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Summer Placements : IIM Lucknow - Class of 2012-14



Move over ABC, ABCL has arrived :)

10 Nov 2012, 12.25 AM

+Read Replies (5)


Hellite , As per reports No of companies visiting IIM L is greater than IIM C!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And IIM L admitting that all the companies and profiles reported may not be true !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Doesnot it in itself suggest that IIM L is trying to unjustifiably trying to position itself in the top 5? It was really disappointing and misguiding for aspirants!

27 Nov 2012, 01.03 PM |


No of companies visiting IIML > No of companies visiting IIMC. So? Where has IIML said that companies and profiles may not be true? IIML is the next best option after ABC. And if you ask me, neither XLRI not FMS takes the fifth spot, as it had already been taken by ISB. Just to reiterate, the top 5 B-Schools of the country are IIM ABCL and ISB.

27 Nov 2012, 02.15 PM |



30 Nov 2012, 10.22 PM |


Justice is Blind, it makes own assumption & say that facts are not True. Okie we know that this year, your campus didn't had great placement but stop putting garbage in other's post.

4 Dec 2012, 10.28 PM |


For your kind information, getting a 700+ GMAT Score is nothing compared to getting a 99.5+ CAT Percentile!!!! PERIOD!!!! So, putting ISB among the likes of IIM ABCL is a pathetic attempt. Because you are comparing CTA vs GMAT and we all know the heaven and hell difference between the two of them!!!

29 Dec 2012, 01.33 PM |


Extremely good performance.Though i don't exactly agree to the ABCL part yet, but got to say L really has earned the number 4 tag this year. A repeat of this performance for some years in row is only thing that remains between ABC and ABCL.

10 Nov 2012, 12.47 AM


It offers the equity research profile which in itself is pretty good but yeah, not a "front end" role.

10 Nov 2012, 12.48 AM

Mst. P

I dnt beleive goldman offered a "front end" role at IIM L !

10 Nov 2012, 12.32 AM

+Read Replies (4)


We are aware of this confusion. We are verifying the exact profile offered and if found contrary to our own classification we shall modify it within the next 24 hours.

10 Nov 2012, 12.56 AM |


Thanks for the prompt reply, much appreciated :)

10 Nov 2012, 01.14 AM |

Mst. P

Inside IIM should infact verify all the front end IB roles . Its the front end roles that seperate ABC from the rest and if they are reported without verification ,it may lead to misguiding of aspirants who keep on targetting ABC for years only for the front end IB roles.They might think that L has arrived as an alternative , which would be true if all those reported names have offered front end roles .

10 Nov 2012, 01.17 AM |


Exactly !! they have quoted data which is absolutely illusory with data that projecting it better than IIM A B C !! astrounding but it is seeming very very very untrue and deriding to the iim culture ! This is not the way to win in competition. And comparisions with fms too is baseless because in terms of ROI it is way way superior and they never quoted wrong data or gave wrong names of companies . Atleast they played fair! shameful act this one.

27 Nov 2012, 01.08 PM |


I also have a doubt regarding Nomura and Goldman..Did they exactly offered the "front end" role??

10 Nov 2012, 12.58 AM

+Read Replies (1)


The category mentioned debt / equity markets which they may have understood as to include equity research roles as well. Should be clarified soon no doubt, but damn good show :D

10 Nov 2012, 01.39 AM |


Goldman offers asset management and investment research profiles,,,if asset management is nt front-end what else is ?? agreed the roles r based out of india...

10 Nov 2012, 02.51 AM

+Read Replies (2)

chemical X

Front end roles are "client Facing roles" , asset management or investment research are back end or middle office roles.

30 Nov 2012, 12.52 PM |


Goldman Sachs usually offers Investment Banking (IBD) and Markets roles at ABC. These are the 'typical' front end roles that one generally refers to. This year these roles were offered to only IIM A and IIM B students. There are very few opportunities to get into such roles through campus placements. Roles related to Asset Management, Investment Research are usually considered middle office roles. These roles are usually offered to IIM Lucknow, Indore, Kozhikode, SP Jain, MDI and so on and so forth, In fact, IIM-B also accepts offers in Investment Research.

