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GD Monday - 'Make In India, A Success' - Week 2


Mridul Agrawal

Make In India campaign is a one of its kind initiative taken by the PM to boost manufacturing and exports in the country as well as to put forth a strong message to the world as to the country's robust intentions of becoming a world super power. As far as passing a judgement as to the success of the campaign is concerned, I am of the opinion that it is too soon for such contemplation. Make In India can be said to be in its gestation period and all good results have to pass through this phase. Instead of judging this campaign in terms of a success or failure, we should perceive it as a mind-set, a message to the world as to our determination and focus as to becoming a super power and our effort towards the same. It should be perceived as a stepping stone for many such similar and even better initiatives towards our mutual dream for the nation. Hence I would like to make my point that it is too soon to give a final verdict as to the success of the campaign, but is sure has put the nation on the world map as an emerging super power and that for the matter is a small success in its own, that has opened the door for many such campaigns in the future.

29 Dec 2015, 04.56 PM

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Team InsideIIM

We are the team behind your favourite platform.

Hi Mridul, Good matured opening argument. 6.5/10 For Mridul and everyone here - However, the overall theme of this topic is not narrow focus only on the 'Make in india' campaign but the fundamental issue of lack of manufacturing prowess displayed by our nation, the fact that other nations are building better products/cheaper products and the lack of investment by both Private Indian and Foreign enterprises. The other side of the story which you have rightly picked out is the marketing and image-building aspect of the issue. As a pointer to everyone here, try to think more broadly and bigger more important inter-connected issues.

4 Jan 2016, 02.48 PM |

Tony Sebastian

The 'Make in India' initiative aims to encourage companies to increase manufacturing in India. To this end the government of India has made several policy decisions and have proposed various others that is facing opposition from other parties over details within them. One may only categorize the initiative as a success or failure after a long term period of its implementation. However, as of today the 'Make in India' initiative looks very promising for a rapid and sustained growth of India's economy. 'The World Economic Situations Prospects' a Press Release from the United Nations projects that India would overtake China and have world's highest Regional Growth Rate at 7.3 in 2016 and 7.5 in 2017 . The Government has digitized various processes to increase transparency and the speed with which requirements are met. The 100% Foreign Direct Investment allowed in various sectors and the increased FDI cap in core sectors especially defense provides incentive for companies to engage in India. Various manufacturing units have been set up by companies like Xiomi and Huawei and companies like Lava and Fiat have planned to make huge investments in India. Such investments and setting up of manufacturing hubs in India would finally allow a country with the largest youth population to finally take advantage of its demographic dividend.

29 Dec 2015, 05.03 PM

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Team InsideIIM

We are the team behind your favourite platform.

Hi Tony, Good use of current affairs, stats and the macro-economic angle. Comparison with other nations is important. Also, interesting that you have put out measures by the govt that you think are helping this initiative. Bringing out demographic dividend was also smart. Overall you could have done even more (read comment to Mridul above). But good work - 7/10

4 Jan 2016, 02.52 PM |

Shubham Choudhary

"Make in India", although it has a very fresh vibe attached to it, isn't a new concept. Even in the colonial times, Gandhiji knew the power of powering the economy from within and it was then when the whole country started realising and appreciating the concept. It's true that in the last few decades, we haven't been the frontrunners and seem to have forgotten the power that our own manufacturing industry holds, and to reignite that force, the "Make in India" campaign has been launched. With that said, I think the campaign is in its very early stages, but even at that level, the amount of investments that we have attracted are enough to show the potential that it holds. India is one of the leaders in the world as a service provider and given the size of our country and our improving export revenues, it can be said that in the coming years, the Make in India campaign is going to be a key to our growth rate. With the kind of support that this campaign has gathered all across the country, there is no doubt that this campaign will be a success and will be instrumental in making India a developed nation.

29 Dec 2015, 05.17 PM

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Team InsideIIM

We are the team behind your favourite platform.

