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Ananya Sarkar

Alumni | Other

I am a second year student of TISS, Mumbai pursuing Organisation Development, Change and Leadership. I am passionate about athletics and travelling.

I am a second year student of TISS, Mumbai pursuing Organisation Development, Change and Leadership. I am passionate about athletics and travelling.

2 Stories

A Summer Of Full Of Exploration And Learning| Piramal Launchpad | Summer Saga 2020

"Seek first to understand, then to be understood"the quote By Stephen Covey helped me throughout my internship journey. In my first year, I had completed two field internships as part of the curriculum and those facilitated the understanding of my developmental areas which motivated me to be a better professional

Eminent Presence of ABG in everyday life!

Why Aditya Birla is big in your life?My earliest memories related to ABG goes back to Shopping in Pantaloons. Pantaloons is what comes to my mind whenever there is an event in my life, and I have seen all generations of all families shopping there ritually. I personally love Pantaloons