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Final Placements : XLRI Jamshedpur – Class of 2014


Deepak Gupta

Could you please throw some light on various profiles offered to XLRI HRM students? HRM also has almost similar subjects as BM in core courses with few extra subjects on Human Capital and Management. For electives HRM also has wide range of subjects from Strategy, Economics, Systems and Technology etc. So I am just curious to know the exact profiles offered to HRM students in NON-HR functional group?

20 Feb 2014, 05.01 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Team InsideIIM

We are the team behind your favourite platform.

All companies mentioned against the Human Resources Tab under each section are roles offered to HRM students. A few roles like TAS, BCG, ABG are also open to HRM students. Current XLRI students will be able to help further in detail.

21 Feb 2014, 04.22 PM |

Sushant Lohani

Q1.Could you tell me how many foreign nationals were studying in this 2014 batch(given the fact , XLRI also has a GMAT mode of admissions for BM/HRM course)? Did they appear in the final placements? Q2.Also, the cutoffs of those foreign nationals of this or prior batches of BM/HRM? Q3. Didnt World Bank, who visited during the Summers, pay a visit furing the finals?

22 Feb 2014, 12.10 AM

+Read Replies (2)

Team InsideIIM

We are the team behind your favourite platform.

The Placement Team from XLRI have answered the questions through mail to Team InsideIIM, they are as follows- Ans 1- There were no Foreign Nationals studying in the full time PGP course. We had students on exchange about 40+ who were not eligible to participate. XL has introduced a new program called the PGDM (Global MBA) this year, the details for which can be found on Ans 2- Following percentile has been used to shortlist candidates for GD and PI for 2014 programmes of the Institute. HRM*1 BM*2 Global MBA*3 Overall >=88 >=94 >=90 QA >=70 >=90 >=90 VA >=85 >=80 >=80 DM >=80 >=80 >=80 *1 : HRM NRI candidates GMAT score >= 700 *2 : BM NRI candidates GMAT score >= 720 *3 : Global MBA candidates GMAT score >= 710 Ans 3- World Bank did not have any requirements & hence did not visit

27 Feb 2014, 11.19 AM |

Sushant Lohani

Praying for success

Thanks InsideIIM.

16 Sep 2014, 06.09 AM |

mark phoenix

Hi team InsideIIM... can we have more clarity on the roles offered by goldman sachs, JP Morgan and UBS?? How come Carlyle and World Bank are missing??

23 Feb 2014, 09.19 PM

+Read Replies (4)

Team InsideIIM

We are the team behind your favourite platform.

They are middle office roles as clearly stated above. They support front-end desks of offices across the world. Carlyle and World Bank are missing because they did not recruit for finals or offer a PPO

24 Feb 2014, 02.30 PM |

mark phoenix

ok, I guess I did not phrase my question correctly @Team InsideIIM... my question was pertaining to the exact nature of the role (as in whether the role was ops/IT/support, etc)... I am keen on knowing the nature of the roles offered by UBS, GS and JPMC...

24 Feb 2014, 05.49 PM |

mark phoenix

Hi @Team InsideIIM... once again requesting you for the exact profiles offered by UBS, JPMC and Stan Chart...

26 Feb 2014, 10.00 PM |

Team InsideIIM

We are the team behind your favourite platform.

The Placement Team at XLRI have answered the question through mail to Team InsideIIM, the answer is as follows- Roles offered fall under the purview of Middle Office & Operations

27 Feb 2014, 11.22 AM |

akshay mall

@markphoenix GS is equity research / Asset mgmt mid office . @team insideiim what is the profile offered by UBS and JPMC ?? Does carlyle ever take anyone for finals ?

25 Feb 2014, 12.58 AM

akshay mall

Also does the report include PPOs ?

25 Feb 2014, 01.02 AM

+Read Replies (6)

mark phoenix

@roguetrader, the report includes PPOs... I know for a fact that HUL did not visit XL in the finals...