Exports have been falling for the last 1 year consistently Shubham. So you should not quote what you are not very sure of. Read this - In most of your argument, you have used zero data to back any of your claims. The positive side is that you gave a new spin with the Gandhiji example which is a good and relevant point. Articulation can also better. 4.5/10 (mainly because going wrong on basic facts is criminal at this stage)

4 Jan 2016, 03.01 PM |

Sandeep Tewari

Make in India campaign was initiated by the government of india to increase the flow of money into India read FDI, and to reduce our dependency on other countries for finished products thereby reducing the import - export deficit which is immense in case of India. Inspired to a large extent by the Chinese manufacturing revolution, its immediate motive was to improve the image of brand India in the global industrial market which had unfortunately taken a beating in the last decade or so. So I think that Make in India as a campaign to change the image of India in the global market has definitely worked and been a success which can verified by the favourable reviews that India has been getting from rating agencies like Moody's and PWC , or what Christine lagarde and the likes have to say about india for that matter. But the success of make India on the basis of its actual purpose of garnering foreign investments and setting up of manufacturing plants of various firms; for that we would have to give it more time definitely.

29 Dec 2015, 09.17 PM

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Team InsideIIM

We are the team behind your favourite platform.

Well explained but you haven't really brought any new point to the table. It is important especially if you speak/participate so late in the GD. Most of the points you made have already been covered earlier in some form. PWC is NOT a rating agency - check your facts. Also, do consider that maybe 'Make in India' also means Indian private companies making things in India - dependency not only on foreign money. 4.5/10

4 Jan 2016, 03.04 PM |

Gargi Priyadarsini

Make in India is an initiative to foster innovation and enhance skill development.It is an ambitious vision but it has many obstacles that stand on its way the foremost being inadequate infrastructure and manpower.To judge the status of the idea it is too early to comment as the implemnetion of an idea needs time to reach the level of success one desires.Different states have taken steps to create a favourable atmosphere for doing business which has thus helped in the make in india campaign.To make india a manufacturing hub the government should prioritise and ensure full domestic capacity utilisation in core sectors.Small steps like vocational training and R&D in all companies would foster the idea and we can achieve the successful results of the campaign.It is a step towards making india a competitive market in the global world.So the journey of the campaign shows that it is on the right path and with sincere and consistent approach by the government the idea would be a success.

30 Dec 2015, 06.53 PM

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Team InsideIIM

We are the team behind your favourite platform.

Overall good. The only one here to bring in the skill development point to the forefront. It is an important desired outcome. Vocational training is also important. However, you seemed to run out of points by the end of it. Could have done so much better. Check our first response made to Mridul here. 6.5/10

4 Jan 2016, 03.06 PM |

Shikhar Mahalwala

'Make In India' has the potential to be a successful initiative. But the success depends mostly on the approach of the government. It needs to be coupled with a lot of more activities and strategies. Reforming labour laws, making land buying easier, skill development, transparent taxation, improved infrastructure to name a few. These measures help in creating a friendly environment for the investors and MNCs to come to India. With examples such as the Vodafone tax case, it is a stiff task to win the confidence of these people. Moreover, companies that were earlier looking for places with a large work labour (India, China) are now looking for locations having cheaper energy resources (U.S.). So energy is yet another sector the government needs to look at. Hence, instead of just gaining political advantage out of 'Make In India' the government needs to take solid steps. Then only we can be envisaged as a manufacturing nation.

30 Dec 2015, 09.25 PM

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Team InsideIIM

We are the team behind your favourite platform.