30 Nov 2012, 02.07 PM |


i dont think summer interns go n start crackinh M&A deals anywhere , be it any campus or any bank !!

10 Nov 2012, 02.52 AM

+Read Replies (2)

Mst. P

ABC my dear friend ,they are of a different league , and they do get such profiles.

10 Nov 2012, 12.09 PM |


ABC gets such profiles. In fact banks such as BofA-Merill Lynch, RBS, GS, Barcap, JPM, CS, UBS offer only such roles at ABC and that is what differentiates these campuses from the rest.

10 Nov 2012, 01.44 PM |


The role offered by GS is not exactly front end,neither it is known to offer it usually.Even B gets a lot equity research profiles from GS. True front end roles are offered mainly by Rothschild,Merril lynch, JPMC,Morgan Stanley,Credit Suisse,Barclays and a few others.These roles are mostly offered at ABC(still),however,L gets 2~3 offers every now and then..the same or maybe less at XL.

10 Nov 2012, 03.05 AM

+Read Replies (4)


Just to clear the confusion., front end roles can be classified as 'IBD' and 'Markets'. IBD roles involve corporate advisory roles such as M & A. Markets role could involve trading, sales etc. To that effect, these roles are offered only at ABC. And given the bad year this has been for the global investment banks, GS went only to A(3) and B(5) for these roles. These positions are usually based out of London, Singapore, HK and Mumbai. They did not even visit C this time around as the number of offers was limited. So the ones offered at IIML surely do not belong to this category.

10 Nov 2012, 10.28 AM |


Just to clear your confusion, markets include 'Sales, Trading and Research'. However, Research is separated into front-end research and back-end research(which supports the front end research staff). GS usually offers back-end research based out of Bangalore, and it has a front-end research team in Mumbai. Other companies have both the front-end and back-end teams in Mumbai. To put it more simply, if you are in India and covering Indian stocks (and not supporting Indian stock analyst), you are in front-office research. But if you are supporting Indian stock coverage or an international region in equity research, you are in a back office research.

10 Nov 2012, 03.22 PM |


Even FMS has been getting 2-3 front end IB/Markets roles like Morgan Stanley Front end IB, NM Rothschild IB, Citi Global Markets, Standard Chartered Financial Markets, Avendus, O3 Capital, Jacob Ballas PE for the past 1-2 years

13 Nov 2012, 06.10 PM |

question mark

How can a equity research profile be a "front end" role ???

30 Nov 2012, 12.55 PM |


Encore Capital is NOT a PE/VC firm. Please double check.

10 Nov 2012, 10.42 AM

+Read Replies (5)


Agree to all of your point, i just meant to say that the other two campuses mentioned by me do get 2~3 front end roles every now and then.Regarding C, i think even Morgan Stanley was absent this time but that is a one off no sweat.

10 Nov 2012, 11.54 AM |


Saw on PG that Morgan Stanley visited FMS for front end role, which I highly doubt. Morgan Stanley skipped IIMB and IIMC this time around. The HK desk resfused to take IIM interns this time around. I was wondering what roles have been offered to FMS interns?

10 Nov 2012, 01.41 PM |


Yeah, have heard a lot regarding MS at FMS. I definitely do think it's not front end role but MS doesn't even visits campuses otherwise. Need to get more information on that.

10 Nov 2012, 04.06 PM |


MS offered a front-end role in FMS. Apparently, MS has been trying to cut down on their recruitment expense. They don't even want to spend the money which they have to pay to ABC when they hire a student. FMS does not charge (or at least, has much lesser charge) for hiring a student.

15 Nov 2012, 03.56 PM |


Any updates?

17 Nov 2012, 04.12 PM |


Btw, saw the FMS report at one of the popular MBA portal. Ruckus has been created there by someone who has apparently unearthed a lot of skeletons which more or less are true. Fall of the giant(?)

10 Nov 2012, 04.11 PM


can u please share the link

10 Nov 2012, 04.22 PM

+Read Replies (1)


Would be against the policy i believe.

