This helps in your exams, project reports, writing assignments etc. But beware; it really doesn’t work much in placements!
To understand the term globe, here are ten definitions for your enlightenment.
- Globe is about expressing everything around the perceived issue in hand with great confidence sans the actual issue.
- Globe is the exaggeration of the obvious leaving behind the actuals.
- Globe is an inflated balloon hanging on a thin thread literally.
- Globe is a superset of all thinkable sets which may or may not include the intended set.
- Globe is the assumption of cash flows in perpetuity when the flow patterns look blurred.
- Globe is the macroeconomics answer of a microeconomics question.
- Globe is the careful placement of AI, ML, big data in every second sentence in a placement interview.
- Globe is the generation of many random ideas and then generating more ideas on how to link them and then even more ideas on how to justify them.
- Globe is the globalization of Panchayati Raj when you have not seen a panchayat.
- Globe is changing your LinkedIn tagline to “A travel enthusiast, a globetrotter, nature lover, adventure seeker, avid writer, passionate blogger, professional photographer” just after posting on Facebook, a sleepy selfie atop Nandi Hills which reads, “In the morning mist on the mount, I manage to unravel myself”
- Globe is modern art. (It’s eleven points when it says ten :P )
I hope you now appreciate the true meaning of globe. This is the single most important artillery for you to survive an MBA. Happy globing!