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Final Placements : IIM Calcutta – Class of 2012



I think IIM C always declares the average pay. dint they give you guys those details or dint you guys as for it.? Looking at number of FIN firms here and the diverse profiles they offer just dont leave any doubt who's the boss as far as finance is concerned. The slight problem i feel here is that its FIN placements are so awesome that they kind of dwarf other placements and give out a signal that placements in other streams as equally good if not better and comparable to any B-School in india.This is what makes it trully remarkable.

14 Apr 2012, 07.46 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Team InsideIIM

We had asked for it. But we don't push institutes for average salaries if they do not wish to publish it. Unless there is a standard methodology of comparing it, there is no point. And we believe IIM A's IPRS format is good. Unless everyone adopts it, its pointless comparing apples to oranges.

14 Apr 2012, 08.02 PM |


This looks awesome and its not hard to imagine why IIM C is known as the 'finance campus' of India and arguably the best in placements. Though L is trying very hard but its apparent that its hard to break into the elite league - ABC. I hope I can get into either of these three next year. Congratulations to the placement team btw!

14 Apr 2012, 07.47 PM

+Read Replies (1)

IIM Student Preethi

Not just the elite league of ABC , but its tough to get into any of the 10 IIM. I've come across some people who got rejected by IIM Ranchi but got into IIM-C.

12 Dec 2012, 03.38 PM |


I would love to know the profile of the student who got through Genpact as 'Assistant Vice President of Sales'. The report is quite exhaustive with respect to profiles offered. But, if the aspirants get to know the pre-MBA profile of the students who got into super-awesome profiles, that would help the aspirant set their expectations better. And the guys getting into PE must be having awesome pre-MBA work-ex, perhaps, an Analyst/Associate in Foreign IBs. Can any IIM-C guy share some insights here ??

14 Apr 2012, 11.04 PM

+Read Replies (3)


That person has 10 years industry experience and has worked couple of years for Genpact before if I recall correctly.

14 Apr 2012, 11.45 PM |


The one who got AVP role in Genpact dint join.He joined Schneider Electric as Associate General Manager.

16 Apr 2012, 04.14 PM |


i know the guy who got AVP sales in genpact, his name is Prem Kumar (search on PG with user name "prem_ravi"). He had around 10 years experience in software sales. he later joined schneider electric as general manager or something

22 Apr 2012, 03.20 AM |


@dinesh - Assure you that the placements in the other streams apart from Finance are great too. @MAK - It's not necessarily true that those who get into PEs have work experience in IBs. In fact, none of the guys who got into PEs have an experience in IBs :) There are various things which firms look in when assessing your profile.

15 Apr 2012, 12.15 AM

+Read Replies (3)


@Wonderkid: thanks for the reply. I know the placements in other stream are great as well as a placecomm member is my Close friend and i get a lot of info from him. What i was saying was that Fin placements are so awesome that they over shadow the placements in the other streams even though they are eqully good if not better.. and which kind of sends out the signal that they arent that gud which isnt the case. anyways: Congrats for the placecomm team. Awesome work guys.

15 Apr 2012, 12.23 AM |


Oh. Sorry, I interpreted that incorrectly :)

15 Apr 2012, 02.43 AM |


Hey wonderkid, What are some of the 'various thing' which PE firms look at when assessing your profile?

13 May 2012, 02.32 AM |


If I'm not mistaken, IBM had made the highest number of offers at C (28), while the report mentions it as Microsoft. Can someone from Cal clarify? Also Team InsideIIM, I find you classifying the profile offered by Cognizant (CBC, to be precise) across the top B Schools sometimes under the 'Business Consulting' category & sometimes as 'IT Consulting'. On the other hand a similar profile, like the one offered by AMC, is always under the 'Business Consulting' category. Can you please the reasoning behind this?

15 Apr 2012, 12.57 AM


@Sonu The wording of that line is slightly incorrect - It meant to say that Microsoft has not made more offers at any other top B-School (So, maximum for Microsoft).

15 Apr 2012, 02.40 AM


Reaffirms that in the Indian context it's ABC and the rest

15 Apr 2012, 12.49 PM

+Read Replies (1)

IIM Student Preethi

It's not '...ABC and the rest'' , there are 10 other IIM's and it should also be included as part of the IIM banner. The other IIMs also get good placements and so pls don't include it with the 'rest"'

12 Dec 2012, 03.42 PM |


It has to be the alumni effect. Knowing that a huge chunk of the best talent is already placed, why would some companies still visit IIM ABC? They'd rather go to IIM LIK,XLRI and FMS. Find it difficult to understand the logic. I am sure rank 1 to 30 at these institutes are better than rank 250 at IIM ABC. It has to be the nepotism of alums I think other institutes have not been successful at educating companies.

15 Apr 2012, 02.01 PM

+Read Replies (2)

Neutral Junta

With the advent of online CAT there is a very thin line of margin between getting a good percentile and you can miss the cutoffs because normalization of the slot. In real life you can take the live example like where two toppers in a section might be rank 1 but in reality one might be 90% and the other might be 80%. So in no way an average ABC guy is superior to one from LIK or XL or FMS or any other good college. Nepotism of alums is the sole reason why big consulting firms and Ibanks continue to recruit in double digits from ABC and dont even visit other campuses. Even if they visit they take only 3-4 people which is really sad.

15 Apr 2012, 08.50 PM |


Also, just think about it from the perspective of companies. You are an i-bank and want to hire maybe 6 people. Why would you want to visit every campus? - the ROI will be very low. Hence, you limit yourself to a few campuses. And why they choose CAB - it's because of the alums (Largest for C, then A and then B -> placements generally follow this order). Another reason I can think of is continuing a long-standing relationship which firms develop over years with a campus and of course, the brand value of these institutes.

16 Apr 2012, 01.27 AM |


Well, you are right. You cannot say that ABC guys are superior to LIK. Such comparisons infact are baseless. However, its the brand that distinguishes ABC from the rest. For sure, all companies (iBanks and Consults included) would want to associate themselves with the top three brands of country, and would not want to dilute it. The crop that they get is good enough with an awesome brand. That is enough for them.

15 Apr 2012, 08.58 PM

+Read Replies (2)

Neutral Junta

It would have made sense to say that the crop they get is good enough from ABC had it been a few years ago ( When there was paper pencil CAT and common paper). However now with the advent of online CAT its not the same anymore. To some extent I would say that ABC gets very good guys as some studs only have the whims to join only ABC and nothing else. Also please dont talk about brand dilution.Its only in the mind. There are many good guys in non IIM ABC institutes and IIM itself is a very good brand.Infact there are a few profs who are IIM Alumni's from ABC who only write IIM in their profiles ( not ABC).Moreover In a country with 50% quota how can you say that a gen guy at non IIM ABC is bad as compared to non general guy at ABC.Just because of nepotism of a few big companies there has been slow progress of the other IIM's. However I am sure it will change soon.

16 Apr 2012, 03.19 PM |


I wouldn't call it nepotism. Its the choice of a company to be associated with a bigger brand. Signalling effect. These bulge bracket banks and top consults have an elitist culture and thus have an inclination towards recruiting only from the top campuses(read ABC and ISB).And as mentioned earlier, why would they want to increase their pain by visiting so many campuses and picking the best 1-2 from each when their established practice is doing good for them.

24 Apr 2012, 03.52 AM |


Undoubtedly, as far as international offers are concerned, there is no doubt that C continues its legacy..... One of the best indian b schools no doubt on that, if not the best... However, i dont understand why there is this over emphasis on the i banks and pe hires as against the newer emerging job hires......not everyone bags a 30 lac offer.... what about the below average guy at C? What does he/she have to make do with? How bad is a poor offer at C? What are th least preferred jobs at C Placements?

16 Apr 2012, 04.20 PM

+Read Replies (2)


Least preferred in order are 1. NGO 2. PSU 3. Corporate HR And this is the truth for all B Schools in India be it even XLRI where PMIR people opt for HR consult and general management profiles as opposed to corporate HR.

16 Apr 2012, 04.46 PM |


Dunno where you got this information from, but more than half of the HRM batch (the erstwhile PMIR program) at XLRI opt for corporate HR roles at MNCs which sometimes are much more lucrative in terms of work-life balance rather than "some of the consulting firms" which offer an extremely hectic life.

16 Apr 2012, 05.12 PM |


Well may be I am wrong. But I based my statement on the fact that almost all HRs that visit campus for recruitment(of top notch companies) say MBA from some not so good colleges.