10 Nov 2012, 04.25 PM |


MS did visit FMS for a front end role.

10 Nov 2012, 07.17 PM

+Read Replies (6)


I would like to know what role did MS offer. And for what location?

10 Nov 2012, 10.36 PM |


Morgan Stanley visited FMS this time around for a front end IBD role as summer analyst in their Mumbai office. They offered the highest stipend on campus, much above most other firms.

11 Nov 2012, 12.44 PM |

question mark

Is analyst a front end role ?

13 Nov 2012, 02.19 PM |


For all practical purposes, yes!

13 Nov 2012, 03.32 PM |


Analyst is a designation and does not determine whether you are front-end/middle office/back office.

13 Nov 2012, 03.51 PM |


Some information that I found on this role. The IBD division of Morgan Stanley, Mumbai usually visits only IIM Ahmedabad and IIM Bangalore for summer internships. This year the division has visited only FMS. The foreign desks has visited IIM Ahmedabad. No division visited IIM Bangalore or IIM Calcutta.

14 Nov 2012, 03.20 PM |


Did Goldman Sachs visit on Day 0 at Lucknow?

12 Nov 2012, 04.43 PM


It would still be immature to say that ABCL has arrived , there is still a significant difference between ABC and L , however the FMS vs L batte comes to an end , any1 reading placement report of these 2 institutes can easily make out , IIM L has won the battle hands down !

13 Nov 2012, 05.03 PM

+Read Replies (4)


While I won't compare IIM L with IIMs ABC with respect to consulting firms and investment banks, I think IIM Lucknow has done very well in getting PEs, a list which should be superior to the list at PEs at A, B or C. Looking forward to ABC reports. Getting hedge funds on campus is a feather in the cap. Placements at L were definitely much better than that at FMS this year. And I do not think people opt for FMS over IIM L because of placements. It is just the fee structure of FMS that attracts people to FMS.

14 Nov 2012, 03.10 PM |


a very simple logic which i dont understand why people dont get is that at IIM L the batch is of well about 450 students and FMS has half that number (226). So even if you count those 10 odd companies or roles that came to L and did not go to FMS this year, the maximum number of offers that they would have given would be 20-30. What about those 430 students left. even if you say another 220 got placements equivalent to FMS, still 220 extra students will still be left to be placed. Not everyone gets a hedgefund or Mckinsey you know. Atleast 200 students at L would still get worse placements than FMS...according to this simple logic. Hence your logic that L is much better than FMS is totally basely for most normal people or aspirants point of view.

15 Nov 2012, 02.13 AM |


Another Very simple logic to remember is FMS dont have the infrastructure. At one point/ in a day of time in various forum it is admitted by FMS people that not more then 10-12 companies run. While for IIML its somewhere around 25-30 (conservatively) since they don't have paucity of buildings. Moreover in Day 0 and 1 where FMS place somewhere around 100 people of the batch, At IIML the figure hovers around 200+. Its all about scheduling & operations dude. Its very robust system based on demand supply & ABCL follows similar time tested placement model. Your logic of comparing the whole FMS batch with top 250 of IIML is highly flawed since the passenger capacity/operation of small one like Tata nano is totally different then a larger one like Land Rover. I hope its clearer to you now. :)

15 Nov 2012, 02.52 AM |


Point no 1) IIM L gives its students an opportunity to try their hands at some of the best companies in the world e.g. McK, BCG, ATK, some awesome PEs, Some great investment banks. As you know, in every batch of a top B-School, be it at FMS or IIML, there are some stud profiles who deserve to get into such companies. FMS unfortunately does not provide its students of such opportunities. Hope it changes in the near future. Point 2) IIM Lucknow provided paid internships to all its 450 + students while the last 35 to 40 students from FMS were placed with zero stipend. I think it sums up the difference in placement quality of IIML and FMS. Point 3) If FMS is strong at Marketing, IIM Lucknow is equally strong, if not stronger I do not see any point where FMS has scored over IIML, if you compare this year's placement reports

15 Nov 2012, 09.19 AM |


Was just going through FMS report and hearing many stories from FMS frnds.. It is a fall of a giant 4 sure !

