- How Nigeria managed to avert a severe Ebola crisis
- Sad news: nobody is really Rich and Happy
- The birth of the credit card
- Over next ten years, 49 Indian cities will account for 75% of India’s incremental GDP
- The future of conscious AI is closer than before
- LinkedIn's success in Chinese market, where every other global social network failed
- 1970s were a sad part of India’s economic history
- Let’s not go overboard with the new coffee chains: at the end of the day, we are a tea drinking nation
- The story of how Nokia’s closure of Sriperumbudur plant is impacting life of people living there
- Why is solar energy so expensive
- A "Minority Report" style crime predicting software now being used in London
- Tupperware: a giant business empire that changed the lives of many women
- People (well, Americans) believe anything, as long you show it in a chart
- How do you design a functional good and a luxury good
- Generic, but quite relevant: Ten things to keep in mind if you work in client relations
- Why Rs. 100 crore earnings at Bollywood box office is a smokescreen
Off topic
- Windowless airplanes in next 10 years
- iPhone app that lets you solve a math problem by taking a picture, has the most predictable usage: cheating
- How the world has changed since you were born (interactive)
Shreyas is a Delhi-based Consultant working with PricewaterhouseCoopers. He blogs at shreyasp.wordpress.com. He is an alumnus of IIM Indore. Follow him on InsideIIM at shreyasp.insideiim.com