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26 Apr 2012, 11.31 AM



26 Apr 2012, 01.02 PM

sanjay kartari

good article TJ i am commerce graudate -2005 an entrepreneur since 2001 can you tell me will jbims 3 yr part time mmm will be good for an entrepreneurs or i will go for 2 yr part time mba in entrepreneurship from lesser known b-schools or i will appear for mms-cet 2013 to try my luck for full time mba from jbims

2 May 2012, 05.25 PM


Such a poorly written article. Sounds like it is written by a frog in a well. The only thing that compares well with the JBIMS infrastructure is a lodge from a tier II city. I am sure you are praising it so much because you didn't appear for any competitive exam for your undergraduate as well as graduate studies other than MH CET.

29 May 2012, 12.56 AM

+Read Replies (1)


Please read the article with a balanced mind before you post comments. And when you do, try to stick to facts and logical arguments instead of making ad hominem attacks. InsideIIM is not a forum for settling personal scores or venting daily-life frustrations.

29 May 2012, 10.21 AM |


@Shilp Dixit a.k.a.rST It is really interesting to see how someone who isnt even doing an MBA comments on an article about B-School life ! It also shows how frustrated you are for not being able to get into JBIMS !

21 Jun 2012, 05.38 PM

+Read Replies (5)

Shilp Dixit

@Anon a.k.a "the loser who has no guts to post his/her name but has the audacity to mock others"... I am not doing an MBA out of choice and not compulsion due to low scores which might be the case for you. Best of luck for your future(trust me, the likes of you will need all the luck that you can collect)... FYI: I would rather have my limbs cut-off and spend the rest of my life begging on the streets of Bombay than do an MBA from a third grade institute mentioned in the article.

9 Jul 2012, 02.49 PM |

B schol boy

:) , ur level of frustration is visible from the quality of your comment . <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> , look at the names of the people and the positions they hold in reputed organsation who hav graduated from wat u claim to b a 3rd grade college , they are heads of companies which are dream companies fr any B school student in india . @insideIIM : i seriously feel there is a need of censorship here like pagalguy coz unnecessary mudslinging is happening here without proper logi8cal reasoning ,

9 Jul 2012, 08.56 PM |

Shilp Dixit

Another anonymous user!... I am confused how everyone can spot my non-existent frustration. My initial comments on the article were regarding the quality of the article which have been twisted to sound as if they were meant to attack JBIMS...

9 Jul 2012, 09.37 PM |

B school boy.

I seriously don&#039;t understand what is wrong with the article ? It simply provides the strengths of JB i.e 10 reasons why it is one of the top colleges in india ,none of which is false info in a simple and lucid manner and it is directed towards aspirants who are targetting JB . If you are not interested in JB , i dnt knw why u shud be bothered about the quality of writing ? PS : weren&#039;t you anonymous in your 1st comment ?

9 Jul 2012, 09.52 PM |

Shilp Dixit

I had used my screen name( &quot;rST&quot; and if you care to notice someone from the admin team has replied to the article and mentioned my complete name.

9 Jul 2012, 09.57 PM |


Comments about article quality: This article is indeed poorly written. Reading it feels like reading 4th standard essays on &quot;My City&quot; or &quot;My School&quot;. Please don&#039;t take me wrong when i say that i expected much better from a student in a &#039;topmost&#039; institute of MBA in Maharashtra. Comments for TJ: No offence but I think you are one of those Mumbaittes who imagine their whole life being spent in Mumbai only. I also love Mumbai so thats fair enough but I wouldn&#039;t like to be stuck in one place only. The JB&#039;s qualities which you rave about in this article are nothing when compared with IIMs. It gets such a high-end package mostly because of the location it is situated in, that is :Mumbai.

9 Jul 2012, 03.23 PM

+Read Replies (2)

B school boy

I think you are again mst. shilp dixit with name changed . You are not here to judge to judge the quality of anyone&#039;s writing , this article provides information about a particular institute which is one of the top 10 institutes in india (if it wasn&#039;t , it wudnt hav featured here on ) . If u are interested in this college read the article find out wether the infornation provided to u is usefull to you or not , if it is not then move on , why unnecessary mudslinging at a reputed institute ??