16 Apr 2012, 06.00 PM

+Read Replies (2)


I can only say from XLRI's perspective. Most of the HRs which came during summers were from XLRI only :)

16 Apr 2012, 07.41 PM |


Just to add to Rito's point even the top HR generalists and specialists of the organization I'm interning at are also from top colleges like IIM's and XLRI

17 Apr 2012, 05.29 PM |


<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Avg salary : 7.5 lacs.. True?

20 Apr 2012, 11.45 AM

+Read Replies (3)

Abhinav Agrawal

Isn&#039;t it self-contradictory? In the same sentence they have mentioned 30-40 lacs for banks, etc. Last year the avg was &gt;17 lakhs, obviously its not going to drop this much.I think this was typo.

20 Apr 2012, 03.51 PM |


It need not be a depends on what went into the calculation...if u ignore joining/relocation/retention/performance bonus and variable component........well the average figure could be true.....but it will be much worse for other iims..........

20 Apr 2012, 09.55 PM |


&quot;IIM-C, has recently placed a record size batch of 463 students with average salaries of Rs 7.5 lakhs.&quot; 1) The batch size is not 463. 2) The average salary is not 7.5 lakhs.

21 Apr 2012, 12.51 AM |


The gulf between ABC and the rest is quite clear. So now let us look at ABC in particular, identifying the similarities and differences among them as far as placements are concerned. Let us look at sector wise placements and how did ABC fair across them. Since the difference usually exists in slot zero firms visiting these campuses, I&rsquo;ll restrict my analysis only to such firms. Let us start with Finance. IIMA, the mecca of management, saw exclusive participation from bulge bracket I-Banks such as Credit Suisse, J P Morgan and HSBC offering front office IBD/Markets roles in Final Placements 2012. RBS and Morgan Stanley made maximum plum-job offers (PPOs) at IIMA this year. IIMB, which is giving IIMA a run for its money in every sphere of comparison, hosted UBS on campus for Final Placements 2012 offering Equities Derivatives profile, and it was the only campus to do so. UBS offered PPOs at IIMB as well. Goldman Sachs continued making highest number of offers at IIMB this year as well. Blackstone group as usual recruited only from IIMB. Coming to IIMC, touted as the best in finance, saw Bank of America &ndash;Merrill Lynch offering middle office risk management profile exclusively in Final Placements. Notably, the Sovereign Wealth Fund from Malaysia recruited exclusively as well. Yet, placements at IIMC were conspicuous with the absence of Credit Suisse, J P Morgan, UBS or HSBC. What more Deutsche Bank (Front Office roles based out of London, New York) , apparently offering crore+ salary, gives the &ldquo;Fin&rdquo; campus a miss and recruits from the top two IIMs only. Clearwater Capital Partners, which picked up summer interns from IIMA, IIMB &amp; IIMC offered a PPO at IIMC only. Similarly, Jacob Ballas offered PPO only to an IIMC student despite picking up interns from IIMB as well. IIMB reportedly hosted 4 PEs during laterals and finals, in addition to Blackstone. IIMA too hosted a couple of PEs this year. World Quant, an asset management firm, made offers at IIMA and nowhere else. Rothschild made PPOs at IIMA and IIMC but not IIMB. So did Credit Suisse. Duferco group and Encore Capital recruited only from IIMB. Capital One recruited only from IIMB and IIMC, all for Dallas office. American Express and Deutsche Bank CIB visited IIMB and IIMC only making more offers at IIMB than IIMC. The cohort issues of IIMA have seen firms like ICICI Bank and American Express not visiting the Mecca of Management. Indian Banks Avendus Capital and o3 Capital visited only IIMB while Edelweiss recruited only from IIMC. Rest of the firms by and large visited all the three campuses making more or less similar number of offers. Let us now come to Consulting, another most-sought after sector. While Mckinsey, Boston Consulting Group, Bain and A T Kearney visited all the three campuses, Booz, Global e-Procure, Redseer Consulting recruited only from IIMA and IIMB. Oliver Wyman recruited exclusively from IIMA for New York posting, Arthur D Little recruited only from IIMB for Dubai posting while Zurich Financial Services recruited only from IIMC for New York and Zurich offices. Among others Siemens Management Consulting, PRTM Consulting, ZS Associates, Diamond Consulting recruited only from IIMB. Another top tier management consulting firm participated in the placement process at IIMA and IIMB but the process was not completed. It is a matter of pride that Indian B-Schools are cracking such top tier consulting firms which otherwise recruit only from top tier US B-Schools. Accenture Management Consulting recruited in large numbers from IIMA and IIMB. Deloitte Consulting recruited in double digit numbers from IIMB. Opera Consulting and TSMG chose to visit only IIMA and IIMC but not IIMB. Rest of the firms were pretty much there at all the three campuses.

20 Apr 2012, 06.40 PM

+Read Replies (2)


How many offers did the big banks make at IIMA in the final placements?

21 Apr 2012, 11.49 AM |



21 Apr 2012, 03.32 PM |


With due respect to the above post, I wouldn&#039;t have liked to get into this mud-slinging war. There is a lot of history to everything and needs to be taken with a pinch of salt. I&#039;m amused at my friend&#039;s references of the top two IIMs. If it makes you happy, please go ahead and claim the position. However, some more facts need to be presented: 1) Goldman Sachs did not visit IIM B during the final placements for their trading/markets role. The offers made at IIM B were only for mid-office roles (on Day zero) and back office roles (on Day One). 2) UBS made maximum number of PPOs to IIMC (this is repeated year on year). In fact, IIM B was dropped altogether as a campus by UBS during the summer placements of 2013. 3) Credit Suisse made maximum number of PPOs at IIM C for their front-end roles (plum jobs as my friend would call them). However, no one from the 2012 batch of IIM B would be joining Credit Suisse for their front end I-banking or Trading roles. Not sure about the back-end roles. At this point, I must point out IIM B does get a lot of back-end roles as compared to the other campuses. So, if that&#039;s your thing, maybe IIM B is a better choice for you. 4) Apart from the Sovereign Wealth Fund, there were three other PE firms which participated in the placement process at IIM C. However, none of them made offers and hence, haven&#039;t been reported. Similar was the case with IIM B. 5) Duferco Group participated at IIM C as well. Since there were no offers, it hasn&#039;t been mentioned in the Placement Report. 6) Indian I-banks like Avendus Capital and o3 Capital have a CTC of 14L. I&#039;m not sure why they are being discussed if we want to talk of only &quot;plum-job&quot; offers. 7) Rothschild, too, made PPOs at IIM A and IIM C only. 8) Jacob Ballas skipped IIM B for their summer placements and wouldn&#039;t be going this year (2014) as well (credible sources). 9) HSBC made only one PPO across IIMs and that too, at IIM C. Since the PPO was made for the HK desk, the desk decided to visit IIM A and IIM B to maintain hiring across the three campuses. 10) &quot;What more Deutsche Bank (Front Office roles based out of London, New York) , apparently offering crore+ salary, gives the &ldquo;Fin&rdquo; campus a miss and recruits from the top two IIMs only.&quot; - This was the case for the batch of 2o12, but for the batch of 2013, Deutsche Bank realized their mistake and one person from the 2013 batch of IIM C is interning with Deutsche Bank (London). I&#039;m not sure if anyone from IIM B has been selected this year. 11) When it comes to consulting, IIM C has hosted all these companies in the recent past. Arthur D Little recruited from the 2011 batch, so did Oliver Wyman. However, Zurcih Financial Services is special - this was the first time one of the biggest and most-reputed groups in the financial services industry decided to hire for the first time in Asia. Guess which campus they visited? 12) Accenture Management Consulting made 11 offers at IIM C, which is certainly not a small number. I do not know of the numbers at IIM A and B, hence refrain from making any statement. 13) Opera Consulting went for their back-office role at IIM B (Analytics division), but offered front end roles at both IIM A and IIM C. 14) Global e-Procure picked up a couple of students from IIM C during summer placements for the batch of 2013.

21 Apr 2012, 12.42 AM

+Read Replies (6)


All I can say is, learn to accept that not all companies that visit other campuses are going to visit your campus. IIM ABC are great in all respects. The Placements at all the three campuses are similar, if not same. If anyone from the three campuses says that &quot;We are the best in placements&quot;, my suggestion will be to take that statement with a pinch of salt, may be a bucket of salt. 80 to 90 % of the opportunities available at all the three campuses are the same. At the same time, some firms will be unique to each of the three campuses. Regarding investment banks, most offers made at IIM ABC are for front office roles. Each of the campuses has its own set of &quot;Equity Research&quot; roles which are not front office jobs. But the point is, each campus get such roles as well. If one company makes more offers at A, another company will make more offers at B, and another at three. Its indeed sad to see graduates/students of such elite institutes come and speak ill about the other campuses. Show some amount of maturity.

