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Nmims Mumbai

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Official InsideIIM handle- Corporate Relations NMIMS Mumbai

Official InsideIIM handle- Corporate Relations NMIMS Mumbai

17 Stories

The Campus In The Heart Of The City - Devdutt Upadhye, SBM: NMIMS Mumbai

April 2017A couple of months after I’d decided to pursue an MBA in lieu of continuing my Medical studies, much to the pique and chagrin of my doctor parents, a friend from class showed me pictures of the IIM Kozhikode campus, or “Kampus”. That’s where the concept of the campus

“What is Time?” - A Memorable NMIMS Classroom Experience - Varun Jajoo, SBM: NMIMS Mumbai

“What is Time?” asked the Prof. Dinesh Panchal in his first class of Statistics.The entire class was figuring out if the question asked by the professor is an abstract one or some were looking for a connection between Time and Statistics. The hand of a fan of the movie Interstellar

NMIMS Promotes And Nurtures Student Comfort - Vaishali Jaishanker, SBM: NMIMS Mumbai

Having joined the institution only a couple of weeks back, I can still distinctly recall the feeling of awe as I walked past the piano at the heart of the atrium when I entered the University campus for the first time. Not even in my most hopeful dreams did I

What Makes My Campus Unique - Raghav Jaggi, SBM: NMIMS Mumbai

The following aspects make NMIMS unique:1) It’s location:Situated in the heart of Mumbai, the financial capital of India, it certainly brings in a lot of corporate advantage as many of the MNC’s have their offices situated here. It is close to other metropolitan cities which makes it easy to travel