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GD Monday - 'India does not innovate' - Week 10


Karthikeyan B

I for one believe that India does innovate. Perhaps the line of thought we should be considering is "India is too scared to innovate". As a graduate in physics myself, I have found a lot of times in which I could think of things differently. I'm sure that is the case with many people around the country. What we fail to do is to take it the innovation up a notch by actually trying it out. In short, my argument is: We innovate, but we are too afraid to lose and do not implement.

14 Mar 2013, 08.40 AM

+Read Replies (2)


5/10. You started the debate on such a meaty topic and brought up an interesting point without any substantiated facts or data. You could have said so much more in support of this point itself. Lost opportunity

19 Mar 2013, 08.15 PM |

Karthikeyan B

Thank you. :)

19 Mar 2013, 09.46 PM |

Ankit Hamirwasia

Most of the companies that the youth of India works for today are nothing but support teams for those in the West. There are very few that are solely based in India itself and come up with new ideas. I would not go so far to say that India does not innovate at all. There are those who come up with new ideas and even implement them but the fact is that they are very few in number. Innovation is synonymous to risk. Implementing a new idea does come with its possibility of success and failure. Most of us Indians have a mindset where we do not want to take a risk when it comes to our livelihood. We do not want to come out of our comfort zones. This is because even today we have joint families which generally have one or in some cases two bread earners who support the entire family. If the new innovation does not work out for the person then he is not only putting his food at stake but also his entire family's food. And that is unacceptable to most. But there are also those who do take this chance, turn the wheel of fortune and hope for the best. More often than not they do succeed as well.

18 Mar 2013, 10.18 AM

+Read Replies (1)


6/10. Long speech but very few points that will differentiate you from the rest in a GD. You say there are "those who come up with new ideas" - It would have been great if you gave examples. The point on joint families stifling innovation was interesting but controversial.

19 Mar 2013, 08.18 PM |


I would totally agree with Karthikeyan's interpretation. It is not that Indian people are not creative, but rather we have been groomed up to play it safe at every step of our life. A man's character change suddenly but is built over many years since his school days. As I have have noticed in most of my peers and many times in myself too, that we devoid of any financial backup and inspiration tend to dump up any new and good ideas we come upon and adhere to the 'routine ' of getting out of collage to get a descent paying job. To bring out a change, the education infrastructure (as most people depends on it) need to enliven the spirit of creative thinking by giving more weightage to creative projects and ideas instead of monotonic curriculum of subjects most of which has no application in real life. We need to change our mentality and encourage calculated risk taking strategies among peers.

18 Mar 2013, 02.52 PM

+Read Replies (1)


5/10. Didn't bring any new points to the table. However, awarded 5 points for presenting the speech well. Again, in a GD with studs you'll struggle.

19 Mar 2013, 08.19 PM |


if we introspect to our acedemics in school it is mainly memory oriented. there is very less scope of innovation. at the same time when person grows up in country like ours where majority of ppl poor need to support the family have no option bt to fallow defined path. but I also put forward the name prof anil gupta the man who travelled accross india and uncovered alomst 25000 innovations from rular india.

20 Mar 2013, 12.19 AM


I would say India does innovate. This doesn't have to be innovation in terms of technology/commerce sector. Innovation is often seen at the rural level as well.In India, Innovation is fueled by lack of resources(better known as jugaad). Some Himalayan Villages in India make cheese that is exported to top hotels in the world. NID has designed a number of mechanical contraptions for construction workers which makes the job of carrying large loads extremely easy and that too at a very low cost. Another example would be the famous dabbawalas from Mumbai. They have a near spotless record of delivering tiffins on time to the correct person. International Couriers like DHL, Fedex have sent teams to understand the processes involved in delivering the dabbas so that they can improve their own delivery chain.

20 Mar 2013, 01.07 AM


Indians have become lazy and corrupted. They do not want to struggle much but just want to be successful. so copying ideas and implementing them is found much more easier than to start from the beginning. Even it seems that Indians have lost patience to think, innovative and test. They cannot start from burying the seed and watering it but obviously never loose chance to water the sapling. Eg . samsung has copied more than half of the ideas from apple

1 Apr 2013, 10.23 PM


We indians are an innovative lot but we often lack the courage to convert our ideas to reality. Lack of courage and independence is deeply entrenched within our cultural values and societal norms and so maybe ,it has caught up with our genes too. To promote innovation, we must try to instill in the young gen ,the independence of thoughts and embracing of failure.Not only our education system will have to promote thinkers, but the society also will have to learn to accept the radical thinkers.