21 Apr 2012, 11.55 AM |


Here in this thread I thought we were supposed to speak only about this year&rsquo;s placements. May be you did not have any sufficient points, so you started speaking about the past. Never mind. Also regarding the top two IIMs &ndash; Well, external, independent third parties claim that IIMC is behind IIMA and IIMB. I am simply reiterating the same. 1) Goldman Sachs (IBD/Securities) seldom visits any campus for final placements. This year they did not. However, last year however GS (IBD/Securities) visited IIMA and IIMB during final placements. They chose to give IIMC a miss. This year, the GS (Quantitative Trading) visited both B and C for quantitative associate role. Regarding summer placements, I think the number of locations at which IIMB interns are spending their term is higher than the total hires by GS at IIMC. Talking about numbers, GS hired 8 interns for front office roles based out of Mumbai, London, HK and Singapore. Additionally, two more were hired for Equity Research profile based out of Bangalore. How many did they hire in all at IIMC during summers? 2? 2) Yes UBS did not visit IIMB during summers. On similar lines, they visited only IIMB during finals, not IIMC or IIMA. And that too for a FRONT OFFICE, Equities Derivatives profile based out of HK. 3) Yup, no one from IIMB would join Credit Suisse this year... I did mention that, didn&rsquo;t I? Similarly no one from IIMC will Citi Global (HK) this year, isn&rsquo;t it? 4) Regarding Avendus, o 3 Capital at B or Edelweiss at C &ndash; Actually I did not want to make a mention of it. But what can I do? When your Slot Zero count (108 this year) includes firms such as Edelweiss, ICICI Bank, JM Financial, I have no other option but to include Avendus and o 3 Capital which pay a fixed component of 17 and 14 LPA respectively. And one of your reports also mentions &ldquo;Slot Zero Finance firms pay 30-40 LPA for domestic positions&rdquo; Yeah right! ICICI, Edelweiss, JM Financial pay 30-40 LPA - in your dreams! 5) Quite true about HSBC. Regarding Deutsche Bank, again true &ndash; Only IIMA and IIMB students got the plum crore+ offers this year. No one from C will be joining. And yes, DB recruited from IIMA and IIMB from its two most favourite campuses i.e. IIMA and IIMB. 6) Regarding consulting firms, it is indeed an achievement that IIMC hosted ZFS. However the fact remains, none from IIMC will join Arthur D Little, Oliver Wyman, SMC, PRTM, Diamond, RB, Global e-Procure this year as none of these companies visited IIMC in the first place. Opera did not visit IIMB for any role my friend. 7) Regarding PE firms, well, just have a look at the IIMB and IIMC reports on summers and you would get the difference between the two.

21 Apr 2012, 05.26 PM |


Well, I can write another long post and come up with 15 more points. The fact remains the three campuses are among the best in the country (placements wise) and I felt the way you had presented it was slightly unfair to C. Hence, I wrote a few more facts. I&#039;m very sorry my post insinuated such a reaction from you. The &quot;Fin campus&quot; is a tag which &quot;external independent third parties&quot; have given us - partly due to the placements and partly due to some very senior faculty who have been part of the institution for many years now. If any aspirant is reading this, please make an informed choice between A, B and C. Talk to the current students, reach out to them over calls, facebook, city meets etc. Cheers!

21 Apr 2012, 06.14 PM |


What is RB? &quot;that IIMC hosted ZFS. However the fact remains, none from IIMC will join Arthur D Little, Oliver Wyman, SMC, PRTM, Diamond, RB, Global e-Procure this&quot;

21 Apr 2012, 11.37 PM |

Ex Jokar

Here in this thread you were supposed only to focus on placements of this year and only the placements of IIMC. You started comparisons didn&#039;t you and you expect to have bounded discussions as per your convenience. Either you follow the norms or you do not . Can you explain what was the need to produce a comparison of Slot 0 firms that too a fudged and twisted one? Anyhow you may carry on if this makes you relatively less restless and fuming on the IIMC process getting over in 4 days.. @ Jokar I understand your passion. Just a request, ignore this user. I know him pretty well. Just do not want to blow his cover. He is obsessed with IIMC placements. He has done such fudged and unsuccessful comparisons in the past 2 as well. Not just in this forum but other forums too. Just that he used his original name that time but after getting battered each time he has decided to maintain his name a &#039;raaz&#039; (secret). Anyhow the point is let him remain obsessed. Even after passing out this year from South he is inclined to carry on with his &#039;Unsuccess&#039; story. Let him do that! I think no one gives a damn to his analysis and his b schools reports which have been so contradictory in the past. @Inside(r)IIM You can carry on with your job and keep exposing yourself. But just and advise, this obsession won&#039;t lead you anywhere. Else keep visiting this space 6 months from now IIMC summers report will come out.

22 Apr 2012, 05.15 PM |


1)25 February, 2012: IIMC announces conclusion of placements. 423 offers, 130 lateral offers, 35 international offers. <a href="http://(" rel="nofollow">(</a> 2)19 March 2012: IIMB announces conclusion of placements. 423 offers, 124 lateral offers, 43 international offers <a href="http://(" rel="nofollow">(</a> 3)16 April 2012: IIMC&rsquo;s placement report on PG. 423 offers, 124 laterals, 43 international offers. 4)IIMC officials say that there may be another round of revision in IIMC&rsquo;s international offers. After IIMA&rsquo;s report&rsquo;s is out :D

21 Apr 2012, 10.44 AM |


IIMC people have some real inferiority complex it seems. But it seems (according to Jokar) all offers made in IIMB are back end ones and all front end offers are made at IIMC (with a few given to IIM A). I wonder if people (across all IIM A,B,C) who actually get these &quot;plum&quot; offers ever come on any board and boast. Basking in reflected glory is always nice isnt it?

21 Apr 2012, 10.22 AM

+Read Replies (1)


I think the posts by both Insider and Jokar are similar in nature. Only that Jokar presented some more facts that were given a miss for whatever reason!

21 Apr 2012, 11.55 AM |


Oh ganging up by IIMC has begun... Welcome, Nishant sahab... Aaap ki hi kami thi.... Now, IIMC will be at par with Harvard, perhaps IIMC will be the face of the Earth in the Universe....

21 Apr 2012, 12.28 PM

+Read Replies (1)


I guess not going off topic would help matters.

21 Apr 2012, 01.27 PM |


@Neutral Equity Research is not really a back office job. You can say that it would have slightly lesser client interaction than sales/trading.

21 Apr 2012, 03.07 PM

+Read Replies (1)


If that is the case, then Goldman Sachs (Equity Research) visits IIMB, (in addition to the front office &quot;plum&quot; offers which are given out in large numbers), which should not be classified as &quot;a really back office job&quot;.

21 Apr 2012, 05.34 PM |


25 February, 2012: IIMC announces conclusion of placements. 423 offers, 130 lateral offers, 35 international offers. 19 March 2012: IIMB announces conclusion of placements. 423 offers, 124 lateral offers, 43 international offers 16 April 2012: IIMC&rsquo;s placement report on PG. 423 offers, 124 laterals, 43 international offers. Source: Comments Section of Pagalguy on IIMC Placements 2012 @IIMC gang: Could you please elaborate on this increase in international offers from 35 to 43? To me it seems like you guys have tried to match up with the numbers thrown by IIMB. I mean we are talking of the best B-Schools in the country. We certainly do not expect such misrepresentation from the leading B-Schools of the country? Any explanations?

21 Apr 2012, 10.04 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Citi bajane wala

You have done half the job. Will you also copy paste the reply to this comment mentioned over there?

22 Apr 2012, 05.21 PM |


Oversight of not counting 7 lateral offers (Middle East based) and one Credit Suisse PPO received during a very hectic time (two days before placements). Nothing much to read into. The laterals offer were always 130 - except for one CNBC article which was done one week before the lateral placements ended. P.S. - There is no &quot;gang&quot;. It&#039;s the Tribe of Joka!

