My fight with Anxiety
‘Don’t take life too seriously, you will never get out of it alive’ – Elbert Hubbard. I was a kid who couldn’t keep his cool, be it the class quiz or the regular exams I would have sweaty hands due to the anxiety I had and would always miss out on performing well due to this. I was an active kid in class and would be well prepared for all the classes but the fear of missing out or not being able to prove myself would always hold me back and there came a time when I started avoiding taking part in any competition fearing negative consequences .
As I moved out of my school my competition increased and so did my anxiety and this was a whole new challenge because the school people knew me and were accommodating to my issues but here in a new college in a new city with all new friends there was no way out of this, I became reserved and not participating and everyone ignored me and I was not used to this, I was struggling to get out of this and my situation caused me more anxiety and then came a time I had to finally take charge of things and it was tough I started to get involved in more discussion and gradually became a part of the groups and have learnt that everyone comes with a set of limitations of their own and owing up to these and trying to overcome these and to cherish the effort that goes into that is what brings meaning to the life. Since then I had made it a rule that whenever there was a chance to participate in anything I would first give my name and then think of what to do, Being anxious had made me work extra had hard and ensure that I do well in any challenge and that way I have smoothly turned a weakness of mine into my strength.
Since then I have been taking up challenge, facing new things and always being ready for the life as it comes. My MBA is a part of my journey to make myself more confident. I know that I will still be anxious for the journey to come but that is one of the reasons I’ll be more ready for it.