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Abhishek Kshirsagar

Alumni | IIM Bangalore (Since 1973)

Just a dreamer in the real world!

Just a dreamer in the real world!

28 Stories

The Importance Of Right Decisions In Management

A CBSE student scoring north of 99% reminded me of a couple of friends of mine.One boy and one girl. I know them for past several years.Both are immensely talented, creative and hard-working ones.Both are one of the most intelligent people I have ever met in my life.Both went to

How I Ruined My Chances To Get Into IIM Lucknow

It was not my fault.Or maybe, it was completely my fault.The day wasn't much pleasant, but it wasn't going bad as well. I had met the co-author of this blog that day, and he really inspired me. I had an easy WAT topic, and I believe I had created a

How I Fought 3 Dragons And Still Survived - IIM Bangalore Interview Experience

Background:I failed to score well in CAT 2015. I had converted a few newer IIMs (Raipur, Kashipur and Udaipur), but decided to not join them. Also, I had not taken any placement from my college’s placement process, coz I wanted to start something of my own. I had tried to

Books You Can Read While Preparing For CAT (And Later Too)

Preparing for CAT can be a monotonous task. You may get bored while solving problems on probability or while reading those "heavy" passages. So, what can we do to get a good, productive break? Well, the answer is simple: READ BOOKS.But, then a new question arises: which books to read?