21 Apr 2012, 10.44 PM


Dear Whistleblower, The number of international offers earlier reported was incorrect as they only showed the number of &#039;accepted&#039; offers. Hope this makes it clear to you. Now that you point this out, let me give you a few links which will keep you interested (and your mouth shut) for some time. The school in the west: YEAR 1: Newspaper: ET Amount claimed: Rs 1.44 Cr <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Clarification: own blog <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Year 2: Newspaper: ET Amount claimed: Rs. 1.5 Cr <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Clarification: own blog <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Year 3: Newspaper: TOI (ET&#039;s pg3 cousin, as amount claimed was lower) Amount claimed: Rs. 1.0 Cr <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Clarification: own blog :P <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> And guess why they put up a &#039;clarification post&#039;? Because the I-Banks they named in their reports got back to them.

21 Apr 2012, 11.01 PM


Why was my comment deleted?

21 Apr 2012, 11.08 PM


Was the sovereign wealth fund Temasek?

21 Apr 2012, 11.18 PM

+Read Replies (1)


Mention karna hota to kar hi diya hota! :)

21 Apr 2012, 11.20 PM |


@confused: We neither confirm nor deny that. There is a NDA which prevents us from doing this.

21 Apr 2012, 11.20 PM


@whistleblower: Now for the southern one — <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> The above article came out 2 days before the final placements of B began (that is, after their laterals ended). <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> The above article came out about 3-4 days before the lateral placements of the college ended. Note the number of lateral offers in both these articles (the first one says 96 and the second one 100) which means they both corroborate each other. Now, check this out (which came after the report of IIMC comes out) – <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> LOL .. trying to match up numbers with C Hope you had enough enjoyment Now, I would actually like to give your statement back to you — " To me it seems like you guys have tried to match up with the numbers thrown by IIMC. I mean we are talking of the best B-Schools in the country. We certainly do not expect such misrepresentation from the leading B-Schools of the country?"

21 Apr 2012, 11.25 PM


Asking coz I got into IIM-C and will be joining this year. I guess I will find out after joining :P.

21 Apr 2012, 11.28 PM


Btw what kind of people get selected in for first round interviews by PE firms? It seems pretty random as I have seen people with IT experience get in and people with 0 exp also get in (from A/B/C. Hence confused.

21 Apr 2012, 11.33 PM


as an aspirant.After going through some comments saying IIMC Gang, i feel there is a IIMB gang as well and IIM A gang as well. and in this post i feel IIMB gang came 1st then IIM C gang next. and in IIMC Summer placements article B gang had more posts than C gang.Now its amptly clear to me which b school students are having an INFERIORITY complex.

22 Apr 2012, 12.03 AM

+Read Replies (5)

Ex Jokar

And that inferiority complex is for a reason. If you check some earlier threads in this forum and other forums you will get to know more

22 Apr 2012, 05.24 PM |


This trend of IIMB inferiority has actually started since last year from when IIMB is ranked 3rd and IIMC at 2nd.

23 Apr 2012, 12.14 PM |

Neutral Junta

I dont know if your are from IIMC and your English doesn&#039;t suggest so. Does a single rank matter at all ?? Many rankings put IIMB first in the list even above A and many put C above B. But in any case , ABC are the best and that&#039;s how it should be. Comparison between ABC is futile in the sense that it doesn&#039;t serve much purpose. Any good candidate would love to have a convert from either of these colleges and a multiple convert from these colleges(gen category) is a dream come true for anyone.

23 Apr 2012, 02.23 PM |


&quot;as an ASPIRANT&quot; :) :D :P

23 Apr 2012, 02.29 PM |

Biased Junta

Your point is fine. But the thing is why did you say: &quot;I dont know if your are from IIMC and your English doesn&#039;t suggest so. &quot; Personal attack was none whatsoever required. So was the mention of his being an iimcian or not. This only helps in proving the point made on inferiority complex

23 Apr 2012, 08.47 PM |

Neutral Junta

I am earnestly sorry for that if that hurt you. What I meant was , that in our obsession to comment about something we sometimes forget what we are writing. PS : I am not from ABC...just a neutral junta as my name says.

23 Apr 2012, 09.49 PM


How many people recruited by Fin companies were placed abroad ? A company wise breakup would be great!

14 May 2012, 04.23 PM


Here is the icing on the cake my dear friend... 1)25 February, 2012: IIMC announces conclusion of placements. 423 offers, 130 lateral offers, 35 international offers. <a href="http://(" rel="nofollow">(</a> 2)19 March 2012: IIMB announces conclusion of placements. 423 offers, 124 lateral offers, 43 international offers <a href="http://(" rel="nofollow">(</a> 3)16 April 2012: IIMC&rsquo;s placement report on PG. 423 offers, 124 laterals, 43 international offers. 4)IIMC officials say that there may be another round of revision in IIMC&rsquo;s international offers. After IIMA&rsquo;s report is out :D Speaks alot on credibility and ethics my dear friend.... And the post above speaks about the opportunities available for the Class of 2012. Why speak about the past opportunities at IIMC.. Lets talk about the Class of 2012 friend. Goldman did not visit any campus for the regular front office roles in final placements this year. And in case they do visit, they visit A and B only, e.g Class of 2011 my friend. UBS may have made more PPOs, however they chose to visit IIMB only for finals.... You are right, CS did not make any PPOs at B. Rothschild also did not.. But I mentioned it, didn&#039;t I? I mentioned about o3 and Avendus visiting B, but I did mention about Edelweiss visiting C as well.. Agreed I should have skipped mentioning all of them... Opera actually did not visit B for any role... Do not know where that information came from... And the fact remains Credit Suisse, JP Morgan, HSBC, UBS, Arthur D Little, Oliwer did not visit C this finals (They went to either A or B).. Nor did Global e-Procure, Booz, ZS, PRTM, SMC... And yes DB offered PPOs to A and B as it picked up interns from these two campuses only.... And yes, fyi, DB took summer interns from A and B, its two most favorite campuses, this year too And regarding Jacob Ballas visiting B, lets see.. But even if they do not visit; IIMB has an impressive line of PE firms which only IIMB (Some visit IIMA also) but none visits C... Go through the summer placement reports you will get to know, Jokar.... feel free to ask any questions...

21 Apr 2012, 10.37 AM

+Read Replies (1)


I don&#039;t understand your need to come out and talk about IIM B&#039;s placement on IIM C&#039;s placement thread. What are you trying to achieve by doing this? Do you not have anything else to do with your life? I pity your existence in this world.

25 May 2012, 11.43 AM |


Was anyone from A/B/C with no pre-MBA work experience given any international placement?

31 May 2012, 07.18 PM

+Read Replies (1)



1 Jun 2012, 01.00 AM |

IIM Student Preethi

In this article, I came across this sentence &quot;...Only IIM Ahmedabad and IIM Calcutta and to a small extent ISB Hyderabad are in the same league.&quot; My remark for the above statement is that , please don&#039;t insult other 11 IIMs by comparing it with ISB, to compare other IIMs with an ISB is like insulting IIM brand. Another statement says &#039;&quot; ... I guess its IIM -ABC and the rest&quot;&quot; , my reply to this statement is that other 10 IIM also follow the same syllabus as IIM-ABC and share its brand and so other IIM&#039;s should not fall into the rest of the colleges category. I feel the articles in this site is always biased towards IIM-ABC and is also probably written by some studying at ABC so they don&#039;t realised that also other IIM are equally good and sophisticated.

12 Dec 2012, 03.55 PM


This is my first visit to and I am wondering why there is a cold war about the placement going on between the people..I never saw a report which talks about the infrastructure or learning or the number of entrepreneurs produced by these campuses. Each and every campus in the race to come out with the best placement stats.I am a techie from one of the finest Tech schools in out country and all of these engineering campuses are heading towards the same number war.Quality of students has gone down significantly.These inflated placement reports make student pursue these courses&gt;Engineering and Management should be interest driven not Placements.Placement standard adopted by IIMA is fair though.That highlights the placements stats in much better way with some level of credibility.So the first question which comes to my mind is it worth pursuing MBA? I found a nice article<a href="" rel="nofollow"> discussing MBA as a better future prospect? Thanx</a>

2 Jan 2013, 12.58 PM

+Read Replies (1)


A very pertinent point. However, it is not just these B-Schools which are to blame. What is the media doing? The media feeds us with such placement reports. Have not seen any comprehensive reports on faculty quality, infrastructure, research at these elite schools anywhere (not even here on this site for that matter). Placements are very important and as such deserve the media coverage.But equally important are other factors such as faculty quality, infrastructure, research. The media needs to cover those elements as well.

