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The 6 IIMs Alumni Report - Locations & Companies - Part 1


Neutral Junta

Really Nice article. A bit disappointed to see not even double digit alum in BCG/Mckinsey from I and K. Nice to know that IIM Indore has more alums in P&G than HUL.Does Accenture mean Accenture Management Consulting or Accenture in general ??

24 Apr 2012, 10.30 PM

+Read Replies (4)


Most of the big consulting companies do not visit a campus unless it completes certain no of years of existence. Obviously I & K being the younger members of this fraternity have attracted BCG/McK only in recent years. Hopefully in next couple of years the no will reach in double digits.

24 Apr 2012, 11.29 PM |


K hasn't attracted BCG yet. I know of at least 5 alumni from IIM Indore in the Boston Consulting Group. There should be at least 8 in McKinsey too from IIM Indore.

24 Apr 2012, 11.35 PM |

Team InsideIIM

Wait for the Part 3 and 4 of our series. Your queries may get answered then.

24 Apr 2012, 11.48 PM |

Team InsideIIM

Accenture means Accenture in general and includes all functions.

24 Apr 2012, 11.54 PM |


This information will be skewed for one more reason - The pre-MBA work experience will be counted leading to both double-counts as well as incorrect representation of where the alumni worked post-MBA. I feel that there are just too many noises in this data.

24 Apr 2012, 10.39 PM

+Read Replies (4)

Team InsideIIM

We are confident that pre-MBA work ex is not counted in the above data. We have checked that. It is a as on data. So the numbers above are of professionals currently working in these organisations and no past companies are captured.

24 Apr 2012, 11.43 PM |

IIM Student

I find the data to be completely wrong. Take the sample size of IIM-C alumnus for the last 15 years as mentioned in the article- 12,384. This gives an average of whooping 825 pass outs a year!! This is ridiculous given that the largest batch size amongst all IIMs is about 450 (Indore). Similar is the case with IIM-B with a sample size of 11000+. IIM-I has an average of 250+ when the size of the batch that passed out in 2011 was only 240!! This article should have verified such critical information before publishing it.

25 Apr 2012, 12.55 PM |

Amit Grover

As the point 2 in article says, the data includes not only flagship and reputed 2 year PGDM program, but also the others like 3-day, get-IIM-brand-quick type programs as well! Hence, the numbers are showing as too high compared to batch intake.

25 Apr 2012, 01.10 PM |


@IIM Student: Seriously mate, read what's in front of you carefully before making statements like "I find the data to be completely wrong". I can just imagine you making a forceful sales presentation to your boss with carefully analysed numbers and shait, only to be pointed out that your target segment doesn't exist :-P

25 Apr 2012, 01.52 PM |

MBA student from 'C'

@Team InsideIIM: Can you provide link to more complete data i.e. after the top 20 also ... Am very interested to know the number of alumnus in certain companies This is a terrific article. Keep up the good work.

25 Apr 2012, 12.15 AM

+Read Replies (1)

Team InsideIIM

Thanks for the compliment. Wait for Part 3. It should answer your questions.

25 Apr 2012, 12.36 AM |


No K guys in Kozhikode but 604 I guys in Indore! Seems they have they not updated their location after leaving school. Don't think there are companies in Indore to absorb so many I grads. 1st of its kind article that i have seen..good one!

25 Apr 2012, 07.51 AM


Read carefully. There are 275 showing as in Kozhikode.

25 Apr 2012, 09.23 AM


dont know why so many IT firms are there across IIMB..the top 10 firms are IT related.....

25 Apr 2012, 11.16 AM

+Read Replies (1)


Thats because they hire in big numbers. Also, the so called 'coveted' jobs are always few in number. Across all IIMs less than 50 ibankers would have been hired this year. You'll never see mass hiring from financial companies. And the ones like ICICI, Yes and Axis who do already show in the lists above

25 Apr 2012, 12.31 PM |

IIM Student

i find the data to be completely wrong. Take the sample size of IIM-C alumnus for the last 15 years as mentioned in the article- 12,384. This gives an average of whooping 825 pass outs a year!! This is ridiculous given that the largest batch size amongst all IIMs is about 450 (Indore). Similar is the case with IIM-B with a sample size of 11000+. IIM-I has an average of 250+ when the size of the batch that passed out in 2011 was only 240!! This article should have verified such critical information before publishing it.