Started promisingly but lost your way somewhere. The points on reforming labour laws etc. were good. Bringing up Vodafone Tax case was also good. But absolutely didn't get cheaper energy point. Difficult to see how it is relevant. In fact it is not even factually correct. Also, avoid giving your personal political opinion when not asked specifically. It could unnecessarily go against you. Lack of other new points since you entered late. So either enter early or have more points. 4.5/10

4 Jan 2016, 03.10 PM |

Mannat Singla

Mannat Singla A student at Indian Institute of Management, Shillong

Make in India is a promising initiative by Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi as it can assure us being a developed country in coming years if implemented properly. I believe it's too early to judge the success/failure of the campaign as it is something which will happen over time. India is a hub of creative minds and giving them an ideal environment to grow is what can make this campaign a huge success. I believe steps are being taken by the Government in order to achieve the goal. Start up India, Stand up India is one such example. Various steps are being taken under this initiative including Rs 10,000 crores funds for start-ups, tax exemption (including capitals gains tax) for 3 years, 80% reduction in patent registration fee and many more. This will definitely make it easier for people to actually implement their ideas and make their product in India. If Government keeps up with their promise and keeps coming with such ideas, Make in India will definitely be successful.

18 Jan 2016, 10.02 PM

Rahul Gowda

Make in India is among the top priorities for Modi government. This is one of the well thought initiative launched by Prime Minister of India. India is a country which is dependent mainly on Agriculture and Service Industry. so giving boost to Manufacturing sector with make in india initiative will provide lot of opportunities for young innovators, foreign sectors, domestic companies to manufacture products in india. With majority of the population in there 20's and 30's make in india will open opportunities for these young people. This not helps to create more jobs but also improves those families economic situations. As PMO is looking for tackling county's GDP performance, creating jobs, poor people upliftment Make in India initiative is in right direction and going to help it. with the boost to manufacturing sector it increases employability, helps in developing products at low cost which can improve people life, create an entrepreneurship environment. Like any other initiatives for this to be successful government has to action plan to provide job specific skills training to people so that they are employable, create a separate board which helps companies in setting up there manufacturing plant, provide tax exemptions and easy loans for those companies, eliminate bureaucracy etc..At this point its too early to judge whether the initiative is successful or not as its too early but looking at all the actions taken by government of india to create visibility for it we can definitely say that there is lot of importance for this initiative and we can see results in coming days.

19 Jan 2016, 11.49 AM

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Mridul Agrawal

Make In India campaign is a one of its kind initiative taken by the PM to boost manufacturing and exports in the country as well as to put forth a strong message to the world as to the country's robust intentions of becoming a world super power. As far as passing a judgement as to the success of the campaign is concerned, I am of the opinion that it is too soon for such contemplation. Make In India can be said to be in its gestation period and all good results have to pass through this phase. Instead of judging this campaign in terms of a success or failure, we should perceive it as a mind-set, a message to the world as to our determination and focus as to becoming a super power and our effort towards the same. It should be perceived as a stepping stone for many such similar and even better initiatives towards our mutual dream for the nation. Hence I would like to make my point that it is too soon to give a final verdict as to the success of the campaign, but is sure has put the nation on the world map as an emerging super power and that for the matter is a small success in its own, that has opened the door for many such campaigns in the future.

29 Dec 2015, 04.56 PM

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Team InsideIIM

We are the team behind your favourite platform.

Hi Mridul, Good matured opening argument. 6.5/10 For Mridul and everyone here - However, the overall theme of this topic is not narrow focus only on the 'Make in india' campaign but the fundamental issue of lack of manufacturing prowess displayed by our nation, the fact that other nations are building better products/cheaper products and the lack of investment by both Private Indian and Foreign enterprises. The other side of the story which you have rightly picked out is the marketing and image-building aspect of the issue. As a pointer to everyone here, try to think more broadly and bigger more important inter-connected issues.