9 Jul 2012, 09.03 PM |

Shilp Dixit

Mr. Anonymous user, Why will I change my name for a post when I have been using my real name for every previous post? The comments section are provided for readers to provide their feedback on the article. If you guys do not want feedback then why provide a comments section?... I have no information or data based on which I can trust the tons of college rankings and It is pretty evident from my previous comments that I am not remotely interested in doing an MBA(esp from JBIMS).

9 Jul 2012, 09.42 PM |


Comments about JB: I have been through GDPI rounds for CET(at JB) as well as for IIM-C. If you try to comparethe students, there is no comparison. The fact that IIM students are far better than JB is obvious since for JB you are competing at state-level and for IIM , at state level. I have seen the campus of JB and it sucks. They didn&#039;t even clean the toilets propely.The campus of my Engg college (which i hated) was better than JB&#039;s campus. and believe me, I am not expecting JB to compete it with IIM&#039;s campus. It is that bad for a &#039;Topmost&#039; college.

9 Jul 2012, 03.24 PM

+Read Replies (2)

B school boy.

infra was never the plus point of JB , bt its not as bad as you have mentioned , stop misleading people ,just to promote your propaganda . The infra is not spectacular , bt is well equipped with all the basic faclities which are required for an MBA . yes we dont have 100 acres of campus , bt look at the location where its situated , the best location fr any B school . students get tremendous industry exposure because of this location. JB attracts one of the best visiting faculty in the country again because of its location <a href="http://(;task=view&amp;id=314&amp;Itemid=196" rel="nofollow">(;task=view&amp;id=314&amp;Itemid=196</a> check out the visting faculty , and the postiuons they hold in reputed organisations ). Most importantly , alumni network ! it has the best alumni network after IIM ABC ,equivalent to that of FMS, XL. . everyone knows placements are alumni driven. Also check your facts , u r nt competing at state level for JB , there are 18 all india seats , nd it manages to attract best students from different parts of india , apart from top students from maharashtra. lastly i would not say that JB is equivalent to IIM ABC , bt it is certainly equivailent to all other colleges featured here on this site.

9 Jul 2012, 09.17 PM |

Shilp Dixit

If the infra is not as bad as &quot;Raskolnikov&quot; mentions then please do mention how bad it is. If a top MBA college cannot even provide proper hostel accommodation, how do u describe it to be well equipped. Oh!!!, probably the 18 all india students each year are not of much concern and the day-scholars prefer to travel in trains and buses at odd hours to get back to their rooms. And speaking of top visiting faculty, is it because there is no permanent faculty?... How are the top students in Maharashtra selected?...MH-CET, isn&#039;t it?... (SIMPER SIMPER) And lastly, If the standards of all top MBA colleges in India are so low then I am genuinely disappointed. I dont care whether JBIMS is above or below IIM-ABC... Once again I would like to wish you all the best for your placements(you cannot stop harping about them) and your future. I am certain you will do really well in life.

9 Jul 2012, 09.55 PM |

B school boy.

anyone can make out from your comments that you are up fr a propaganda against this college , but kindly do check your facts before posting comments . All the OMS and OHU ( candidates outside mumbai) are provided with hostel facilities , the hostel is just opposite marine drive , and at what rate ? Rs 8000 per year !! The infra of JBIMS is good enuf such that it can accomodate all 120 students and can provide them with al basic facilties requiresd fr MBA ( free WIFI , audi , a library which is one of the best in asia with over 40k books , classrooms are equipped with the latest technology) I am sure anyone who has given this years MH CET will hav a good laugh at your comments &quot;simpler simpler&quot; , check out coments on pagalguy regarding this years CET , it was tougher than CAT !!! There are 90 visiting faculty and 5 parmanent faculty . Any problem with that ? as long as the faculty is of top quality ? Lastly i would say that infra of JB is not as spectacular as the IIMs , thats mainly because of location constraints , u cannot hav a huge campus in churchgate ! But infra has very litle role in your MBA education ( go to lovely professional university if u want only infra , it has 500 acres of campus) , what matters mainly is the quality of students and the quality of faculty ! both are top notch at JB.