25 Feb 2014, 10.25 AM |

Pratish Raj

1) A company's visit in Finals depends to a large extent on the no. of PPOs offered to the campus. If the no. of PPOs offered is large, just to maintain relations they visit other campuses and skip the one they have offered PPOs. Batch of 12-14 in XL had received close to 33% PPOs. 2) Front End IBD roles have dried up in India which includes even IIM C, forget about others. So if you are looking to make a career there, take an informed decision. Stan C has given a PPO in Markets to XL and they don't visit in Finals to any campus for Markets role. The way you have written your comments simply looks like an intention to disregard the institute's success. If you take a look at IIM A reports, they have not even disclosed the roles offered by Investment Banks, simply because of the reason that there are none Front End IBD jobs in the market. Hence the phenomenon is not unique to XL. In the consulting space, BCG, Mckinsey, Accenture Strategy, Deloitte S&O visiting together for a batch of just 120 BM students can only be a dream for even the best B schools in the country.

5 Mar 2014, 03.08 AM |

mark phoenix

@TheGeneralManager, when you say PPOs, it also includes HRM students... ;) secondly, if Stan Chart did offer a markets profile, whi has it not been mentioned in the front-end IBD/Markets category?? another middle office/back-end role?? How come P&G is also missing??The report honestly looks quite lacklustre...

5 Mar 2014, 08.58 AM |

Pratish Raj

You definitely seem to be biased against XL. PPOs always includes BM & HRM and XL did get a PPO both in SnM & HRM from HUL. Unfortunately Placement team has mentioned Stan C in the Markets role, but I agree that it should have been reported in Debt/Equity Markets. If you have got your sources correct, I am sure you would know of this that a guy from XL had got a PPO in the Markets role. Anyways I am tired of answering your silly & trivial queries. I don't think you are an aspirant and just from another campus trying to malign an institute's repute. please reveal your identity before making baseless comments.

5 Mar 2014, 04.09 PM |

mark phoenix

@TheGeneralManager, I am not maligning XLRI. I do respect the institute a lot. However, could you throw more light on the markets role (front/middle/back) offered by StanChart?? Also, kindly tell more on the roles offered by UBS and Paribas... This is all that I want to know...

5 Mar 2014, 08.34 PM |

mark phoenix

@TheGeneralManager, one more request to share the nature of the profiles offered by Paribas and UBS...

7 Mar 2014, 12.42 AM |

brainless guy

this is shocking!! the finance list looks kinda empty with ordinary roles offered to the students... XL had insane summers this time around (for the 2013-15 batch) with big brands offering good profiles... as per the report on insideIIM, stan chart offered IBD/Markets at XL in the summers.. companies like World Bank, etc also had visited XL... and the finals seem to be in stark contrast to the summers... Other than McKinsey, nothing really stands out in this report... disappointed... :( (I am commenting only from the BM point of view, not HRM)

25 Feb 2014, 10.06 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Team InsideIIM

We are the team behind your favourite platform.

The Placement Team at XLRI have answered the question through mail to Team InsideIIM, it is as follows- 'Wait & Watch - We will try harder next year'

27 Feb 2014, 11.23 AM |

akshay mall

@brainlessguy yes very disappointing report . Not even one Front end IBD ? Even by indian banks ?

26 Feb 2014, 11.52 PM

Aryan Yo

@roguetrader , Markphoenix abd brainlessguy, clearly u are unhappy with ur institutes placement and hence venting ur frustration here...If companies dont have roles then they dont give it to anyone (not even mighty XL).. I am not saying XL is best for finance cos clearly IIM A , B and C get the most coveted roles and then its XL and IIM L...Being Xlers we are taught humility and mutual respect( just look at the way our stud placecomm responds) which is sadly not the case in many other top B-schools..