2 Jan 2013, 02.04 PM |

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I think IIM C always declares the average pay. dint they give you guys those details or dint you guys as for it.? Looking at number of FIN firms here and the diverse profiles they offer just dont leave any doubt who&#039;s the boss as far as finance is concerned. The slight problem i feel here is that its FIN placements are so awesome that they kind of dwarf other placements and give out a signal that placements in other streams as equally good if not better and comparable to any B-School in india.This is what makes it trully remarkable.

14 Apr 2012, 07.46 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Team InsideIIM

We had asked for it. But we don&#039;t push institutes for average salaries if they do not wish to publish it. Unless there is a standard methodology of comparing it, there is no point. And we believe IIM A&#039;s IPRS format is good. Unless everyone adopts it, its pointless comparing apples to oranges.

14 Apr 2012, 08.02 PM |


This looks awesome and its not hard to imagine why IIM C is known as the &#039;finance campus&#039; of India and arguably the best in placements. Though L is trying very hard but its apparent that its hard to break into the elite league - ABC. I hope I can get into either of these three next year. Congratulations to the placement team btw!

14 Apr 2012, 07.47 PM

+Read Replies (1)

IIM Student Preethi

Not just the elite league of ABC , but its tough to get into any of the 10 IIM. I&#039;ve come across some people who got rejected by IIM Ranchi but got into IIM-C.

12 Dec 2012, 03.38 PM |


I would love to know the profile of the student who got through Genpact as &#039;Assistant Vice President of Sales&#039;. The report is quite exhaustive with respect to profiles offered. But, if the aspirants get to know the pre-MBA profile of the students who got into super-awesome profiles, that would help the aspirant set their expectations better. And the guys getting into PE must be having awesome pre-MBA work-ex, perhaps, an Analyst/Associate in Foreign IBs. Can any IIM-C guy share some insights here ??

14 Apr 2012, 11.04 PM

+Read Replies (3)


That person has 10 years industry experience and has worked couple of years for Genpact before if I recall correctly.

14 Apr 2012, 11.45 PM |


The one who got AVP role in Genpact dint join.He joined Schneider Electric as Associate General Manager.

16 Apr 2012, 04.14 PM |


i know the guy who got AVP sales in genpact, his name is Prem Kumar (search on PG with user name &quot;prem_ravi&quot;). He had around 10 years experience in software sales. he later joined schneider electric as general manager or something

22 Apr 2012, 03.20 AM |


@dinesh - Assure you that the placements in the other streams apart from Finance are great too. @MAK - It's not necessarily true that those who get into PEs have work experience in IBs. In fact, none of the guys who got into PEs have an experience in IBs :) There are various things which firms look in when assessing your profile.

15 Apr 2012, 12.15 AM

+Read Replies (3)


@Wonderkid: thanks for the reply. I know the placements in other stream are great as well as a placecomm member is my Close friend and i get a lot of info from him. What i was saying was that Fin placements are so awesome that they over shadow the placements in the other streams even though they are eqully good if not better.. and which kind of sends out the signal that they arent that gud which isnt the case. anyways: Congrats for the placecomm team. Awesome work guys.

15 Apr 2012, 12.23 AM |


Oh. Sorry, I interpreted that incorrectly :)

15 Apr 2012, 02.43 AM |


Hey wonderkid, What are some of the &#039;various thing&#039; which PE firms look at when assessing your profile?

13 May 2012, 02.32 AM |


If I&#039;m not mistaken, IBM had made the highest number of offers at C (28), while the report mentions it as Microsoft. Can someone from Cal clarify? Also Team InsideIIM, I find you classifying the profile offered by Cognizant (CBC, to be precise) across the top B Schools sometimes under the &#039;Business Consulting&#039; category &amp; sometimes as &#039;IT Consulting&#039;. On the other hand a similar profile, like the one offered by AMC, is always under the &#039;Business Consulting&#039; category. Can you please the reasoning behind this?

15 Apr 2012, 12.57 AM


@Sonu The wording of that line is slightly incorrect - It meant to say that Microsoft has not made more offers at any other top B-School (So, maximum for Microsoft).

15 Apr 2012, 02.40 AM


Reaffirms that in the Indian context it&#039;s ABC and the rest

15 Apr 2012, 12.49 PM

+Read Replies (1)

IIM Student Preethi

It&#039;s not &#039;...ABC and the rest&#039;&#039; , there are 10 other IIM&#039;s and it should also be included as part of the IIM banner. The other IIMs also get good placements and so pls don&#039;t include it with the &#039;rest&quot;&#039;

12 Dec 2012, 03.42 PM |


It has to be the alumni effect. Knowing that a huge chunk of the best talent is already placed, why would some companies still visit IIM ABC? They&#039;d rather go to IIM LIK,XLRI and FMS. Find it difficult to understand the logic. I am sure rank 1 to 30 at these institutes are better than rank 250 at IIM ABC. It has to be the nepotism of alums I think other institutes have not been successful at educating companies.

15 Apr 2012, 02.01 PM

+Read Replies (2)

Neutral Junta

With the advent of online CAT there is a very thin line of margin between getting a good percentile and you can miss the cutoffs because normalization of the slot. In real life you can take the live example like where two toppers in a section might be rank 1 but in reality one might be 90% and the other might be 80%. So in no way an average ABC guy is superior to one from LIK or XL or FMS or any other good college. Nepotism of alums is the sole reason why big consulting firms and Ibanks continue to recruit in double digits from ABC and dont even visit other campuses. Even if they visit they take only 3-4 people which is really sad.

15 Apr 2012, 08.50 PM |


Also, just think about it from the perspective of companies. You are an i-bank and want to hire maybe 6 people. Why would you want to visit every campus? - the ROI will be very low. Hence, you limit yourself to a few campuses. And why they choose CAB - it&#039;s because of the alums (Largest for C, then A and then B -&gt; placements generally follow this order). Another reason I can think of is continuing a long-standing relationship which firms develop over years with a campus and of course, the brand value of these institutes.

16 Apr 2012, 01.27 AM |


Well, you are right. You cannot say that ABC guys are superior to LIK. Such comparisons infact are baseless. However, its the brand that distinguishes ABC from the rest. For sure, all companies (iBanks and Consults included) would want to associate themselves with the top three brands of country, and would not want to dilute it. The crop that they get is good enough with an awesome brand. That is enough for them.

15 Apr 2012, 08.58 PM

+Read Replies (2)

Neutral Junta

It would have made sense to say that the crop they get is good enough from ABC had it been a few years ago ( When there was paper pencil CAT and common paper). However now with the advent of online CAT its not the same anymore. To some extent I would say that ABC gets very good guys as some studs only have the whims to join only ABC and nothing else. Also please dont talk about brand dilution.Its only in the mind. There are many good guys in non IIM ABC institutes and IIM itself is a very good brand.Infact there are a few profs who are IIM Alumni&#039;s from ABC who only write IIM in their profiles ( not ABC).Moreover In a country with 50% quota how can you say that a gen guy at non IIM ABC is bad as compared to non general guy at ABC.Just because of nepotism of a few big companies there has been slow progress of the other IIM&#039;s. However I am sure it will change soon.

16 Apr 2012, 03.19 PM |


I wouldn&#039;t call it nepotism. Its the choice of a company to be associated with a bigger brand. Signalling effect. These bulge bracket banks and top consults have an elitist culture and thus have an inclination towards recruiting only from the top campuses(read ABC and ISB).And as mentioned earlier, why would they want to increase their pain by visiting so many campuses and picking the best 1-2 from each when their established practice is doing good for them.

24 Apr 2012, 03.52 AM |


Undoubtedly, as far as international offers are concerned, there is no doubt that C continues its legacy..... One of the best indian b schools no doubt on that, if not the best... However, i dont understand why there is this over emphasis on the i banks and pe hires as against the newer emerging job hires......not everyone bags a 30 lac offer.... what about the below average guy at C? What does he/she have to make do with? How bad is a poor offer at C? What are th least preferred jobs at C Placements?

16 Apr 2012, 04.20 PM

+Read Replies (2)


Least preferred in order are 1. NGO 2. PSU 3. Corporate HR And this is the truth for all B Schools in India be it even XLRI where PMIR people opt for HR consult and general management profiles as opposed to corporate HR.

16 Apr 2012, 04.46 PM |


Dunno where you got this information from, but more than half of the HRM batch (the erstwhile PMIR program) at XLRI opt for corporate HR roles at MNCs which sometimes are much more lucrative in terms of work-life balance rather than &quot;some of the consulting firms&quot; which offer an extremely hectic life.

16 Apr 2012, 05.12 PM |


Well may be I am wrong. But I based my statement on the fact that almost all HRs that visit campus for recruitment(of top notch companies) say MBA from some not so good colleges.