9 Jul 2012, 10.24 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Shilp Dixit

My low expectations from MH-CET students have been confirmed!!! I am assuming you are one of the toppers... you read SIMPER and auto-corrected it to a common word &#039;simpler&#039; and started defending the difficulty level of the exam. I guess it was still not tough enough to weed out the useless quality of students. But these are the future leaders of multinationals, who am I to complain. Kid without an MBA... Competitive exam without negative marking = random picking of students. FYI: SIMPER: : Smile in an affectedly coquettish, coy, or ingratiating manner. Time to brush up the verbal section, eh?

9 Jul 2012, 10.34 PM |

B school boy.

yes it is quite surprising how these random students become CEO,CFO&#039;s and presidents of leading MNCs (see alumni network) ? no ? i wonder wonder why such reputed organisations are handing over control of their organisations to useless quality of students . i guess next time they should consult from someone as intelligent as mst. shilp dixit before making such mistakes ! PS : yes i read it as simpler , thanks for pointing out my mistake , and i was neither aware of the word simper . Bt i beleive in leaning rather than boasting . :)

9 Jul 2012, 10.43 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Shilp Dixit

Ok, whatever floats your boat. I am off for now. Hope we cross paths again. In the mean time: Your college: defend it Your philosophy: follow it Your Life: Justify it and do well... Thanks for the evening of fun and entertainment. FYI: *But, *I, *believe, *learning.

9 Jul 2012, 11.45 PM |

B school boy.

its a typo , hope u knw the difference between typos nd genuine mistakes , peace.

10 Jul 2012, 12.29 PM

Boom bam

Whatever u sat... Anyone who visits jbims know that its campus life sucks big time... Only good thing abt it r placements

21 Oct 2016, 04.11 AM

+Read Replies (1)

Boom bam


21 Oct 2016, 04.13 AM |

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26 Apr 2012, 11.31 AM



26 Apr 2012, 01.02 PM

sanjay kartari

good article TJ i am commerce graudate -2005 an entrepreneur since 2001 can you tell me will jbims 3 yr part time mmm will be good for an entrepreneurs or i will go for 2 yr part time mba in entrepreneurship from lesser known b-schools or i will appear for mms-cet 2013 to try my luck for full time mba from jbims

2 May 2012, 05.25 PM


Such a poorly written article. Sounds like it is written by a frog in a well. The only thing that compares well with the JBIMS infrastructure is a lodge from a tier II city. I am sure you are praising it so much because you didn't appear for any competitive exam for your undergraduate as well as graduate studies other than MH CET.

29 May 2012, 12.56 AM

+Read Replies (1)


Please read the article with a balanced mind before you post comments. And when you do, try to stick to facts and logical arguments instead of making ad hominem attacks. InsideIIM is not a forum for settling personal scores or venting daily-life frustrations.

29 May 2012, 10.21 AM |


@Shilp Dixit a.k.a.rST It is really interesting to see how someone who isnt even doing an MBA comments on an article about B-School life ! It also shows how frustrated you are for not being able to get into JBIMS !

21 Jun 2012, 05.38 PM

+Read Replies (5)

Shilp Dixit

@Anon a.k.a &quot;the loser who has no guts to post his/her name but has the audacity to mock others&quot;... I am not doing an MBA out of choice and not compulsion due to low scores which might be the case for you. Best of luck for your future(trust me, the likes of you will need all the luck that you can collect)... FYI: I would rather have my limbs cut-off and spend the rest of my life begging on the streets of Bombay than do an MBA from a third grade institute mentioned in the article.