28 Mar 2014, 01.13 AM

Raj Chakraborty

I wanted to know something from the experienced team of Insideiim who has pretty much every info about the happenings in a Top B-School. Please tell me something - How is it that Top-6 institutes like FMS & XLRI manage a median package of 16+ (that too with a batch size of <250) while a Top-15 institute (AT BEST) like NMIMS manages 15.4 for a batch of 460?? The NM seniors are claiming that it is 100% true & can never be less than 12. How is that possible with the line-up they have?? Secondly, I thought Bain & Co. doesn't look beyond ABC. How come it surpasses IIM-L, XL, FMS, JB etc & offer Strategic Management profile in NMIMS?? Also BCG, which has consistently ditched IIM-K, SPJain & JB, offering it's coveted profile in NM appears strange. Can u please provide some insights into what u personally think? Any remark will be highly appreciated.

10 Apr 2014, 01.58 PM

+Read Replies (4)

Team InsideIIM

We are the team behind your favourite platform.

We don't cover NMIMS. Also we do not take publicly released data by any school at face value.

10 Apr 2014, 02.01 PM |

Raj Chakraborty

Yeah, I know that. I just wanted to know ur personal view. Doesn't have to be anything OFFICIAL.

10 Apr 2014, 04.17 PM |

Pratish Raj

Please don't believe NMIMS placement report as it is a huge bunch of lower pecked profiles packaged with good company names to disguise the reality. Bain Capability center visits NMIMS which is something you get even after DCE. Similarly it goes for BCG n others. Regarding the CTC part, I don't wanna say anything. You should be smart enough to figure out what would they do with it. I really feel SC should order all institutes to follow IPRS system. People are being cheated real bad

18 Apr 2014, 03.24 PM |

Raj Chakraborty

@Pratish Raj - Thanks for your reply. The 2 examples that 2 stated are pretty wildly known though. But do u have idea about the claim that Goldman Sachs has offered FRONT-END IB in NM? :O Seems strange that a company will skip IIM-L, XL, FMS, IIM-I, IIM-K, SPJ & JB & go to NMIMS for such a high profile offer. Also what is the role offered by Barclays?

21 Apr 2014, 03.25 PM |

Rahul Gupta

meet me n find out...

Hi Can you please throw light on a) Lateral placement student lowest/median/highest salaries ?

12 Apr 2014, 10.41 AM

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Deepak Gupta

Could you please throw some light on various profiles offered to XLRI HRM students? HRM also has almost similar subjects as BM in core courses with few extra subjects on Human Capital and Management. For electives HRM also has wide range of subjects from Strategy, Economics, Systems and Technology etc. So I am just curious to know the exact profiles offered to HRM students in NON-HR functional group?

20 Feb 2014, 05.01 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Team InsideIIM

We are the team behind your favourite platform.

All companies mentioned against the Human Resources Tab under each section are roles offered to HRM students. A few roles like TAS, BCG, ABG are also open to HRM students. Current XLRI students will be able to help further in detail.

21 Feb 2014, 04.22 PM |

Sushant Lohani

Q1.Could you tell me how many foreign nationals were studying in this 2014 batch(given the fact , XLRI also has a GMAT mode of admissions for BM/HRM course)? Did they appear in the final placements? Q2.Also, the cutoffs of those foreign nationals of this or prior batches of BM/HRM? Q3. Didnt World Bank, who visited during the Summers, pay a visit furing the finals?

22 Feb 2014, 12.10 AM

+Read Replies (2)

Team InsideIIM

We are the team behind your favourite platform.

The Placement Team from XLRI have answered the questions through mail to Team InsideIIM, they are as follows- Ans 1- There were no Foreign Nationals studying in the full time PGP course. We had students on exchange about 40+ who were not eligible to participate. XL has introduced a new program called the PGDM (Global MBA) this year, the details for which can be found on Ans 2- Following percentile has been used to shortlist candidates for GD and PI for 2014 programmes of the Institute. HRM*1 BM*2 Global MBA*3 Overall >=88 >=94 >=90 QA >=70 >=90 >=90 VA >=85 >=80 >=80 DM >=80 >=80 >=80 *1 : HRM NRI candidates GMAT score >= 700 *2 : BM NRI candidates GMAT score >= 720 *3 : Global MBA candidates GMAT score >= 710 Ans 3- World Bank did not have any requirements & hence did not visit

27 Feb 2014, 11.19 AM |

Sushant Lohani

Praying for success

Thanks InsideIIM.

