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Jeetesh Varshney

Alumni | Indian Institute Of Management Udaipur

Jeetesh Varshney holds an MBA from the IIM Udaipur and was a member of the InsideIIM Student Team and representative of Placement Preparation Committee of IIMU. He has previously completed his Computer Engineering from Harcourt Butler Technological Institute, Kanpur and has work experience in software development. He is an avid reader and loves travelling and exploring new places and cultures. He is someone who learned a lot from InsideIIM while preparing for his management entrance exams and now writing stories on InsideIIM to share his experiences for the benefit of the future aspirants.

Jeetesh Varshney holds an MBA from the IIM Udaipur and was a member of the InsideIIM Student Team and representative of Placement Preparation Committee of IIMU. He has previously completed his Computer Engineering from Harcourt Butler Technological Institute, Kanpur and has work experience in software development. He is an avid reader and loves travelling and exploring new places and cultures. He is someone who learned a lot from InsideIIM while preparing for his management entrance exams and now writing stories on InsideIIM to share his experiences for the benefit of the future aspirants.

30 Stories

An IIM Admit & A PPO Despite Visual Impairment | Shreya Upadhyay's Inspirational Journey To IIM Udaipur

“I had the blues because I had no shoes until I saw a man who had no feet.” – Denis WaitleyThis quote depicts the importance of appreciating all the good things you have in your life. My life has, too be one of thanks and appreciation for giving me a

Going Solo In South Korea – The Land Of Morning Calm | International Business Experience

“Do not wait for opportunities to knock, go outside, find it and invite it to your door”That’s what I did last year in October. I found a project in South Korea to get international exposure and travelled there solo. Yes, it was “The Crazy Experience”. The experience was very close

Learn How To Say, ‘I Don’t Know’ To Increase Your Chances | The 3 Magical Words For MBA Interviews

The MBA interview season is at its peak and most of you are quite well prepared for them. Yet, the truth is that we are all human beings and not Google. We can’t know everything. Not even about the things we have studied. Therefore, this article is dedicated to a

Things To Consider Before Financing Your MBA | Tips From An IIM Student

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step" - Lao TzuThis old proverb still holds true for every venture we take upon in our life whether the venture is a daily chore or something as important as planning for an MBA. Taking a step in the right direction takes