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Devanshu .

Alumni | IIM Lucknow (Since 1984)

Devanshu is currently pursuing his MBA from IIM Lucknow.

Devanshu is currently pursuing his MBA from IIM Lucknow.

17 Stories

How To Spend The First Few Months Of Your MBA

Hello, The Newby MBA Students!My heartiest congratulations to all who have successfully made it to the top colleges across the country. For the ones who were left behind for whatsoever reason possible, try to be calm. Neither you have lost anything significant, nor the ones who have cleared have gained,

The Tale Of Term Breaks At An IIM

Hello aspirants!So, this article is neither based on the CAT preparation nor as to how should you tackle your WAT, GD, and PIs in the final stages. This article covers a stage of the MBA life which conveys the enticing moments, as well as focuses on the shortage of time

Devanshu's Interview Experience - FMS Delhi

Hello aspirants!In my previous articles, I had covered the requisites and insights of the interview process at FMS Delhi. In this particular article, I will be covering my interview experience, and as to how I turned my chances from being at the bottom to emerge victorious in my eyes. (though

A Take On FMS Selection Process 2018

Hello aspirants!Now that most of you are done with the big names of the Indian b-school world, it is time to incorporate one more contender into it – The Faculty of Management Studies, Delhi. This article will be focused on the selection process at FMS. Since, the interviews are starting