16 Apr 2012, 06.00 PM

+Read Replies (2)


I can only say from XLRI&#039;s perspective. Most of the HRs which came during summers were from XLRI only :)

16 Apr 2012, 07.41 PM |


Just to add to Rito&#039;s point even the top HR generalists and specialists of the organization I&#039;m interning at are also from top colleges like IIM&#039;s and XLRI

17 Apr 2012, 05.29 PM |


<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Avg salary : 7.5 lacs.. True?

20 Apr 2012, 11.45 AM

+Read Replies (3)

Abhinav Agrawal

Isn&#039;t it self-contradictory? In the same sentence they have mentioned 30-40 lacs for banks, etc. Last year the avg was &gt;17 lakhs, obviously its not going to drop this much.I think this was typo.

20 Apr 2012, 03.51 PM |


It need not be a depends on what went into the calculation...if u ignore joining/relocation/retention/performance bonus and variable component........well the average figure could be true.....but it will be much worse for other iims..........

20 Apr 2012, 09.55 PM |


&quot;IIM-C, has recently placed a record size batch of 463 students with average salaries of Rs 7.5 lakhs.&quot; 1) The batch size is not 463. 2) The average salary is not 7.5 lakhs.

21 Apr 2012, 12.51 AM |


The gulf between ABC and the rest is quite clear. So now let us look at ABC in particular, identifying the similarities and differences among them as far as placements are concerned. Let us look at sector wise placements and how did ABC fair across them. Since the difference usually exists in slot zero firms visiting these campuses, I&rsquo;ll restrict my analysis only to such firms. Let us start with Finance. IIMA, the mecca of management, saw exclusive participation from bulge bracket I-Banks such as Credit Suisse, J P Morgan and HSBC offering front office IBD/Markets roles in Final Placements 2012. RBS and Morgan Stanley made maximum plum-job offers (PPOs) at IIMA this year. IIMB, which is giving IIMA a run for its money in every sphere of comparison, hosted UBS on campus for Final Placements 2012 offering Equities Derivatives profile, and it was the only campus to do so. UBS offered PPOs at IIMB as well. Goldman Sachs continued making highest number of offers at IIMB this year as well. Blackstone group as usual recruited only from IIMB. Coming to IIMC, touted as the best in finance, saw Bank of America &ndash;Merrill Lynch offering middle office risk management profile exclusively in Final Placements. Notably, the Sovereign Wealth Fund from Malaysia recruited exclusively as well. Yet, placements at IIMC were conspicuous with the absence of Credit Suisse, J P Morgan, UBS or HSBC. What more Deutsche Bank (Front Office roles based out of London, New York) , apparently offering crore+ salary, gives the &ldquo;Fin&rdquo; campus a miss and recruits from the top two IIMs only. Clearwater Capital Partners, which picked up summer interns from IIMA, IIMB &amp; IIMC offered a PPO at IIMC only. Similarly, Jacob Ballas offered PPO only to an IIMC student despite picking up interns from IIMB as well. IIMB reportedly hosted 4 PEs during laterals and finals, in addition to Blackstone. IIMA too hosted a couple of PEs this year. World Quant, an asset management firm, made offers at IIMA and nowhere else. Rothschild made PPOs at IIMA and IIMC but not IIMB. So did Credit Suisse. Duferco group and Encore Capital recruited only from IIMB. Capital One recruited only from IIMB and IIMC, all for Dallas office. American Express and Deutsche Bank CIB visited IIMB and IIMC only making more offers at IIMB than IIMC. The cohort issues of IIMA have seen firms like ICICI Bank and American Express not visiting the Mecca of Management. Indian Banks Avendus Capital and o3 Capital visited only IIMB while Edelweiss recruited only from IIMC. Rest of the firms by and large visited all the three campuses making more or less similar number of offers. Let us now come to Consulting, another most-sought after sector. While Mckinsey, Boston Consulting Group, Bain and A T Kearney visited all the three campuses, Booz, Global e-Procure, Redseer Consulting recruited only from IIMA and IIMB. Oliver Wyman recruited exclusively from IIMA for New York posting, Arthur D Little recruited only from IIMB for Dubai posting while Zurich Financial Services recruited only from IIMC for New York and Zurich offices. Among others Siemens Management Consulting, PRTM Consulting, ZS Associates, Diamond Consulting recruited only from IIMB. Another top tier management consulting firm participated in the placement process at IIMA and IIMB but the process was not completed. It is a matter of pride that Indian B-Schools are cracking such top tier consulting firms which otherwise recruit only from top tier US B-Schools. Accenture Management Consulting recruited in large numbers from IIMA and IIMB. Deloitte Consulting recruited in double digit numbers from IIMB. Opera Consulting and TSMG chose to visit only IIMA and IIMC but not IIMB. Rest of the firms were pretty much there at all the three campuses.

20 Apr 2012, 06.40 PM

+Read Replies (2)


How many offers did the big banks make at IIMA in the final placements?

21 Apr 2012, 11.49 AM |



21 Apr 2012, 03.32 PM |


With due respect to the above post, I wouldn&#039;t have liked to get into this mud-slinging war. There is a lot of history to everything and needs to be taken with a pinch of salt. I&#039;m amused at my friend&#039;s references of the top two IIMs. If it makes you happy, please go ahead and claim the position. However, some more facts need to be presented: 1) Goldman Sachs did not visit IIM B during the final placements for their trading/markets role. The offers made at IIM B were only for mid-office roles (on Day zero) and back office roles (on Day One). 2) UBS made maximum number of PPOs to IIMC (this is repeated year on year). In fact, IIM B was dropped altogether as a campus by UBS during the summer placements of 2013. 3) Credit Suisse made maximum number of PPOs at IIM C for their front-end roles (plum jobs as my friend would call them). However, no one from the 2012 batch of IIM B would be joining Credit Suisse for their front end I-banking or Trading roles. Not sure about the back-end roles. At this point, I must point out IIM B does get a lot of back-end roles as compared to the other campuses. So, if that&#039;s your thing, maybe IIM B is a better choice for you. 4) Apart from the Sovereign Wealth Fund, there were three other PE firms which participated in the placement process at IIM C. However, none of them made offers and hence, haven&#039;t been reported. Similar was the case with IIM B. 5) Duferco Group participated at IIM C as well. Since there were no offers, it hasn&#039;t been mentioned in the Placement Report. 6) Indian I-banks like Avendus Capital and o3 Capital have a CTC of 14L. I&#039;m not sure why they are being discussed if we want to talk of only &quot;plum-job&quot; offers. 7) Rothschild, too, made PPOs at IIM A and IIM C only. 8) Jacob Ballas skipped IIM B for their summer placements and wouldn&#039;t be going this year (2014) as well (credible sources). 9) HSBC made only one PPO across IIMs and that too, at IIM C. Since the PPO was made for the HK desk, the desk decided to visit IIM A and IIM B to maintain hiring across the three campuses. 10) &quot;What more Deutsche Bank (Front Office roles based out of London, New York) , apparently offering crore+ salary, gives the &ldquo;Fin&rdquo; campus a miss and recruits from the top two IIMs only.&quot; - This was the case for the batch of 2o12, but for the batch of 2013, Deutsche Bank realized their mistake and one person from the 2013 batch of IIM C is interning with Deutsche Bank (London). I&#039;m not sure if anyone from IIM B has been selected this year. 11) When it comes to consulting, IIM C has hosted all these companies in the recent past. Arthur D Little recruited from the 2011 batch, so did Oliver Wyman. However, Zurcih Financial Services is special - this was the first time one of the biggest and most-reputed groups in the financial services industry decided to hire for the first time in Asia. Guess which campus they visited? 12) Accenture Management Consulting made 11 offers at IIM C, which is certainly not a small number. I do not know of the numbers at IIM A and B, hence refrain from making any statement. 13) Opera Consulting went for their back-office role at IIM B (Analytics division), but offered front end roles at both IIM A and IIM C. 14) Global e-Procure picked up a couple of students from IIM C during summer placements for the batch of 2013.

