The conference will be a mix of panel discussions and technical issues. Panel discussion on Right to food: Value chain perspective will have extensive talks among prominent personalities on food security act and the key strategic issues such as procurement, transportation, storage and delivery involved in its implementation. The second panel discussion will be on emergency preparedness and disaster relief operations. The speakers in this panel will deliberate on the role played by stakeholders such as governments, NGOs, international relief agencies etc. in improvising, learning, unlearning and relearning from the disaster experience. This will equip the various stakeholders with effective preparedness in dealing with future disasters. The panellists in the discussion on strategic issues in humanitarian logistics will dwell upon strategic organizational, operations and managerial challenges faced during the humanitarian crises to keep the material flows, financial flows and information flows-up and running. The panelists in the final discussion on managing humanitarian logistics will explore alternative ways of planning, design, preparedness, coordination, strategic alliance, analyses, response, execution, performance and accountability to outwit the wicked problem faced during the crises.
ICHL 2013 thus promises to be an eye opener to the importance of Humanitarian Logistics in disaster relief and management.
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