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Anish Malladi

Alumni | IIM Bangalore (Since 1973)

Anish is a second-year student at IIM Bangalore. He draws inspiration for both his writing and photography from extensive travel - he's visited over 18 countries around the world. He started writing to inspire himself - he now chooses to write to try to inspire everyone else.

Anish is a second-year student at IIM Bangalore. He draws inspiration for both his writing and photography from extensive travel - he's visited over 18 countries around the world. He started writing to inspire himself - he now chooses to write to try to inspire everyone else.

8 Stories

MBA In India Or Abroad - An IIM Student's Perspective

I’m going to start this off with a disclaimer. I haven’t done my MBA abroad. I’m a student at IIM Bangalore right now, so I do know how it works here, to an extent. However, I have studied in New York for my bachelors, and the attitude and life abroad

MBA As A Fresher? Less Terrifying Than You Think!

Often, you look at the statistics coming out of MBA colleges, and you get intimidated. In fact, before I applied to IIMB, I was petrified. “Oh good lord, everyone will be three-four years older than me.” “I’m only 21, how will I make any friends?” “I’m so young, no one

Not In A Club At Your B-School? This Is How You Can Make The Most Of It

Clubs, committees, events. They really are the high life at IIMs when you’re not suffering with assignments, aren’t they? We’ve all heard about the amazing events, in fact, Sangram, the south Indian IIM sports meet was only a week or two ago. Typically, clubs organise these events - Sangram, for

The Road Less Travelled - My Journey To IIM Bangalore

“So why did you come back?”Over the past month and a half at IIM Bangalore, this has been the third or fourth question I've been asked; right after my name and engineering college. Admittedly, some do check whether I'm an engineer, first. On the face of it, I'm a typical