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Ankush Arya

Alumni | IIM Udaipur

A reader, globe-trotter and a food junkie!

A reader, globe-trotter and a food junkie!

19 Stories

A 6 Point Guide When Choosing Your B-School

On the onslaught let me tell you - It ain't an easy decision. Whatever you choose, you will have your second thoughts. People around you will sway your opinion every second day and it will all become a muddle with no end in sight!I was luckily put into the same

A Sneak Peak Into The IIM Udaipur Balicha Campus Life

As I stepped out of the Mewar Express in Udaipur, an unfamiliar yet expected sight greeted me on 2nd January of this year. Scores of classmates were buzzing across the length of the platform trying to find the ones who had just deboarded and directing them towards the waiting bus

Beware What Lurks Behind The Gleam, IIM Aspirant

"What do you learn in an MBA program from an IIM?" I quipped before my brother, an alumnus of one, last year. He cheekily replied, "The strategic use of the word 'It depends'." That was my introduction to the revered business schools of this country. On a serious note, he