9 Jul 2012, 02.49 PM |

B schol boy

:) , ur level of frustration is visible from the quality of your comment . <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> , look at the names of the people and the positions they hold in reputed organsation who hav graduated from wat u claim to b a 3rd grade college , they are heads of companies which are dream companies fr any B school student in india . @insideIIM : i seriously feel there is a need of censorship here like pagalguy coz unnecessary mudslinging is happening here without proper logi8cal reasoning ,

9 Jul 2012, 08.56 PM |

Shilp Dixit

Another anonymous user!... I am confused how everyone can spot my non-existent frustration. My initial comments on the article were regarding the quality of the article which have been twisted to sound as if they were meant to attack JBIMS...

9 Jul 2012, 09.37 PM |

B school boy.

I seriously don&#039;t understand what is wrong with the article ? It simply provides the strengths of JB i.e 10 reasons why it is one of the top colleges in india ,none of which is false info in a simple and lucid manner and it is directed towards aspirants who are targetting JB . If you are not interested in JB , i dnt knw why u shud be bothered about the quality of writing ? PS : weren&#039;t you anonymous in your 1st comment ?

9 Jul 2012, 09.52 PM |

Shilp Dixit

I had used my screen name( &quot;rST&quot; and if you care to notice someone from the admin team has replied to the article and mentioned my complete name.

9 Jul 2012, 09.57 PM |


Comments about article quality: This article is indeed poorly written. Reading it feels like reading 4th standard essays on &quot;My City&quot; or &quot;My School&quot;. Please don&#039;t take me wrong when i say that i expected much better from a student in a &#039;topmost&#039; institute of MBA in Maharashtra. Comments for TJ: No offence but I think you are one of those Mumbaittes who imagine their whole life being spent in Mumbai only. I also love Mumbai so thats fair enough but I wouldn&#039;t like to be stuck in one place only. The JB&#039;s qualities which you rave about in this article are nothing when compared with IIMs. It gets such a high-end package mostly because of the location it is situated in, that is :Mumbai.

9 Jul 2012, 03.23 PM

+Read Replies (2)

B school boy

I think you are again mst. shilp dixit with name changed . You are not here to judge to judge the quality of anyone&#039;s writing , this article provides information about a particular institute which is one of the top 10 institutes in india (if it wasn&#039;t , it wudnt hav featured here on ) . If u are interested in this college read the article find out wether the infornation provided to u is usefull to you or not , if it is not then move on , why unnecessary mudslinging at a reputed institute ??

9 Jul 2012, 09.03 PM |

Shilp Dixit

Mr. Anonymous user, Why will I change my name for a post when I have been using my real name for every previous post? The comments section are provided for readers to provide their feedback on the article. If you guys do not want feedback then why provide a comments section?... I have no information or data based on which I can trust the tons of college rankings and It is pretty evident from my previous comments that I am not remotely interested in doing an MBA(esp from JBIMS).

9 Jul 2012, 09.42 PM |


Comments about JB: I have been through GDPI rounds for CET(at JB) as well as for IIM-C. If you try to comparethe students, there is no comparison. The fact that IIM students are far better than JB is obvious since for JB you are competing at state-level and for IIM , at state level. I have seen the campus of JB and it sucks. They didn&#039;t even clean the toilets propely.The campus of my Engg college (which i hated) was better than JB&#039;s campus. and believe me, I am not expecting JB to compete it with IIM&#039;s campus. It is that bad for a &#039;Topmost&#039; college.

9 Jul 2012, 03.24 PM

+Read Replies (2)

B school boy.

infra was never the plus point of JB , bt its not as bad as you have mentioned , stop misleading people ,just to promote your propaganda . The infra is not spectacular , bt is well equipped with all the basic faclities which are required for an MBA . yes we dont have 100 acres of campus , bt look at the location where its situated , the best location fr any B school . students get tremendous industry exposure because of this location. JB attracts one of the best visiting faculty in the country again because of its location <a href="http://(;task=view&amp;id=314&amp;Itemid=196" rel="nofollow">(;task=view&amp;id=314&amp;Itemid=196</a> check out the visting faculty , and the postiuons they hold in reputed organisations ). Most importantly , alumni network ! it has the best alumni network after IIM ABC ,equivalent to that of FMS, XL. . everyone knows placements are alumni driven. Also check your facts , u r nt competing at state level for JB , there are 18 all india seats , nd it manages to attract best students from different parts of india , apart from top students from maharashtra. lastly i would not say that JB is equivalent to IIM ABC , bt it is certainly equivailent to all other colleges featured here on this site.