16 Sep 2014, 06.09 AM |

mark phoenix

Hi team InsideIIM... can we have more clarity on the roles offered by goldman sachs, JP Morgan and UBS?? How come Carlyle and World Bank are missing??

23 Feb 2014, 09.19 PM

+Read Replies (4)

Team InsideIIM

We are the team behind your favourite platform.

They are middle office roles as clearly stated above. They support front-end desks of offices across the world. Carlyle and World Bank are missing because they did not recruit for finals or offer a PPO

24 Feb 2014, 02.30 PM |

mark phoenix

ok, I guess I did not phrase my question correctly @Team InsideIIM... my question was pertaining to the exact nature of the role (as in whether the role was ops/IT/support, etc)... I am keen on knowing the nature of the roles offered by UBS, GS and JPMC...

24 Feb 2014, 05.49 PM |

mark phoenix

Hi @Team InsideIIM... once again requesting you for the exact profiles offered by UBS, JPMC and Stan Chart...

26 Feb 2014, 10.00 PM |

Team InsideIIM

We are the team behind your favourite platform.

The Placement Team at XLRI have answered the question through mail to Team InsideIIM, the answer is as follows- Roles offered fall under the purview of Middle Office & Operations

27 Feb 2014, 11.22 AM |

akshay mall

@markphoenix GS is equity research / Asset mgmt mid office . @team insideiim what is the profile offered by UBS and JPMC ?? Does carlyle ever take anyone for finals ?

25 Feb 2014, 12.58 AM

akshay mall

Also does the report include PPOs ?

25 Feb 2014, 01.02 AM

+Read Replies (6)

mark phoenix

@roguetrader, the report includes PPOs... I know for a fact that HUL did not visit XL in the finals...

25 Feb 2014, 10.25 AM |

Pratish Raj

1) A company's visit in Finals depends to a large extent on the no. of PPOs offered to the campus. If the no. of PPOs offered is large, just to maintain relations they visit other campuses and skip the one they have offered PPOs. Batch of 12-14 in XL had received close to 33% PPOs. 2) Front End IBD roles have dried up in India which includes even IIM C, forget about others. So if you are looking to make a career there, take an informed decision. Stan C has given a PPO in Markets to XL and they don't visit in Finals to any campus for Markets role. The way you have written your comments simply looks like an intention to disregard the institute's success. If you take a look at IIM A reports, they have not even disclosed the roles offered by Investment Banks, simply because of the reason that there are none Front End IBD jobs in the market. Hence the phenomenon is not unique to XL. In the consulting space, BCG, Mckinsey, Accenture Strategy, Deloitte S&O visiting together for a batch of just 120 BM students can only be a dream for even the best B schools in the country.

5 Mar 2014, 03.08 AM |

mark phoenix

@TheGeneralManager, when you say PPOs, it also includes HRM students... ;) secondly, if Stan Chart did offer a markets profile, whi has it not been mentioned in the front-end IBD/Markets category?? another middle office/back-end role?? How come P&G is also missing??The report honestly looks quite lacklustre...

5 Mar 2014, 08.58 AM |

Pratish Raj

You definitely seem to be biased against XL. PPOs always includes BM & HRM and XL did get a PPO both in SnM & HRM from HUL. Unfortunately Placement team has mentioned Stan C in the Markets role, but I agree that it should have been reported in Debt/Equity Markets. If you have got your sources correct, I am sure you would know of this that a guy from XL had got a PPO in the Markets role. Anyways I am tired of answering your silly & trivial queries. I don't think you are an aspirant and just from another campus trying to malign an institute's repute. please reveal your identity before making baseless comments.

5 Mar 2014, 04.09 PM |

mark phoenix

@TheGeneralManager, I am not maligning XLRI. I do respect the institute a lot. However, could you throw more light on the markets role (front/middle/back) offered by StanChart?? Also, kindly tell more on the roles offered by UBS and Paribas... This is all that I want to know...