16 Nov 2012, 05.33 AM


1) Yup, in consulting FMS surely lags IIML. FMS gets a fraction of the consults that visit IIML 2) The number of PEs hosted by FMS is way too low as compared to IIML. Infact, I would put IIML ahead of IIM ABC in terms of PEs. FMS is still distantly placed on the wrong side of IIML. 3) Since you spoke about numbers, please compare the number of roles/offers made by banks at IIML and FMS. IIML >>>> FMS. Regarding, Morgan Stanley - I would say a good crack. But then, we should wait and watch if they come back and recruit again. I sincerely hope they do. What roles did Lazard offer? Do not tell me they offered front end roles as FMS. They have never even gone to IIMA, despite being full of IIMA alums. Will be interested in knowing the roles Lazard offered and in which year. Anyway, Lazard ,Avendus and Rothschild did not recruit from FMS this year. Let us not get into the past. 4) Yes, I believe that stipend roughly corresponds to the quality of the comapanies that recruited. Noone at IIM ABCL get a stipendless internship. At FMS, around 30-35 students got stipendless internships, as quoted by an FMS student.

20 Nov 2012, 10.50 AM


My own rankings system - Ranked 1 - IIM A, IIMB, IIM C & to some extent IIM L Ranked 2 - JBIMS, XLRI J, SP Jain & FMS D Ranked 3 - IIM I & IIM K Ranked 4 - NMIMS, MDI G & IIFT Ranked 5 - IMT G, SIBM P, XIM B, Nitie & SJSOM

29 Dec 2012, 12.03 PM

+Read Replies (1)


Where is NITIE? <a href="" rel="nofollow">youtube downloader</a>

18 Feb 2013, 02.32 AM |


I really hope someone replies to my question soon as my ABL interviews are coming up soon. 1 question that they surely are gonna ask me is &quot;What specialisation/career path do u wanna take up&quot; &amp; &quot;where do u see urself 5 and 10 years from now&quot;. I really need some advice here--&gt; I really wanna join a consulting firm after MBA (preferably the Big 4. If not them, then the obvious choices E &amp; Y, Deloitte, KPMG, PWC). So can someone please tell me that in the top IIMs (ABCL)--&gt; 1) What profile does these consulting firms offer? 2) What is trajectory that one&#039;s career follows after that? Or in other words, what is the way UP in the ladder [I mean where do u start, where u can reach in 5 yrs, 10 yrs, 15 yrs &amp; so on)? Please someone reply in detail &amp; help me get an idea....I really hope someone gives a thorough reply by 2nd March. :(

17 Feb 2013, 10.34 PM

+Read Replies (1)


<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href=";-will-the-real-consultant-please-stand-up/" rel="nofollow">;-will-the...</a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Also check recruiter rankings for consultants. Go through these 90% of your answers lie here.

20 Feb 2013, 05.23 PM |


I hear IIM L is having rolling this year, not that this year is an exception, but still I thought they had really come up specially considering the boastful comments of some of the seniors! Gosh! how many r left unplaced? oh sorry..have opted for a life changing entrepreneurial venture or an NGO like initiatv?

16 Mar 2013, 12.29 PM

+Read Replies (2)


Rolling is not exactly a bad thing. In fact if the batch size increases, placements cannot be completed within five days. And you cannot have two-three weeks earmarked to placements, so placements have to conducted on a continuous or rolling basis. Even with rolling placements, 100 % of the batch can bag jobs. IIM C is rolling this year and you see it is not a bad thing.

16 Mar 2013, 07.35 PM |


Oh! It&#039;s a good thing then point noted :) My bad!

17 Mar 2013, 07.49 PM |


want to know abt placements regarding ABM of IIM Lucknow, what are the future scope? the companies whch recruit ABM ppl?