25 Apr 2012, 12.34 PM

+Read Replies (4)

Team InsideIIM

Please read the article carefully. A disclosure has been made beforehand that the sample size includes people who may have attended IIM C for various programmes but have mentioned it as a part of education on their LinkedIn profiles. It includes 3 - day Certificate programmes as well. A lot of professionals use this trick to make their LinkedIn profiles better and also to be able to connect with alumni of the IIMs. We also request you to wait patiently for our Part 3 where a lot of your doubts should be answered.

25 Apr 2012, 01.03 PM |


Then why dont you include this statement in the article itself? I mean that way a lot many controversies can be brought down and also useless comments.

25 Apr 2012, 02.13 PM |

Team InsideIIM

Please Read Point 2 under the Points to Note. It was always mentioned. The issue is people waiting to attack and comment without reading the piece entirely

25 Apr 2012, 02.16 PM |


I read the disclaimer. But the problem is because of inclusion of these people who attend such 2-3 day workshops, one does not get the real picture. Anyways, I hope the next parts will bring more clarity. Good job Team InsideIIM!

25 Apr 2012, 04.30 PM |


Good article...when can we expect parts 2 & 3 of the series?

25 Apr 2012, 02.04 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Team InsideIIM

Part 2 - Will be up Today

25 Apr 2012, 02.17 PM |


@Team InsideIIM:Why do you guys ignore Nitie always?Any particular reason against the college? P.s I am just a aspirant will be eager to know it.

25 Apr 2012, 03.11 PM

+Read Replies (1)


They are focusing on only 10 B-schools. See the 'featured Business schools' list. It does not include NITIE.

25 Apr 2012, 04.31 PM |


No surprise that Bangalore has a lot of IT firms. I bet most of the numbers are from people who are already working in these IT companies who take the 3 day course from B.

25 Apr 2012, 11.20 PM

K A Mazumdar

Brilliant article - I have always asked people to go through linkedin to understand how things happen in the corporate world. I always ask aspirants to look through linkedin data before they join. Its an amazing tool. Thanx team insideiim, I hope you guys keep doing these kind of things :) Also, I would request you to do the same analysis from schools like spjimr, imt ghaziabad, nmims, ximb etc It would be a huge paralleled feat and would give a very big oversight. That

27 Apr 2012, 04.00 AM

IIM B Student

IIM Bangalore has a three year programme called as PGSEM (Software) which churns out 90+ professionals every year. These guys are essentially from the software industry. This explains the huge number of IIMB alumni in software companies.

27 Apr 2012, 05.27 PM


Most of the reports dont make much sense. How come there are more alumni from IIM A in ahmedabad more than in a city like delhi and IIM I in Indore is more than Mumbai. The report must be based on some stale data.

27 Apr 2012, 10.44 PM

+Read Replies (2)


Do you have difficulty reading? Are you ignorant? Or are you just dumb? Why don't you read the entire article before making such comments. It has been clearly stated that ' The numbers include current students'. Not only that, not everyone updates their LinkedIn status immediately after they graduate. It has also been clearly stated that anyone attending a 3 day course is also included which means people from local cities/companies who would have attended these programmes would also have the IIM tag on their linkedin profile. Think before you comment.

28 Apr 2012, 12.28 PM |


Dude Cool.. dont get so angry. Most of the times people dont read the entire article and bash it up.It happens with almost everyone. But that doesnt require such a scathing reply. Chillax man.

28 Apr 2012, 01.42 PM |

Ravi Balgi

Nice analysis! if you could do it by industry, location, function it would have been superb. Yes, eliminating fake profiles is little difficult. but for curated networks for institutions, this problem is solved. I liked your analysis :) keep them coming.. one of the other analysis that would be interesting is 1. alumni driven initiatives at institution 2. alumni givebacks/sabbaticals/knowledge creation activities how iims stack against each other on these parameters.. it would be an exhaustive exercise though

29 Apr 2012, 12.33 AM

Abhishek Sivaraman

What abt enterpreneurs from the IIMs???? Any count for that??

