- Indian cashew in your next Tropicana juicebox
- The quagmire of Indian poverty
- Modi is, justifiably, defending his domestic political position when vetoing WTO agreement
- Although, Modi might be getting into a sticky situation by upholding food subsidies
- Scientists have cracked the solution to sleep: it should be seven hours and not eight!
- Simple truth that many companies forget these days: Sales matter more than Social Media
- Germany: where unions fire consultants
- The selfies of another era and even then, they were the ultimate PR tool
- QR codes in cemeteries are disrupting the “death” industry
- “Only stupid people call people stupid”
- The World’s GDP for last 2013 years
- Alan Greenspan’s legacy of failure
- Secret menus: the ultimate viral marketing tool for a restaurant?
- Alternative investing, to the tune of Alternative music
- A healthcare innovation that can transform primary and secondary care delivery in emerging nations
Created by Shreyas Panse
Shreyas is a Delhi-based Consultant working with PricewaterhouseCoopers. He blogs at shreyasp.wordpress.com. He is an alumnus of IIM Indore. Follow him on InsideIIM at shreyasp.insideiim.com