Ankit Doshi
Aspirant | Mumbai University
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48 Stories
This election is about Jobs. Does anyone care about the 25 year-old?
In less than 100 days, we will have a new government at the centre. If you follow media in print, on TV or on the internet you are likely to be very confused. There is so much noise that it is very tough to identify what the real issues of
How I screwed up my XAT
I am not sure if a lot of people will be able to appreciate this. There is nothing exceptional that happened in this case. But, I am sure there are people like me who could be warned about a potential danger. Also, I feel much more comfortable talking about a
10 Best Courses I attended at IIM Indore
I never really studied in my two years at IIM Indore. I was ranked in the late 160s out of a batch of 240 students. This is an average student talking about academics.There are courses that stay with you. There are sessions that stay with you.I loved reading cases. Professors
Movies & Management - Learning with Films
Some of the finest professors and academicians in the world use films to communicate concepts that just stick with you for is the management education university of the future. We not only hope to take quality learning to those who are denied but also change the way it is