My internship was focused on the equity mutual funds division. Before starting the work, we were provided with the prerequisite material to understand the deliverables of the project. The work revolved around doing promoter level analysis of several companies whilst overlooking their related party transactions and vested interest of key managerial personnel (KMPs) in other business ventures. The key piece of learning that I take away from these 8 weeks is, the difference between learning by reading and studying and learning through hands-on experience of applying the same is as similar to criticizing a player while commentating and playing on the field (read cricket here). My understanding of how any mutual fund house works and how a portfolio is designed was a lot different from what I experienced while interning, the importance to minute details and heavy research work that goes before taking any equity stock in the consideration for its inclusion in any portfolio; forms an imperative part of the process, which to my understanding before joining the internship was of little importance. This internship would not have been possibly completed without the guidance of my mentor at each step who made me realize that “learning by doing” is a better teacher than any individual can have and a little praise & motivation goes hand in hand with the incremental dedication towards delivering better performance than before.