The glorious part of being on an exchange is that you can proudly strike off Euro trip from your bucket list and indulge in fulfilling others like witnessing the Northern Lights, visiting Disneyland or seeking an adrenaline rush through skydiving. All subject to timetables and budget constraints. However, you also appreciate the carefree life you leave back in India, especially when it comes down to performing moribund chores, doing mental math of exchange rates revives the Marwadi in you and one dearly misses heat and sweat when temperatures drop down to -3°C.
I travelled to 13 countries of which 7 were solo, a personal achievement (but a friend managed 34). My biggest takeaway is that now I can confidently say, ’I will survive’. And that’s a great learning for life.
About the author - Rianne currently studies in IIM Indore and you can find some of her exchange experiences at