18 Apr 2013, 03.42 PM

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Move over ABC, ABCL has arrived :)

10 Nov 2012, 12.25 AM

+Read Replies (5)


Hellite , As per reports No of companies visiting IIM L is greater than IIM C!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And IIM L admitting that all the companies and profiles reported may not be true !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Doesnot it in itself suggest that IIM L is trying to unjustifiably trying to position itself in the top 5? It was really disappointing and misguiding for aspirants!

27 Nov 2012, 01.03 PM |


No of companies visiting IIML &gt; No of companies visiting IIMC. So? Where has IIML said that companies and profiles may not be true? IIML is the next best option after ABC. And if you ask me, neither XLRI not FMS takes the fifth spot, as it had already been taken by ISB. Just to reiterate, the top 5 B-Schools of the country are IIM ABCL and ISB.

27 Nov 2012, 02.15 PM |



30 Nov 2012, 10.22 PM |


Justice is Blind, it makes own assumption &amp; say that facts are not True. Okie we know that this year, your campus didn&#039;t had great placement but stop putting garbage in other&#039;s post.

4 Dec 2012, 10.28 PM |


For your kind information, getting a 700+ GMAT Score is nothing compared to getting a 99.5+ CAT Percentile!!!! PERIOD!!!! So, putting ISB among the likes of IIM ABCL is a pathetic attempt. Because you are comparing CTA vs GMAT and we all know the heaven and hell difference between the two of them!!!

29 Dec 2012, 01.33 PM |


Extremely good performance.Though i don&#039;t exactly agree to the ABCL part yet, but got to say L really has earned the number 4 tag this year. A repeat of this performance for some years in row is only thing that remains between ABC and ABCL.

10 Nov 2012, 12.47 AM


It offers the equity research profile which in itself is pretty good but yeah, not a &quot;front end&quot; role.

10 Nov 2012, 12.48 AM

Mst. P

I dnt beleive goldman offered a &quot;front end&quot; role at IIM L !

10 Nov 2012, 12.32 AM

+Read Replies (4)


We are aware of this confusion. We are verifying the exact profile offered and if found contrary to our own classification we shall modify it within the next 24 hours.

10 Nov 2012, 12.56 AM |


Thanks for the prompt reply, much appreciated :)

10 Nov 2012, 01.14 AM |

Mst. P

Inside IIM should infact verify all the front end IB roles . Its the front end roles that seperate ABC from the rest and if they are reported without verification ,it may lead to misguiding of aspirants who keep on targetting ABC for years only for the front end IB roles.They might think that L has arrived as an alternative , which would be true if all those reported names have offered front end roles .

10 Nov 2012, 01.17 AM |


Exactly !! they have quoted data which is absolutely illusory with data that projecting it better than IIM A B C !! astrounding but it is seeming very very very untrue and deriding to the iim culture ! This is not the way to win in competition. And comparisions with fms too is baseless because in terms of ROI it is way way superior and they never quoted wrong data or gave wrong names of companies . Atleast they played fair! shameful act this one.

27 Nov 2012, 01.08 PM |


I also have a doubt regarding Nomura and Goldman..Did they exactly offered the &quot;front end&quot; role??

10 Nov 2012, 12.58 AM

+Read Replies (1)


The category mentioned debt / equity markets which they may have understood as to include equity research roles as well. Should be clarified soon no doubt, but damn good show :D

10 Nov 2012, 01.39 AM |


Goldman offers asset management and investment research profiles,,,if asset management is nt front-end what else is ?? agreed the roles r based out of india...

10 Nov 2012, 02.51 AM

+Read Replies (2)

chemical X

Front end roles are &quot;client Facing roles&quot; , asset management or investment research are back end or middle office roles.

30 Nov 2012, 12.52 PM |


Goldman Sachs usually offers Investment Banking (IBD) and Markets roles at ABC. These are the &#039;typical&#039; front end roles that one generally refers to. This year these roles were offered to only IIM A and IIM B students. There are very few opportunities to get into such roles through campus placements. Roles related to Asset Management, Investment Research are usually considered middle office roles. These roles are usually offered to IIM Lucknow, Indore, Kozhikode, SP Jain, MDI and so on and so forth, In fact, IIM-B also accepts offers in Investment Research.

