Take yourself. If you search for a product on line, then the price quoted to you will depend upon the location & device from were you are searching. If you are in Mumbai & searching from Malabar Hill, the most affluent area, on an Apple iPad then the price quoted to you is likely to be between 20 -25 % higher as compared your friend who is also searching for the same merchandise at the same time but form a lesser affluent suburban location on a Window's installed Dell laptop.
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Why the difference in price?
The smart algorithm installed by e-commerce companies surmises that a person doing a search from Malabar Hills on an Apple device is likely to more affluent than a person searching from a less affluent location on a Dell. And an affluent person is likely to be less finicky about price than others!
By the Way, if your keep a track of your e-commerce site you will be dismayed to find that using smart algorithm the prices of merchandise change multiple times a day depending upon demand!
And we laid the blame solely at Uber’s doorstep!
Do remember for majority of internet companies we are the product from whom they make money – either by selling to us or by selling us.
Read everything by Rajesh Srivastava here