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Ishan Arora

Alumni | IIFT

19 Stories

Management in Groups

All MBA students are taught Organizational behavior and group dynamics in class through text books but the actual learning comes through group assignments and well……whatsapp. There would be similar roles being played by different individuals in each group. There would be those who work, those who present, those who make

Exchange of Cultures at IIFT: Outbound Exchange

An MBA in this era of globalisation demands knowledge beyond the textbook. It requires an individual to draw from his own personal experiences to find solutions to practical problems. Going on exchange from IIFT to one of the partner foreign universities is one such experience that creates memories for life.

Exchange of Cultures at IIFT: Inbound Exchange

Life at a B-school is waking up every morning the way a lion does only to realize that it must outrun the slowest gazelle or it will starve to death. It doesn't matter whether you are a lion or a gazelle. When the sun comes up, you better start running.