28 Apr 2013, 04.49 PM

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Karthikeyan B

I for one believe that India does innovate. Perhaps the line of thought we should be considering is "India is too scared to innovate". As a graduate in physics myself, I have found a lot of times in which I could think of things differently. I'm sure that is the case with many people around the country. What we fail to do is to take it the innovation up a notch by actually trying it out. In short, my argument is: We innovate, but we are too afraid to lose and do not implement.

14 Mar 2013, 08.40 AM

+Read Replies (2)


5/10. You started the debate on such a meaty topic and brought up an interesting point without any substantiated facts or data. You could have said so much more in support of this point itself. Lost opportunity

19 Mar 2013, 08.15 PM |

Karthikeyan B

Thank you. :)

19 Mar 2013, 09.46 PM |

Ankit Hamirwasia

Most of the companies that the youth of India works for today are nothing but support teams for those in the West. There are very few that are solely based in India itself and come up with new ideas. I would not go so far to say that India does not innovate at all. There are those who come up with new ideas and even implement them but the fact is that they are very few in number. Innovation is synonymous to risk. Implementing a new idea does come with its possibility of success and failure. Most of us Indians have a mindset where we do not want to take a risk when it comes to our livelihood. We do not want to come out of our comfort zones. This is because even today we have joint families which generally have one or in some cases two bread earners who support the entire family. If the new innovation does not work out for the person then he is not only putting his food at stake but also his entire family's food. And that is unacceptable to most. But there are also those who do take this chance, turn the wheel of fortune and hope for the best. More often than not they do succeed as well.

18 Mar 2013, 10.18 AM

+Read Replies (1)


6/10. Long speech but very few points that will differentiate you from the rest in a GD. You say there are "those who come up with new ideas" - It would have been great if you gave examples. The point on joint families stifling innovation was interesting but controversial.

19 Mar 2013, 08.18 PM |


I would totally agree with Karthikeyan's interpretation. It is not that Indian people are not creative, but rather we have been groomed up to play it safe at every step of our life. A man's character change suddenly but is built over many years since his school days. As I have have noticed in most of my peers and many times in myself too, that we devoid of any financial backup and inspiration tend to dump up any new and good ideas we come upon and adhere to the 'routine ' of getting out of collage to get a descent paying job. To bring out a change, the education infrastructure (as most people depends on it) need to enliven the spirit of creative thinking by giving more weightage to creative projects and ideas instead of monotonic curriculum of subjects most of which has no application in real life. We need to change our mentality and encourage calculated risk taking strategies among peers.

18 Mar 2013, 02.52 PM

+Read Replies (1)


5/10. Didn't bring any new points to the table. However, awarded 5 points for presenting the speech well. Again, in a GD with studs you'll struggle.

19 Mar 2013, 08.19 PM |


if we introspect to our acedemics in school it is mainly memory oriented. there is very less scope of innovation. at the same time when person grows up in country like ours where majority of ppl poor need to support the family have no option bt to fallow defined path. but I also put forward the name prof anil gupta the man who travelled accross india and uncovered alomst 25000 innovations from rular india.

20 Mar 2013, 12.19 AM


I would say India does innovate. This doesn't have to be innovation in terms of technology/commerce sector. Innovation is often seen at the rural level as well.In India, Innovation is fueled by lack of resources(better known as jugaad). Some Himalayan Villages in India make cheese that is exported to top hotels in the world. NID has designed a number of mechanical contraptions for construction workers which makes the job of carrying large loads extremely easy and that too at a very low cost. Another example would be the famous dabbawalas from Mumbai. They have a near spotless record of delivering tiffins on time to the correct person. International Couriers like DHL, Fedex have sent teams to understand the processes involved in delivering the dabbas so that they can improve their own delivery chain.

20 Mar 2013, 01.07 AM


Indians have become lazy and corrupted. They do not want to struggle much but just want to be successful. so copying ideas and implementing them is found much more easier than to start from the beginning. Even it seems that Indians have lost patience to think, innovative and test. They cannot start from burying the seed and watering it but obviously never loose chance to water the sapling. Eg . samsung has copied more than half of the ideas from apple

1 Apr 2013, 10.23 PM


We indians are an innovative lot but we often lack the courage to convert our ideas to reality. Lack of courage and independence is deeply entrenched within our cultural values and societal norms and so maybe ,it has caught up with our genes too. To promote innovation, we must try to instill in the young gen ,the independence of thoughts and embracing of failure.Not only our education system will have to promote thinkers, but the society also will have to learn to accept the radical thinkers.

28 Apr 2013, 04.49 PM