I kept repeating this line to myself, like a mantra. In an instant, my world view changed. I started looking around at the buildings, the greenery, the people interacting with each other, and saw possibilities. Another thought gripped me with equal intensity.
"Nothing can be achieved unless it is translated into goals, and traversed through milestones."
So I pursued my thought. I made a goal to talk with as many people as possible. I made a goal to explore the funny in me. I embarked on hardcore networking, talking with random people (newcomers, just like me), getting to know them. I was going down the street and chatting up with strangers left and right. It was overwhelming, but I had a goal in mind. I wanted to be the best networker in the world. That was my way of conquering the world. As a bonus, I became marginally more knowledgeable that night. It can be surprising what doors can potentially open if we let people into our lives.
Statistically speaking, the only way to succeed is to keep trying. The more you try, the more are your chances of succeeding. Failure can be discouraging. But it doesn't need to be so. It can be a motivational booster if you let it be so. Statisticians and mathematicians have concluded that there is no limit to how efficient one can get, provided she is relentless in her pursuit and driven by positive thoughts.
Throughout the night, miraculous events kept on unfolding. My relentless thirst for conversations led me to share ice cream with strangers, and even get to play the drums. Life can hit you with surprises, if you let it do so.
I have come to the conclusion that the only thing limiting us from achieving our potential, is ourselves. Sometimes we can be too harsh on ourselves. If only we let ourselves be more than what we are, we may become something unimaginable. And who knows what that can be? Let your imagination fly!
Naveen Bagga
Live Life Aam Aadmi Size. A loyal Arsenal and Kings XI Punjab fan (Yes, life hasn't been this easy for me), currently pursuing MBA in IME, IIT Kanpur. A former employee of EY, EX-SRM-ITE. Blockchain enthusiast and Interested in Analytics.
Nice post man!
23 Jul 2019, 01.30 PM