The strategy of company in different domains such as Marketing, Human Resources, Cost structure, self-management and Governance, Cross Utilization, Staffing, Compensation.
Organization structure: There were three levels in People's initial organization structure included Burr, and seven other managing officers. Each provided line (flight-related) as well as staff (administrative) leadership for more than one of the many functional areas. Eight general managers, flight manager, a customer service manager, or a maintenance manager.
Self-management and Governance:
People are to be "self-managed" and to participate in corporate governance, they have to contribute to policy-level decision making, through different councils and committees. To be self-managed, paraphrasing the company's written guidelines on self-management, was to set specific, challenging, but realistic objectives within the organizational context, to monitor and assess one's own performance, to invent and execute activities to remedy performance problems, exploiting opportunities for improved performance, and to actively seek the information, resources and/or assistance needed to achieve the performance objectives.