30 Nov 2012, 02.07 PM |


i dont think summer interns go n start crackinh M&amp;A deals anywhere , be it any campus or any bank !!

10 Nov 2012, 02.52 AM

+Read Replies (2)

Mst. P

ABC my dear friend ,they are of a different league , and they do get such profiles.

10 Nov 2012, 12.09 PM |


ABC gets such profiles. In fact banks such as BofA-Merill Lynch, RBS, GS, Barcap, JPM, CS, UBS offer only such roles at ABC and that is what differentiates these campuses from the rest.

10 Nov 2012, 01.44 PM |


The role offered by GS is not exactly front end,neither it is known to offer it usually.Even B gets a lot equity research profiles from GS. True front end roles are offered mainly by Rothschild,Merril lynch, JPMC,Morgan Stanley,Credit Suisse,Barclays and a few others.These roles are mostly offered at ABC(still),however,L gets 2~3 offers every now and then..the same or maybe less at XL.

10 Nov 2012, 03.05 AM

+Read Replies (4)


Just to clear the confusion., front end roles can be classified as &#039;IBD&#039; and &#039;Markets&#039;. IBD roles involve corporate advisory roles such as M &amp; A. Markets role could involve trading, sales etc. To that effect, these roles are offered only at ABC. And given the bad year this has been for the global investment banks, GS went only to A(3) and B(5) for these roles. These positions are usually based out of London, Singapore, HK and Mumbai. They did not even visit C this time around as the number of offers was limited. So the ones offered at IIML surely do not belong to this category.

10 Nov 2012, 10.28 AM |


Just to clear your confusion, markets include &#039;Sales, Trading and Research&#039;. However, Research is separated into front-end research and back-end research(which supports the front end research staff). GS usually offers back-end research based out of Bangalore, and it has a front-end research team in Mumbai. Other companies have both the front-end and back-end teams in Mumbai. To put it more simply, if you are in India and covering Indian stocks (and not supporting Indian stock analyst), you are in front-office research. But if you are supporting Indian stock coverage or an international region in equity research, you are in a back office research.

10 Nov 2012, 03.22 PM |


Even FMS has been getting 2-3 front end IB/Markets roles like Morgan Stanley Front end IB, NM Rothschild IB, Citi Global Markets, Standard Chartered Financial Markets, Avendus, O3 Capital, Jacob Ballas PE for the past 1-2 years

13 Nov 2012, 06.10 PM |

question mark

How can a equity research profile be a &quot;front end&quot; role ???

30 Nov 2012, 12.55 PM |


Encore Capital is NOT a PE/VC firm. Please double check.

10 Nov 2012, 10.42 AM

+Read Replies (5)


Agree to all of your point, i just meant to say that the other two campuses mentioned by me do get 2~3 front end roles every now and then.Regarding C, i think even Morgan Stanley was absent this time but that is a one off no sweat.

10 Nov 2012, 11.54 AM |


Saw on PG that Morgan Stanley visited FMS for front end role, which I highly doubt. Morgan Stanley skipped IIMB and IIMC this time around. The HK desk resfused to take IIM interns this time around. I was wondering what roles have been offered to FMS interns?

10 Nov 2012, 01.41 PM |


Yeah, have heard a lot regarding MS at FMS. I definitely do think it&#039;s not front end role but MS doesn&#039;t even visits campuses otherwise. Need to get more information on that.

10 Nov 2012, 04.06 PM |


MS offered a front-end role in FMS. Apparently, MS has been trying to cut down on their recruitment expense. They don&#039;t even want to spend the money which they have to pay to ABC when they hire a student. FMS does not charge (or at least, has much lesser charge) for hiring a student.

15 Nov 2012, 03.56 PM |


Any updates?

17 Nov 2012, 04.12 PM |


Btw, saw the FMS report at one of the popular MBA portal. Ruckus has been created there by someone who has apparently unearthed a lot of skeletons which more or less are true. Fall of the giant(?)

