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Ayushi Mona

Alumni | MICA Ahmedabad

Ayushi Mona is a Marketing and Communications professional and an early career mentor. She also hosts community meetups with a focus on different career topics as a LinkedIn Local host in Mumbai.

Ayushi Mona is a Marketing and Communications professional and an early career mentor. She also hosts community meetups with a focus on different career topics as a LinkedIn Local host in Mumbai.

17 Stories

How Impostor Syndrome Is Ruining Your Career

This post is part of a bi-monthly series bought to you by Ayushi Mona for InsideIIM called 'Headstart'. This is the eleventh post in the early career series.While 'Impostor Syndrome" is a casually tossed phrase, what does it mean in the context of career and personal growth? Impostor Syndrome refers to

The Golden Handcuff Problem

This post is part of a bi-monthly series bought to you by Ayushi Mona for InsideIIM called 'Headstart'. This is the tenth post in the early career series.Golden Handcuffs are typically financial or employee benefits that keep employees chained to companies. From an organization's standpoint - golden handcuffs are great.

Like A Boss: What Every Early Career Professional Must Know

This post is part of a bi-monthly series bought to you by Ayushi Mona for InsideIIM called 'Headstart'. This is post number nine in the early career series.Did you know that Google searches for 'boss' related career keywords far exceed keywords around learning or development?  Yet, most conversations about the role

Creating A Financial Planning Toolkit As An Early Career Professional

This post is part of a bi-monthly series bought to you by Ayushi Mona for InsideIIM called 'Headstart'. This is post number eight in the early career series.Read the previous article here.If you are yet to receive your first salary or have just started earning - you aren't likely to