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Ishan Arora

Alumni | IIFT

19 Stories

Things You Won’t Learn In An MBA

While there are a plethora of things that you will learn and do in your MBA, a lot of stuff that you thought you’ll learn here might never really happen. Given that so many of us in India don’t quite know why we got into an MBA program in the

Cracking B School Case Study Competitions

A major source of learning in MBAs is through case study competitions. It lets you do some of your most meaningful work. Solving real life business problems for Mahindra, ITC, Phillips or HUL gives you a great rush. There is also great motivation of huge prize money and PPO/PPI. Here

Building your CV for Summer Internships

The first real test and probably the most challenging part of your MBA life will hit you in the first 3 months. It can get really intimidating but being confident and calm is the key. Your CV is the single most important document in the entire process and here are

Expectations from Second Year of MBA

After having spent an year in b-school and seeing our seniors pass out, all of us do have a fair idea of what to expect in the second year, or atleast that is what we like to believe. Here is my perspective on how I see the second year unfolding.