10 Nov 2012, 04.11 PM


can u please share the link

10 Nov 2012, 04.22 PM

+Read Replies (1)


Would be against the policy i believe.

10 Nov 2012, 04.25 PM |


MS did visit FMS for a front end role.

10 Nov 2012, 07.17 PM

+Read Replies (6)


I would like to know what role did MS offer. And for what location?

10 Nov 2012, 10.36 PM |


Morgan Stanley visited FMS this time around for a front end IBD role as summer analyst in their Mumbai office. They offered the highest stipend on campus, much above most other firms.

11 Nov 2012, 12.44 PM |

question mark

Is analyst a front end role ?

13 Nov 2012, 02.19 PM |


For all practical purposes, yes!

13 Nov 2012, 03.32 PM |


Analyst is a designation and does not determine whether you are front-end/middle office/back office.

13 Nov 2012, 03.51 PM |


Some information that I found on this role. The IBD division of Morgan Stanley, Mumbai usually visits only IIM Ahmedabad and IIM Bangalore for summer internships. This year the division has visited only FMS. The foreign desks has visited IIM Ahmedabad. No division visited IIM Bangalore or IIM Calcutta.

14 Nov 2012, 03.20 PM |


Did Goldman Sachs visit on Day 0 at Lucknow?

12 Nov 2012, 04.43 PM


It would still be immature to say that ABCL has arrived , there is still a significant difference between ABC and L , however the FMS vs L batte comes to an end , any1 reading placement report of these 2 institutes can easily make out , IIM L has won the battle hands down !

13 Nov 2012, 05.03 PM

+Read Replies (4)


While I won&#039;t compare IIM L with IIMs ABC with respect to consulting firms and investment banks, I think IIM Lucknow has done very well in getting PEs, a list which should be superior to the list at PEs at A, B or C. Looking forward to ABC reports. Getting hedge funds on campus is a feather in the cap. Placements at L were definitely much better than that at FMS this year. And I do not think people opt for FMS over IIM L because of placements. It is just the fee structure of FMS that attracts people to FMS.

14 Nov 2012, 03.10 PM |


a very simple logic which i dont understand why people dont get is that at IIM L the batch is of well about 450 students and FMS has half that number (226). So even if you count those 10 odd companies or roles that came to L and did not go to FMS this year, the maximum number of offers that they would have given would be 20-30. What about those 430 students left. even if you say another 220 got placements equivalent to FMS, still 220 extra students will still be left to be placed. Not everyone gets a hedgefund or Mckinsey you know. Atleast 200 students at L would still get worse placements than FMS...according to this simple logic. Hence your logic that L is much better than FMS is totally basely for most normal people or aspirants point of view.

15 Nov 2012, 02.13 AM |


Another Very simple logic to remember is FMS dont have the infrastructure. At one point/ in a day of time in various forum it is admitted by FMS people that not more then 10-12 companies run. While for IIML its somewhere around 25-30 (conservatively) since they don&#039;t have paucity of buildings. Moreover in Day 0 and 1 where FMS place somewhere around 100 people of the batch, At IIML the figure hovers around 200+. Its all about scheduling &amp; operations dude. Its very robust system based on demand supply &amp; ABCL follows similar time tested placement model. Your logic of comparing the whole FMS batch with top 250 of IIML is highly flawed since the passenger capacity/operation of small one like Tata nano is totally different then a larger one like Land Rover. I hope its clearer to you now. :)

15 Nov 2012, 02.52 AM |


Point no 1) IIM L gives its students an opportunity to try their hands at some of the best companies in the world e.g. McK, BCG, ATK, some awesome PEs, Some great investment banks. As you know, in every batch of a top B-School, be it at FMS or IIML, there are some stud profiles who deserve to get into such companies. FMS unfortunately does not provide its students of such opportunities. Hope it changes in the near future. Point 2) IIM Lucknow provided paid internships to all its 450 + students while the last 35 to 40 students from FMS were placed with zero stipend. I think it sums up the difference in placement quality of IIML and FMS. Point 3) If FMS is strong at Marketing, IIM Lucknow is equally strong, if not stronger I do not see any point where FMS has scored over IIML, if you compare this year&#039;s placement reports

15 Nov 2012, 09.19 AM |


Was just going through FMS report and hearing many stories from FMS frnds.. It is a fall of a giant 4 sure !

