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Nadeem Raj

Alumni | XLRI Jamshedpur

Nadeem is a class of 2015 student at XLRI, Jamshedpur in the HR stream after working for 3 and a half years with TCS in the Program Management function. He is a big fan of literature and music and will be doing his summer internship with Novartis Pharmaceuticals.

Nadeem is a class of 2015 student at XLRI, Jamshedpur in the HR stream after working for 3 and a half years with TCS in the Program Management function. He is a big fan of literature and music and will be doing his summer internship with Novartis Pharmaceuticals.

26 Stories

Panic? Never heard of it. I’m an MBA

Here is an incident that happened to me a few days ago, the type that is replicated on a near daily basis across almost all B-schools in the land. It was around midnight that me and my project group came to know that an assignment and presentation we’d thought wasn’t

“I’m Not Angry! Just Stop Pissing Me Off”

Picture yourself in a serene environment, lying on luxuriant green grass next to a placid blue lake. There are the occasional birds twittering in the trees and a cool breeze ruffling your hair as you lazily watch the clouds drift about in the sky with not a care in the

This Ain’t the Summer of Love

It’s that time of year again. First-years across B-schools are getting ready to forget the brief friendships they’ve formed over the past 4 months, to do battle for the chance to spend a 2-month period in a place that will supposedly go a long way in securing them glittering, cushy

Shifting Paradigms in Recruitment Consulting

IntroductionMr Malhotra pensively sat in his office late on Saturday evening, after all the staff had left. He finally accepted that he had a problem. His business was suffering and had been in decline over the past year or so. There had been signs but he had dismissed them as