Kumar

Guys, are the accusations leveled by insideiim true? I was planning to withdraw from a top rated IIM and join FMS , if converted , mainly due to its ROI Should I give a second thought to it?

26 Jun 2014, 04.25 PM