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Ketan Bagga

Alumni | IIT Kanpur

Lead Coordinator, Public Relations Team, MBA IIT Kanpur

Lead Coordinator, Public Relations Team, MBA IIT Kanpur

6 Stories

Humanity is lost somewhere between the borders..

A plane crashes near Ukraine border on 17th July 2014; all the 280 passengers and 18 crew members lose their lives. Hundreds of families destroyed, tens of innocent children who barely learnt to speak are dead within a fraction of a second. And moments later another news flashing on my

“Need for Shift”, says Hemant Shah, Founder of Priority Jewels Pvt Ltd., while interacting with MBA Students at IIT Kanpur

The MBA batch of 2013-2015 at IIT Kanpur, was lucky to be facilitated by an extremely interactive session with a distinguished alumnus of IIT Kanpur, having around 35 years of experience in the industry. Mr. Hemant Shah, being one of the eminent speakers and guest lecturers in colleges like SPJIMR