4 Jan 2016, 02.48 PM |

Tony Sebastian

The 'Make in India' initiative aims to encourage companies to increase manufacturing in India. To this end the government of India has made several policy decisions and have proposed various others that is facing opposition from other parties over details within them. One may only categorize the initiative as a success or failure after a long term period of its implementation. However, as of today the 'Make in India' initiative looks very promising for a rapid and sustained growth of India's economy. 'The World Economic Situations Prospects' a Press Release from the United Nations projects that India would overtake China and have world's highest Regional Growth Rate at 7.3 in 2016 and 7.5 in 2017 . The Government has digitized various processes to increase transparency and the speed with which requirements are met. The 100% Foreign Direct Investment allowed in various sectors and the increased FDI cap in core sectors especially defense provides incentive for companies to engage in India. Various manufacturing units have been set up by companies like Xiomi and Huawei and companies like Lava and Fiat have planned to make huge investments in India. Such investments and setting up of manufacturing hubs in India would finally allow a country with the largest youth population to finally take advantage of its demographic dividend.

29 Dec 2015, 05.03 PM

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Team InsideIIM

We are the team behind your favourite platform.

Hi Tony, Good use of current affairs, stats and the macro-economic angle. Comparison with other nations is important. Also, interesting that you have put out measures by the govt that you think are helping this initiative. Bringing out demographic dividend was also smart. Overall you could have done even more (read comment to Mridul above). But good work - 7/10

4 Jan 2016, 02.52 PM |

Shubham Choudhary

"Make in India", although it has a very fresh vibe attached to it, isn't a new concept. Even in the colonial times, Gandhiji knew the power of powering the economy from within and it was then when the whole country started realising and appreciating the concept. It's true that in the last few decades, we haven't been the frontrunners and seem to have forgotten the power that our own manufacturing industry holds, and to reignite that force, the "Make in India" campaign has been launched. With that said, I think the campaign is in its very early stages, but even at that level, the amount of investments that we have attracted are enough to show the potential that it holds. India is one of the leaders in the world as a service provider and given the size of our country and our improving export revenues, it can be said that in the coming years, the Make in India campaign is going to be a key to our growth rate. With the kind of support that this campaign has gathered all across the country, there is no doubt that this campaign will be a success and will be instrumental in making India a developed nation.

29 Dec 2015, 05.17 PM

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Team InsideIIM

We are the team behind your favourite platform.

Exports have been falling for the last 1 year consistently Shubham. So you should not quote what you are not very sure of. Read this - In most of your argument, you have used zero data to back any of your claims. The positive side is that you gave a new spin with the Gandhiji example which is a good and relevant point. Articulation can also better. 4.5/10 (mainly because going wrong on basic facts is criminal at this stage)

4 Jan 2016, 03.01 PM |

Sandeep Tewari

Make in India campaign was initiated by the government of india to increase the flow of money into India read FDI, and to reduce our dependency on other countries for finished products thereby reducing the import - export deficit which is immense in case of India. Inspired to a large extent by the Chinese manufacturing revolution, its immediate motive was to improve the image of brand India in the global industrial market which had unfortunately taken a beating in the last decade or so. So I think that Make in India as a campaign to change the image of India in the global market has definitely worked and been a success which can verified by the favourable reviews that India has been getting from rating agencies like Moody's and PWC , or what Christine lagarde and the likes have to say about india for that matter. But the success of make India on the basis of its actual purpose of garnering foreign investments and setting up of manufacturing plants of various firms; for that we would have to give it more time definitely.

29 Dec 2015, 09.17 PM

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Team InsideIIM

We are the team behind your favourite platform.

Well explained but you haven't really brought any new point to the table. It is important especially if you speak/participate so late in the GD. Most of the points you made have already been covered earlier in some form. PWC is NOT a rating agency - check your facts. Also, do consider that maybe 'Make in India' also means Indian private companies making things in India - dependency not only on foreign money. 4.5/10

4 Jan 2016, 03.04 PM |

Gargi Priyadarsini

Make in India is an initiative to foster innovation and enhance skill development.It is an ambitious vision but it has many obstacles that stand on its way the foremost being inadequate infrastructure and manpower.To judge the status of the idea it is too early to comment as the implemnetion of an idea needs time to reach the level of success one desires.Different states have taken steps to create a favourable atmosphere for doing business which has thus helped in the make in india campaign.To make india a manufacturing hub the government should prioritise and ensure full domestic capacity utilisation in core sectors.Small steps like vocational training and R&D in all companies would foster the idea and we can achieve the successful results of the campaign.It is a step towards making india a competitive market in the global world.So the journey of the campaign shows that it is on the right path and with sincere and consistent approach by the government the idea would be a success.