5 Mar 2014, 08.34 PM |

mark phoenix

@TheGeneralManager, one more request to share the nature of the profiles offered by Paribas and UBS...

7 Mar 2014, 12.42 AM |

brainless guy

this is shocking!! the finance list looks kinda empty with ordinary roles offered to the students... XL had insane summers this time around (for the 2013-15 batch) with big brands offering good profiles... as per the report on insideIIM, stan chart offered IBD/Markets at XL in the summers.. companies like World Bank, etc also had visited XL... and the finals seem to be in stark contrast to the summers... Other than McKinsey, nothing really stands out in this report... disappointed... :( (I am commenting only from the BM point of view, not HRM)

25 Feb 2014, 10.06 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Team InsideIIM

We are the team behind your favourite platform.

The Placement Team at XLRI have answered the question through mail to Team InsideIIM, it is as follows- 'Wait & Watch - We will try harder next year'

27 Feb 2014, 11.23 AM |

akshay mall

@brainlessguy yes very disappointing report . Not even one Front end IBD ? Even by indian banks ?

26 Feb 2014, 11.52 PM

Aryan Yo

@roguetrader , Markphoenix abd brainlessguy, clearly u are unhappy with ur institutes placement and hence venting ur frustration here...If companies dont have roles then they dont give it to anyone (not even mighty XL).. I am not saying XL is best for finance cos clearly IIM A , B and C get the most coveted roles and then its XL and IIM L...Being Xlers we are taught humility and mutual respect( just look at the way our stud placecomm responds) which is sadly not the case in many other top B-schools..

28 Mar 2014, 01.13 AM

Raj Chakraborty

I wanted to know something from the experienced team of Insideiim who has pretty much every info about the happenings in a Top B-School. Please tell me something - How is it that Top-6 institutes like FMS & XLRI manage a median package of 16+ (that too with a batch size of <250) while a Top-15 institute (AT BEST) like NMIMS manages 15.4 for a batch of 460?? The NM seniors are claiming that it is 100% true & can never be less than 12. How is that possible with the line-up they have?? Secondly, I thought Bain & Co. doesn't look beyond ABC. How come it surpasses IIM-L, XL, FMS, JB etc & offer Strategic Management profile in NMIMS?? Also BCG, which has consistently ditched IIM-K, SPJain & JB, offering it's coveted profile in NM appears strange. Can u please provide some insights into what u personally think? Any remark will be highly appreciated.

10 Apr 2014, 01.58 PM

+Read Replies (4)

Team InsideIIM

We are the team behind your favourite platform.

We don't cover NMIMS. Also we do not take publicly released data by any school at face value.

10 Apr 2014, 02.01 PM |

Raj Chakraborty

Yeah, I know that. I just wanted to know ur personal view. Doesn't have to be anything OFFICIAL.

10 Apr 2014, 04.17 PM |

Pratish Raj

Please don't believe NMIMS placement report as it is a huge bunch of lower pecked profiles packaged with good company names to disguise the reality. Bain Capability center visits NMIMS which is something you get even after DCE. Similarly it goes for BCG n others. Regarding the CTC part, I don't wanna say anything. You should be smart enough to figure out what would they do with it. I really feel SC should order all institutes to follow IPRS system. People are being cheated real bad

18 Apr 2014, 03.24 PM |

Raj Chakraborty

@Pratish Raj - Thanks for your reply. The 2 examples that 2 stated are pretty wildly known though. But do u have idea about the claim that Goldman Sachs has offered FRONT-END IB in NM? :O Seems strange that a company will skip IIM-L, XL, FMS, IIM-I, IIM-K, SPJ & JB & go to NMIMS for such a high profile offer. Also what is the role offered by Barclays?

21 Apr 2014, 03.25 PM |

Rahul Gupta

meet me n find out...

Hi Can you please throw light on a) Lateral placement student lowest/median/highest salaries ?

12 Apr 2014, 10.41 AM