21 Apr 2012, 12.42 AM

+Read Replies (6)


All I can say is, learn to accept that not all companies that visit other campuses are going to visit your campus. IIM ABC are great in all respects. The Placements at all the three campuses are similar, if not same. If anyone from the three campuses says that &quot;We are the best in placements&quot;, my suggestion will be to take that statement with a pinch of salt, may be a bucket of salt. 80 to 90 % of the opportunities available at all the three campuses are the same. At the same time, some firms will be unique to each of the three campuses. Regarding investment banks, most offers made at IIM ABC are for front office roles. Each of the campuses has its own set of &quot;Equity Research&quot; roles which are not front office jobs. But the point is, each campus get such roles as well. If one company makes more offers at A, another company will make more offers at B, and another at three. Its indeed sad to see graduates/students of such elite institutes come and speak ill about the other campuses. Show some amount of maturity.

21 Apr 2012, 11.55 AM |


Here in this thread I thought we were supposed to speak only about this year&rsquo;s placements. May be you did not have any sufficient points, so you started speaking about the past. Never mind. Also regarding the top two IIMs &ndash; Well, external, independent third parties claim that IIMC is behind IIMA and IIMB. I am simply reiterating the same. 1) Goldman Sachs (IBD/Securities) seldom visits any campus for final placements. This year they did not. However, last year however GS (IBD/Securities) visited IIMA and IIMB during final placements. They chose to give IIMC a miss. This year, the GS (Quantitative Trading) visited both B and C for quantitative associate role. Regarding summer placements, I think the number of locations at which IIMB interns are spending their term is higher than the total hires by GS at IIMC. Talking about numbers, GS hired 8 interns for front office roles based out of Mumbai, London, HK and Singapore. Additionally, two more were hired for Equity Research profile based out of Bangalore. How many did they hire in all at IIMC during summers? 2? 2) Yes UBS did not visit IIMB during summers. On similar lines, they visited only IIMB during finals, not IIMC or IIMA. And that too for a FRONT OFFICE, Equities Derivatives profile based out of HK. 3) Yup, no one from IIMB would join Credit Suisse this year... I did mention that, didn&rsquo;t I? Similarly no one from IIMC will Citi Global (HK) this year, isn&rsquo;t it? 4) Regarding Avendus, o 3 Capital at B or Edelweiss at C &ndash; Actually I did not want to make a mention of it. But what can I do? When your Slot Zero count (108 this year) includes firms such as Edelweiss, ICICI Bank, JM Financial, I have no other option but to include Avendus and o 3 Capital which pay a fixed component of 17 and 14 LPA respectively. And one of your reports also mentions &ldquo;Slot Zero Finance firms pay 30-40 LPA for domestic positions&rdquo; Yeah right! ICICI, Edelweiss, JM Financial pay 30-40 LPA - in your dreams! 5) Quite true about HSBC. Regarding Deutsche Bank, again true &ndash; Only IIMA and IIMB students got the plum crore+ offers this year. No one from C will be joining. And yes, DB recruited from IIMA and IIMB from its two most favourite campuses i.e. IIMA and IIMB. 6) Regarding consulting firms, it is indeed an achievement that IIMC hosted ZFS. However the fact remains, none from IIMC will join Arthur D Little, Oliver Wyman, SMC, PRTM, Diamond, RB, Global e-Procure this year as none of these companies visited IIMC in the first place. Opera did not visit IIMB for any role my friend. 7) Regarding PE firms, well, just have a look at the IIMB and IIMC reports on summers and you would get the difference between the two.

21 Apr 2012, 05.26 PM |


Well, I can write another long post and come up with 15 more points. The fact remains the three campuses are among the best in the country (placements wise) and I felt the way you had presented it was slightly unfair to C. Hence, I wrote a few more facts. I&#039;m very sorry my post insinuated such a reaction from you. The &quot;Fin campus&quot; is a tag which &quot;external independent third parties&quot; have given us - partly due to the placements and partly due to some very senior faculty who have been part of the institution for many years now. If any aspirant is reading this, please make an informed choice between A, B and C. Talk to the current students, reach out to them over calls, facebook, city meets etc. Cheers!

21 Apr 2012, 06.14 PM |


What is RB? &quot;that IIMC hosted ZFS. However the fact remains, none from IIMC will join Arthur D Little, Oliver Wyman, SMC, PRTM, Diamond, RB, Global e-Procure this&quot;

21 Apr 2012, 11.37 PM |

Ex Jokar

Here in this thread you were supposed only to focus on placements of this year and only the placements of IIMC. You started comparisons didn&#039;t you and you expect to have bounded discussions as per your convenience. Either you follow the norms or you do not . Can you explain what was the need to produce a comparison of Slot 0 firms that too a fudged and twisted one? Anyhow you may carry on if this makes you relatively less restless and fuming on the IIMC process getting over in 4 days.. @ Jokar I understand your passion. Just a request, ignore this user. I know him pretty well. Just do not want to blow his cover. He is obsessed with IIMC placements. He has done such fudged and unsuccessful comparisons in the past 2 as well. Not just in this forum but other forums too. Just that he used his original name that time but after getting battered each time he has decided to maintain his name a &#039;raaz&#039; (secret). Anyhow the point is let him remain obsessed. Even after passing out this year from South he is inclined to carry on with his &#039;Unsuccess&#039; story. Let him do that! I think no one gives a damn to his analysis and his b schools reports which have been so contradictory in the past. @Inside(r)IIM You can carry on with your job and keep exposing yourself. But just and advise, this obsession won&#039;t lead you anywhere. Else keep visiting this space 6 months from now IIMC summers report will come out.

22 Apr 2012, 05.15 PM |


1)25 February, 2012: IIMC announces conclusion of placements. 423 offers, 130 lateral offers, 35 international offers. <a href="http://(" rel="nofollow">(</a> 2)19 March 2012: IIMB announces conclusion of placements. 423 offers, 124 lateral offers, 43 international offers <a href="http://(" rel="nofollow">(</a> 3)16 April 2012: IIMC&rsquo;s placement report on PG. 423 offers, 124 laterals, 43 international offers. 4)IIMC officials say that there may be another round of revision in IIMC&rsquo;s international offers. After IIMA&rsquo;s report&rsquo;s is out :D

21 Apr 2012, 10.44 AM |


IIMC people have some real inferiority complex it seems. But it seems (according to Jokar) all offers made in IIMB are back end ones and all front end offers are made at IIMC (with a few given to IIM A). I wonder if people (across all IIM A,B,C) who actually get these &quot;plum&quot; offers ever come on any board and boast. Basking in reflected glory is always nice isnt it?

21 Apr 2012, 10.22 AM

+Read Replies (1)


I think the posts by both Insider and Jokar are similar in nature. Only that Jokar presented some more facts that were given a miss for whatever reason!

21 Apr 2012, 11.55 AM |


Oh ganging up by IIMC has begun... Welcome, Nishant sahab... Aaap ki hi kami thi.... Now, IIMC will be at par with Harvard, perhaps IIMC will be the face of the Earth in the Universe....

21 Apr 2012, 12.28 PM

+Read Replies (1)


I guess not going off topic would help matters.

21 Apr 2012, 01.27 PM |


@Neutral Equity Research is not really a back office job. You can say that it would have slightly lesser client interaction than sales/trading.

21 Apr 2012, 03.07 PM

+Read Replies (1)


If that is the case, then Goldman Sachs (Equity Research) visits IIMB, (in addition to the front office &quot;plum&quot; offers which are given out in large numbers), which should not be classified as &quot;a really back office job&quot;.

21 Apr 2012, 05.34 PM |


25 February, 2012: IIMC announces conclusion of placements. 423 offers, 130 lateral offers, 35 international offers. 19 March 2012: IIMB announces conclusion of placements. 423 offers, 124 lateral offers, 43 international offers 16 April 2012: IIMC&rsquo;s placement report on PG. 423 offers, 124 laterals, 43 international offers. Source: Comments Section of Pagalguy on IIMC Placements 2012 @IIMC gang: Could you please elaborate on this increase in international offers from 35 to 43? To me it seems like you guys have tried to match up with the numbers thrown by IIMB. I mean we are talking of the best B-Schools in the country. We certainly do not expect such misrepresentation from the leading B-Schools of the country? Any explanations?

21 Apr 2012, 10.04 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Citi bajane wala

You have done half the job. Will you also copy paste the reply to this comment mentioned over there?

22 Apr 2012, 05.21 PM |


Oversight of not counting 7 lateral offers (Middle East based) and one Credit Suisse PPO received during a very hectic time (two days before placements). Nothing much to read into. The laterals offer were always 130 - except for one CNBC article which was done one week before the lateral placements ended. P.S. - There is no &quot;gang&quot;. It&#039;s the Tribe of Joka!

