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Aman Jindal

Alumni | IIM Kozhikode (Since 1996)

11 Stories

Getting The x In 99.9x – Strategy For Next Three Months From A CAT Topper (99.94%ile) - S.Raghavan From IIM Kozhikode

Getting into the elusive league of 99.9x is every CAT aspirant’s dream. Here we interview, S. Raghavan a student at IIM Kozhikode who belled the CAT at a commendable 99.94 percentile.So Raghavan, tell us something about your Quant strategy.CAT over the past few years, has lost its surprise factor. All

The Great Indian Pulp Fiction : 25 Years Of Neo-Liberal Economic Reforms - Aman From IIM Kozhikode

  As a seemingly mundane July 2016 passed, little do we fathom that India survived a massive heart-attack 25 years ago the same month.India entered the last decade of the 20th century precariously, with grave uncertainties on every possible dimension. The economy was in a complete disarray (BOP crisis); Political Upheaval

As Britain Puts It “The things I Do For Love” - Aman Jindal's View On Brexit

Britain in an historic referendum voted to exit the European Union ending its 40 year old love-hate relationship with Europe. This is the first time a member state has decided to exit the EU. Sterling witnessed its biggest one day drop since 1945, as world markets went into a tailspin.