9 Jul 2012, 09.17 PM |

Shilp Dixit

If the infra is not as bad as &quot;Raskolnikov&quot; mentions then please do mention how bad it is. If a top MBA college cannot even provide proper hostel accommodation, how do u describe it to be well equipped. Oh!!!, probably the 18 all india students each year are not of much concern and the day-scholars prefer to travel in trains and buses at odd hours to get back to their rooms. And speaking of top visiting faculty, is it because there is no permanent faculty?... How are the top students in Maharashtra selected?...MH-CET, isn&#039;t it?... (SIMPER SIMPER) And lastly, If the standards of all top MBA colleges in India are so low then I am genuinely disappointed. I dont care whether JBIMS is above or below IIM-ABC... Once again I would like to wish you all the best for your placements(you cannot stop harping about them) and your future. I am certain you will do really well in life.

9 Jul 2012, 09.55 PM |

B school boy.

anyone can make out from your comments that you are up fr a propaganda against this college , but kindly do check your facts before posting comments . All the OMS and OHU ( candidates outside mumbai) are provided with hostel facilities , the hostel is just opposite marine drive , and at what rate ? Rs 8000 per year !! The infra of JBIMS is good enuf such that it can accomodate all 120 students and can provide them with al basic facilties requiresd fr MBA ( free WIFI , audi , a library which is one of the best in asia with over 40k books , classrooms are equipped with the latest technology) I am sure anyone who has given this years MH CET will hav a good laugh at your comments &quot;simpler simpler&quot; , check out coments on pagalguy regarding this years CET , it was tougher than CAT !!! There are 90 visiting faculty and 5 parmanent faculty . Any problem with that ? as long as the faculty is of top quality ? Lastly i would say that infra of JB is not as spectacular as the IIMs , thats mainly because of location constraints , u cannot hav a huge campus in churchgate ! But infra has very litle role in your MBA education ( go to lovely professional university if u want only infra , it has 500 acres of campus) , what matters mainly is the quality of students and the quality of faculty ! both are top notch at JB.

9 Jul 2012, 10.24 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Shilp Dixit

My low expectations from MH-CET students have been confirmed!!! I am assuming you are one of the toppers... you read SIMPER and auto-corrected it to a common word &#039;simpler&#039; and started defending the difficulty level of the exam. I guess it was still not tough enough to weed out the useless quality of students. But these are the future leaders of multinationals, who am I to complain. Kid without an MBA... Competitive exam without negative marking = random picking of students. FYI: SIMPER: : Smile in an affectedly coquettish, coy, or ingratiating manner. Time to brush up the verbal section, eh?

9 Jul 2012, 10.34 PM |

B school boy.

yes it is quite surprising how these random students become CEO,CFO&#039;s and presidents of leading MNCs (see alumni network) ? no ? i wonder wonder why such reputed organisations are handing over control of their organisations to useless quality of students . i guess next time they should consult from someone as intelligent as mst. shilp dixit before making such mistakes ! PS : yes i read it as simpler , thanks for pointing out my mistake , and i was neither aware of the word simper . Bt i beleive in leaning rather than boasting . :)

9 Jul 2012, 10.43 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Shilp Dixit

Ok, whatever floats your boat. I am off for now. Hope we cross paths again. In the mean time: Your college: defend it Your philosophy: follow it Your Life: Justify it and do well... Thanks for the evening of fun and entertainment. FYI: *But, *I, *believe, *learning.

9 Jul 2012, 11.45 PM |

B school boy.

its a typo , hope u knw the difference between typos nd genuine mistakes , peace.

10 Jul 2012, 12.29 PM

Boom bam

Whatever u sat... Anyone who visits jbims know that its campus life sucks big time... Only good thing abt it r placements

21 Oct 2016, 04.11 AM

+Read Replies (1)

Boom bam


21 Oct 2016, 04.13 AM |