16 Nov 2012, 05.33 AM


1) Yup, in consulting FMS surely lags IIML. FMS gets a fraction of the consults that visit IIML 2) The number of PEs hosted by FMS is way too low as compared to IIML. Infact, I would put IIML ahead of IIM ABC in terms of PEs. FMS is still distantly placed on the wrong side of IIML. 3) Since you spoke about numbers, please compare the number of roles/offers made by banks at IIML and FMS. IIML &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; FMS. Regarding, Morgan Stanley - I would say a good crack. But then, we should wait and watch if they come back and recruit again. I sincerely hope they do. What roles did Lazard offer? Do not tell me they offered front end roles as FMS. They have never even gone to IIMA, despite being full of IIMA alums. Will be interested in knowing the roles Lazard offered and in which year. Anyway, Lazard ,Avendus and Rothschild did not recruit from FMS this year. Let us not get into the past. 4) Yes, I believe that stipend roughly corresponds to the quality of the comapanies that recruited. Noone at IIM ABCL get a stipendless internship. At FMS, around 30-35 students got stipendless internships, as quoted by an FMS student.

20 Nov 2012, 10.50 AM


My own rankings system - Ranked 1 - IIM A, IIMB, IIM C &amp; to some extent IIM L Ranked 2 - JBIMS, XLRI J, SP Jain &amp; FMS D Ranked 3 - IIM I &amp; IIM K Ranked 4 - NMIMS, MDI G &amp; IIFT Ranked 5 - IMT G, SIBM P, XIM B, Nitie &amp; SJSOM

29 Dec 2012, 12.03 PM

+Read Replies (1)


Where is NITIE? <a href="" rel="nofollow">youtube downloader</a>

18 Feb 2013, 02.32 AM |


I really hope someone replies to my question soon as my ABL interviews are coming up soon. 1 question that they surely are gonna ask me is &quot;What specialisation/career path do u wanna take up&quot; &amp; &quot;where do u see urself 5 and 10 years from now&quot;. I really need some advice here--&gt; I really wanna join a consulting firm after MBA (preferably the Big 4. If not them, then the obvious choices E &amp; Y, Deloitte, KPMG, PWC). So can someone please tell me that in the top IIMs (ABCL)--&gt; 1) What profile does these consulting firms offer? 2) What is trajectory that one&#039;s career follows after that? Or in other words, what is the way UP in the ladder [I mean where do u start, where u can reach in 5 yrs, 10 yrs, 15 yrs &amp; so on)? Please someone reply in detail &amp; help me get an idea....I really hope someone gives a thorough reply by 2nd March. :(

17 Feb 2013, 10.34 PM

+Read Replies (1)


<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href=";-will-the-real-consultant-please-stand-up/" rel="nofollow">;-will-the...</a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Also check recruiter rankings for consultants. Go through these 90% of your answers lie here.

20 Feb 2013, 05.23 PM |


I hear IIM L is having rolling this year, not that this year is an exception, but still I thought they had really come up specially considering the boastful comments of some of the seniors! Gosh! how many r left unplaced? oh sorry..have opted for a life changing entrepreneurial venture or an NGO like initiatv?

16 Mar 2013, 12.29 PM

+Read Replies (2)


Rolling is not exactly a bad thing. In fact if the batch size increases, placements cannot be completed within five days. And you cannot have two-three weeks earmarked to placements, so placements have to conducted on a continuous or rolling basis. Even with rolling placements, 100 % of the batch can bag jobs. IIM C is rolling this year and you see it is not a bad thing.

16 Mar 2013, 07.35 PM |


Oh! It&#039;s a good thing then point noted :) My bad!

17 Mar 2013, 07.49 PM |


want to know abt placements regarding ABM of IIM Lucknow, what are the future scope? the companies whch recruit ABM ppl?

18 Apr 2013, 03.42 PM