30 Dec 2015, 06.53 PM

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Team InsideIIM

We are the team behind your favourite platform.

Overall good. The only one here to bring in the skill development point to the forefront. It is an important desired outcome. Vocational training is also important. However, you seemed to run out of points by the end of it. Could have done so much better. Check our first response made to Mridul here. 6.5/10

4 Jan 2016, 03.06 PM |

Shikhar Mahalwala

'Make In India' has the potential to be a successful initiative. But the success depends mostly on the approach of the government. It needs to be coupled with a lot of more activities and strategies. Reforming labour laws, making land buying easier, skill development, transparent taxation, improved infrastructure to name a few. These measures help in creating a friendly environment for the investors and MNCs to come to India. With examples such as the Vodafone tax case, it is a stiff task to win the confidence of these people. Moreover, companies that were earlier looking for places with a large work labour (India, China) are now looking for locations having cheaper energy resources (U.S.). So energy is yet another sector the government needs to look at. Hence, instead of just gaining political advantage out of 'Make In India' the government needs to take solid steps. Then only we can be envisaged as a manufacturing nation.

30 Dec 2015, 09.25 PM

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Team InsideIIM

We are the team behind your favourite platform.

Started promisingly but lost your way somewhere. The points on reforming labour laws etc. were good. Bringing up Vodafone Tax case was also good. But absolutely didn't get cheaper energy point. Difficult to see how it is relevant. In fact it is not even factually correct. Also, avoid giving your personal political opinion when not asked specifically. It could unnecessarily go against you. Lack of other new points since you entered late. So either enter early or have more points. 4.5/10

4 Jan 2016, 03.10 PM |

Mannat Singla

Mannat Singla A student at Indian Institute of Management, Shillong

Make in India is a promising initiative by Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi as it can assure us being a developed country in coming years if implemented properly. I believe it's too early to judge the success/failure of the campaign as it is something which will happen over time. India is a hub of creative minds and giving them an ideal environment to grow is what can make this campaign a huge success. I believe steps are being taken by the Government in order to achieve the goal. Start up India, Stand up India is one such example. Various steps are being taken under this initiative including Rs 10,000 crores funds for start-ups, tax exemption (including capitals gains tax) for 3 years, 80% reduction in patent registration fee and many more. This will definitely make it easier for people to actually implement their ideas and make their product in India. If Government keeps up with their promise and keeps coming with such ideas, Make in India will definitely be successful.

18 Jan 2016, 10.02 PM

Rahul Gowda

Make in India is among the top priorities for Modi government. This is one of the well thought initiative launched by Prime Minister of India. India is a country which is dependent mainly on Agriculture and Service Industry. so giving boost to Manufacturing sector with make in india initiative will provide lot of opportunities for young innovators, foreign sectors, domestic companies to manufacture products in india. With majority of the population in there 20's and 30's make in india will open opportunities for these young people. This not helps to create more jobs but also improves those families economic situations. As PMO is looking for tackling county's GDP performance, creating jobs, poor people upliftment Make in India initiative is in right direction and going to help it. with the boost to manufacturing sector it increases employability, helps in developing products at low cost which can improve people life, create an entrepreneurship environment. Like any other initiatives for this to be successful government has to action plan to provide job specific skills training to people so that they are employable, create a separate board which helps companies in setting up there manufacturing plant, provide tax exemptions and easy loans for those companies, eliminate bureaucracy etc..At this point its too early to judge whether the initiative is successful or not as its too early but looking at all the actions taken by government of india to create visibility for it we can definitely say that there is lot of importance for this initiative and we can see results in coming days.

19 Jan 2016, 11.49 AM