- Malaysia Airlines is facing branding turbulence. It might even have to go bust to rise back again.
- All these air accidents have led to more interest in air insurance though
- Circular economy: desirable but not so straightforward
- It’s about time that Microsoft split up
- A Pune-based start-up that is looking to simplify hailing an auto-rickshaw
- Is there any competition left in web searching?
- I learned that there’s a women’s edition of Tour de France
- The Pen is dead, long live the Pen
- The correlation between CEO pay and company stock performance: none
- The story of underwater internet
- Smartphones, Smart Cities, Smart Garbage
- A shipwreck that boosted an economy
- Damn it, Autocorrect!
- BRICS rise is over. Maybe.
Created by Shreyas Panse
Shreyas is a Delhi-based Consultant working with PricewaterhouseCoopers. He blogs at shreyasp.wordpress.com. He is an alumnus of IIM Indore. Follow him on InsideIIM at shreyasp.insideiim.com