21 Apr 2012, 10.44 PM


Dear Whistleblower, The number of international offers earlier reported was incorrect as they only showed the number of &#039;accepted&#039; offers. Hope this makes it clear to you. Now that you point this out, let me give you a few links which will keep you interested (and your mouth shut) for some time. The school in the west: YEAR 1: Newspaper: ET Amount claimed: Rs 1.44 Cr <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Clarification: own blog <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Year 2: Newspaper: ET Amount claimed: Rs. 1.5 Cr <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Clarification: own blog <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Year 3: Newspaper: TOI (ET&#039;s pg3 cousin, as amount claimed was lower) Amount claimed: Rs. 1.0 Cr <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Clarification: own blog :P <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> And guess why they put up a &#039;clarification post&#039;? Because the I-Banks they named in their reports got back to them.

21 Apr 2012, 11.01 PM


Why was my comment deleted?

21 Apr 2012, 11.08 PM


Was the sovereign wealth fund Temasek?

21 Apr 2012, 11.18 PM

+Read Replies (1)


Mention karna hota to kar hi diya hota! :)

21 Apr 2012, 11.20 PM |


@confused: We neither confirm nor deny that. There is a NDA which prevents us from doing this.

21 Apr 2012, 11.20 PM


@whistleblower: Now for the southern one — <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> The above article came out 2 days before the final placements of B began (that is, after their laterals ended). <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> The above article came out about 3-4 days before the lateral placements of the college ended. Note the number of lateral offers in both these articles (the first one says 96 and the second one 100) which means they both corroborate each other. Now, check this out (which came after the report of IIMC comes out) – <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> LOL .. trying to match up numbers with C Hope you had enough enjoyment Now, I would actually like to give your statement back to you — " To me it seems like you guys have tried to match up with the numbers thrown by IIMC. I mean we are talking of the best B-Schools in the country. We certainly do not expect such misrepresentation from the leading B-Schools of the country?"

21 Apr 2012, 11.25 PM


Asking coz I got into IIM-C and will be joining this year. I guess I will find out after joining :P.

21 Apr 2012, 11.28 PM


Btw what kind of people get selected in for first round interviews by PE firms? It seems pretty random as I have seen people with IT experience get in and people with 0 exp also get in (from A/B/C. Hence confused.

21 Apr 2012, 11.33 PM


as an aspirant.After going through some comments saying IIMC Gang, i feel there is a IIMB gang as well and IIM A gang as well. and in this post i feel IIMB gang came 1st then IIM C gang next. and in IIMC Summer placements article B gang had more posts than C gang.Now its amptly clear to me which b school students are having an INFERIORITY complex.

22 Apr 2012, 12.03 AM

+Read Replies (5)

Ex Jokar

And that inferiority complex is for a reason. If you check some earlier threads in this forum and other forums you will get to know more

22 Apr 2012, 05.24 PM |


This trend of IIMB inferiority has actually started since last year from when IIMB is ranked 3rd and IIMC at 2nd.

23 Apr 2012, 12.14 PM |

Neutral Junta

I dont know if your are from IIMC and your English doesn&#039;t suggest so. Does a single rank matter at all ?? Many rankings put IIMB first in the list even above A and many put C above B. But in any case , ABC are the best and that&#039;s how it should be. Comparison between ABC is futile in the sense that it doesn&#039;t serve much purpose. Any good candidate would love to have a convert from either of these colleges and a multiple convert from these colleges(gen category) is a dream come true for anyone.

23 Apr 2012, 02.23 PM |


&quot;as an ASPIRANT&quot; :) :D :P

23 Apr 2012, 02.29 PM |

Biased Junta

Your point is fine. But the thing is why did you say: &quot;I dont know if your are from IIMC and your English doesn&#039;t suggest so. &quot; Personal attack was none whatsoever required. So was the mention of his being an iimcian or not. This only helps in proving the point made on inferiority complex

23 Apr 2012, 08.47 PM |

Neutral Junta

I am earnestly sorry for that if that hurt you. What I meant was , that in our obsession to comment about something we sometimes forget what we are writing. PS : I am not from ABC...just a neutral junta as my name says.

23 Apr 2012, 09.49 PM


How many people recruited by Fin companies were placed abroad ? A company wise breakup would be great!

14 May 2012, 04.23 PM


Here is the icing on the cake my dear friend... 1)25 February, 2012: IIMC announces conclusion of placements. 423 offers, 130 lateral offers, 35 international offers. <a href="http://(" rel="nofollow">(</a> 2)19 March 2012: IIMB announces conclusion of placements. 423 offers, 124 lateral offers, 43 international offers <a href="http://(" rel="nofollow">(</a> 3)16 April 2012: IIMC&rsquo;s placement report on PG. 423 offers, 124 laterals, 43 international offers. 4)IIMC officials say that there may be another round of revision in IIMC&rsquo;s international offers. After IIMA&rsquo;s report is out :D Speaks alot on credibility and ethics my dear friend.... And the post above speaks about the opportunities available for the Class of 2012. Why speak about the past opportunities at IIMC.. Lets talk about the Class of 2012 friend. Goldman did not visit any campus for the regular front office roles in final placements this year. And in case they do visit, they visit A and B only, e.g Class of 2011 my friend. UBS may have made more PPOs, however they chose to visit IIMB only for finals.... You are right, CS did not make any PPOs at B. Rothschild also did not.. But I mentioned it, didn&#039;t I? I mentioned about o3 and Avendus visiting B, but I did mention about Edelweiss visiting C as well.. Agreed I should have skipped mentioning all of them... Opera actually did not visit B for any role... Do not know where that information came from... And the fact remains Credit Suisse, JP Morgan, HSBC, UBS, Arthur D Little, Oliwer did not visit C this finals (They went to either A or B).. Nor did Global e-Procure, Booz, ZS, PRTM, SMC... And yes DB offered PPOs to A and B as it picked up interns from these two campuses only.... And yes, fyi, DB took summer interns from A and B, its two most favorite campuses, this year too And regarding Jacob Ballas visiting B, lets see.. But even if they do not visit; IIMB has an impressive line of PE firms which only IIMB (Some visit IIMA also) but none visits C... Go through the summer placement reports you will get to know, Jokar.... feel free to ask any questions...

21 Apr 2012, 10.37 AM

+Read Replies (1)


I don&#039;t understand your need to come out and talk about IIM B&#039;s placement on IIM C&#039;s placement thread. What are you trying to achieve by doing this? Do you not have anything else to do with your life? I pity your existence in this world.

25 May 2012, 11.43 AM |


Was anyone from A/B/C with no pre-MBA work experience given any international placement?

31 May 2012, 07.18 PM

+Read Replies (1)



1 Jun 2012, 01.00 AM |

IIM Student Preethi

In this article, I came across this sentence &quot;...Only IIM Ahmedabad and IIM Calcutta and to a small extent ISB Hyderabad are in the same league.&quot; My remark for the above statement is that , please don&#039;t insult other 11 IIMs by comparing it with ISB, to compare other IIMs with an ISB is like insulting IIM brand. Another statement says &#039;&quot; ... I guess its IIM -ABC and the rest&quot;&quot; , my reply to this statement is that other 10 IIM also follow the same syllabus as IIM-ABC and share its brand and so other IIM&#039;s should not fall into the rest of the colleges category. I feel the articles in this site is always biased towards IIM-ABC and is also probably written by some studying at ABC so they don&#039;t realised that also other IIM are equally good and sophisticated.

12 Dec 2012, 03.55 PM


This is my first visit to and I am wondering why there is a cold war about the placement going on between the people..I never saw a report which talks about the infrastructure or learning or the number of entrepreneurs produced by these campuses. Each and every campus in the race to come out with the best placement stats.I am a techie from one of the finest Tech schools in out country and all of these engineering campuses are heading towards the same number war.Quality of students has gone down significantly.These inflated placement reports make student pursue these courses&gt;Engineering and Management should be interest driven not Placements.Placement standard adopted by IIMA is fair though.That highlights the placements stats in much better way with some level of credibility.So the first question which comes to my mind is it worth pursuing MBA? I found a nice article<a href="" rel="nofollow"> discussing MBA as a better future prospect? Thanx</a>

2 Jan 2013, 12.58 PM

+Read Replies (1)


A very pertinent point. However, it is not just these B-Schools which are to blame. What is the media doing? The media feeds us with such placement reports. Have not seen any comprehensive reports on faculty quality, infrastructure, research at these elite schools anywhere (not even here on this site for that matter). Placements are very important and as such deserve the media coverage.But equally important are other factors such as faculty quality, infrastructure, research. The media needs to cover those elements as well.

2 Jan 2013, 02.04 PM |