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Chirag Shukla

Aspirant | Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural

74 Stories

MHRD NIRF MBA Rankings 2019 - Analysis And Review | How Much Sense Do These Rankings Make?

The Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), since 2016, has undertaken a project of establishing rankings for educational institutes in India under the National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) at the graduation and post-graduation level, including management institutes. Recently, the NIRF MBA Rankings 2019 have also been released by the MHRD.But

5 Reasons Why You Should Appear For CAT 2019

On November 26th 2018, 2.41 lakh candidates attempted CAT 2018, and in April 2019, only the top 10% will make it to the top-10 management institutes in the country. So what is the hype around the exam all about? Should you attempt CAT 2019? If yes, what do you stand

Job Titles After An MBA - Everything You Need To Know

An MBA is a lot of things for people - a chance to get big bucks, to move up in their careers, to switch their careers, or to simply show the world that they are capable of going out there and achieving something. Everyone's reason is different. But regardless of

Looking Back At 2018 - A Milestone On The Path To Increasing Parity Between Genders

One of the most talked-about topics amongst professionals in the past few days was the appointment of Professor Anju Seth as the director of IIM Calcutta. Professor Seth - an alumnus of the Joka-based institute - has broken the glass ceiling by becoming the first woman director of IIM Calcutta.