7 Jun 2012, 09.47 PM

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Neutral Junta

Really Nice article. A bit disappointed to see not even double digit alum in BCG/Mckinsey from I and K. Nice to know that IIM Indore has more alums in P&G than HUL.Does Accenture mean Accenture Management Consulting or Accenture in general ??

24 Apr 2012, 10.30 PM

+Read Replies (4)


Most of the big consulting companies do not visit a campus unless it completes certain no of years of existence. Obviously I & K being the younger members of this fraternity have attracted BCG/McK only in recent years. Hopefully in next couple of years the no will reach in double digits.

24 Apr 2012, 11.29 PM |


K hasn't attracted BCG yet. I know of at least 5 alumni from IIM Indore in the Boston Consulting Group. There should be at least 8 in McKinsey too from IIM Indore.

24 Apr 2012, 11.35 PM |

Team InsideIIM

Wait for the Part 3 and 4 of our series. Your queries may get answered then.

24 Apr 2012, 11.48 PM |

Team InsideIIM

Accenture means Accenture in general and includes all functions.

24 Apr 2012, 11.54 PM |


This information will be skewed for one more reason - The pre-MBA work experience will be counted leading to both double-counts as well as incorrect representation of where the alumni worked post-MBA. I feel that there are just too many noises in this data.

24 Apr 2012, 10.39 PM

+Read Replies (4)

Team InsideIIM

We are confident that pre-MBA work ex is not counted in the above data. We have checked that. It is a as on data. So the numbers above are of professionals currently working in these organisations and no past companies are captured.

24 Apr 2012, 11.43 PM |

IIM Student

I find the data to be completely wrong. Take the sample size of IIM-C alumnus for the last 15 years as mentioned in the article- 12,384. This gives an average of whooping 825 pass outs a year!! This is ridiculous given that the largest batch size amongst all IIMs is about 450 (Indore). Similar is the case with IIM-B with a sample size of 11000+. IIM-I has an average of 250+ when the size of the batch that passed out in 2011 was only 240!! This article should have verified such critical information before publishing it.

25 Apr 2012, 12.55 PM |

Amit Grover

As the point 2 in article says, the data includes not only flagship and reputed 2 year PGDM program, but also the others like 3-day, get-IIM-brand-quick type programs as well! Hence, the numbers are showing as too high compared to batch intake.

25 Apr 2012, 01.10 PM |


@IIM Student: Seriously mate, read what's in front of you carefully before making statements like "I find the data to be completely wrong". I can just imagine you making a forceful sales presentation to your boss with carefully analysed numbers and shait, only to be pointed out that your target segment doesn't exist :-P

25 Apr 2012, 01.52 PM |

MBA student from 'C'

@Team InsideIIM: Can you provide link to more complete data i.e. after the top 20 also ... Am very interested to know the number of alumnus in certain companies This is a terrific article. Keep up the good work.

25 Apr 2012, 12.15 AM

+Read Replies (1)

Team InsideIIM

Thanks for the compliment. Wait for Part 3. It should answer your questions.

25 Apr 2012, 12.36 AM |


No K guys in Kozhikode but 604 I guys in Indore! Seems they have they not updated their location after leaving school. Don't think there are companies in Indore to absorb so many I grads. 1st of its kind article that i have seen..good one!

25 Apr 2012, 07.51 AM


Read carefully. There are 275 showing as in Kozhikode.

25 Apr 2012, 09.23 AM


dont know why so many IT firms are there across IIMB..the top 10 firms are IT related.....

25 Apr 2012, 11.16 AM

+Read Replies (1)


Thats because they hire in big numbers. Also, the so called 'coveted' jobs are always few in number. Across all IIMs less than 50 ibankers would have been hired this year. You'll never see mass hiring from financial companies. And the ones like ICICI, Yes and Axis who do already show in the lists above

25 Apr 2012, 12.31 PM |

IIM Student

i find the data to be completely wrong. Take the sample size of IIM-C alumnus for the last 15 years as mentioned in the article- 12,384. This gives an average of whooping 825 pass outs a year!! This is ridiculous given that the largest batch size amongst all IIMs is about 450 (Indore). Similar is the case with IIM-B with a sample size of 11000+. IIM-I has an average of 250+ when the size of the batch that passed out in 2011 was only 240!! This article should have verified such critical information before publishing it.

