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Adarsh Ranjan

Alumni | MDI Gurgaon

Adarsh is a second year MBA candidate at MDI Gurgaon. Having worked as a manager at Tata Steel and Mahindra&Mahindra for close to 4 years, he has developed an innate love for HR. His passion for HR has made him bag several accolades including that of being the national winner at the annual HR conference of XLRI. He is an avid reader, a proud speaker, a footloose traveller, an automobile enthusiast and definitely one you’d like to clink your beers with.

Adarsh is a second year MBA candidate at MDI Gurgaon. Having worked as a manager at Tata Steel and Mahindra&Mahindra for close to 4 years, he has developed an innate love for HR. His passion for HR has made him bag several accolades including that of being the national winner at the annual HR conference of XLRI. He is an avid reader, a proud speaker, a footloose traveller, an automobile enthusiast and definitely one you’d like to clink your beers with.

21 Stories

How To Succeed In Interviews Using The Art Of Story Telling

If you’re reading this article, you may have already crossed the biggest hurdle in your dream of studying in a prestigious b-school. At the very outset let me congratulate you for the wonderful score that you have achieved. While it may seem that the most challenging time is gone as

Bain, Google, ABG And More - Learnings During Summer Internship

Summer internship forms a very important part of the MBA program and it is very important for all b-school candidates to make most out of their summer internship. In order to help the students with this, I reached out to the some of the best interns at multiple different companies

Managing Stress At The B-School

Getting into the b-school of your dreams is a great thing for sure but it is very important that the aspirants and existing MBA students be aware of the fact that unlike their undergrad course, MBA is not at all going to be all relaxed and chilled out. It is

Pursuing MBA From More Than One IIM - An Unusual Learning Journey

Shalabh Agarwal has an interesting story of quitting his career in marine engineering and finding success in selling custom merchandise online. He acclaims that his close association with students from IIMs and other elite B-Schools has helped him in learning nuances of management which in turn had a huge impact