25 Apr 2012, 12.34 PM

+Read Replies (4)

Team InsideIIM

Please read the article carefully. A disclosure has been made beforehand that the sample size includes people who may have attended IIM C for various programmes but have mentioned it as a part of education on their LinkedIn profiles. It includes 3 - day Certificate programmes as well. A lot of professionals use this trick to make their LinkedIn profiles better and also to be able to connect with alumni of the IIMs. We also request you to wait patiently for our Part 3 where a lot of your doubts should be answered.

25 Apr 2012, 01.03 PM |


Then why dont you include this statement in the article itself? I mean that way a lot many controversies can be brought down and also useless comments.

25 Apr 2012, 02.13 PM |

Team InsideIIM

Please Read Point 2 under the Points to Note. It was always mentioned. The issue is people waiting to attack and comment without reading the piece entirely

25 Apr 2012, 02.16 PM |


I read the disclaimer. But the problem is because of inclusion of these people who attend such 2-3 day workshops, one does not get the real picture. Anyways, I hope the next parts will bring more clarity. Good job Team InsideIIM!

25 Apr 2012, 04.30 PM |


Good article...when can we expect parts 2 & 3 of the series?

25 Apr 2012, 02.04 PM

+Read Replies (1)

Team InsideIIM

Part 2 - Will be up Today

25 Apr 2012, 02.17 PM |


@Team InsideIIM:Why do you guys ignore Nitie always?Any particular reason against the college? P.s I am just a aspirant will be eager to know it.

25 Apr 2012, 03.11 PM

+Read Replies (1)


They are focusing on only 10 B-schools. See the 'featured Business schools' list. It does not include NITIE.

25 Apr 2012, 04.31 PM |


No surprise that Bangalore has a lot of IT firms. I bet most of the numbers are from people who are already working in these IT companies who take the 3 day course from B.

25 Apr 2012, 11.20 PM

K A Mazumdar

Brilliant article - I have always asked people to go through linkedin to understand how things happen in the corporate world. I always ask aspirants to look through linkedin data before they join. Its an amazing tool. Thanx team insideiim, I hope you guys keep doing these kind of things :) Also, I would request you to do the same analysis from schools like spjimr, imt ghaziabad, nmims, ximb etc It would be a huge paralleled feat and would give a very big oversight. That

27 Apr 2012, 04.00 AM

IIM B Student

IIM Bangalore has a three year programme called as PGSEM (Software) which churns out 90+ professionals every year. These guys are essentially from the software industry. This explains the huge number of IIMB alumni in software companies.

27 Apr 2012, 05.27 PM


Most of the reports dont make much sense. How come there are more alumni from IIM A in ahmedabad more than in a city like delhi and IIM I in Indore is more than Mumbai. The report must be based on some stale data.

27 Apr 2012, 10.44 PM

+Read Replies (2)


Do you have difficulty reading? Are you ignorant? Or are you just dumb? Why don't you read the entire article before making such comments. It has been clearly stated that ' The numbers include current students'. Not only that, not everyone updates their LinkedIn status immediately after they graduate. It has also been clearly stated that anyone attending a 3 day course is also included which means people from local cities/companies who would have attended these programmes would also have the IIM tag on their linkedin profile. Think before you comment.

28 Apr 2012, 12.28 PM |


Dude Cool.. dont get so angry. Most of the times people dont read the entire article and bash it up.It happens with almost everyone. But that doesnt require such a scathing reply. Chillax man.

28 Apr 2012, 01.42 PM |

Ravi Balgi

Nice analysis! if you could do it by industry, location, function it would have been superb. Yes, eliminating fake profiles is little difficult. but for curated networks for institutions, this problem is solved. I liked your analysis :) keep them coming.. one of the other analysis that would be interesting is 1. alumni driven initiatives at institution 2. alumni givebacks/sabbaticals/knowledge creation activities how iims stack against each other on these parameters.. it would be an exhaustive exercise though

29 Apr 2012, 12.33 AM

Abhishek Sivaraman

What abt enterpreneurs from the IIMs???? Any count for that??

7 Jun 2012, 09.47 PM