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Nikhil Murthy

Alumni | IIM Indore (Since 1996)

7 Stories

How To Lead A Healthy Campus Life - Tips And Benefits By Nikhil Murthy

There is more to health than just looking ripped and being free from illness. The World Health Organization (WHO) has the following definition for health, which hasn’t been amended since 1948 - "Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease

Quitting Your Job for B-School Entrance Tests – Pros and Cons

The stress of working around nine to ten hours a day on an average and managing your B-School preparations is clearly a daunting task. It requires you to follow a hectic schedule, with time and energy becoming major constraints.  In order to devote absolute attention towards your preparations, quitting your

41 Guys, 72 hours Of Travel And 12 Medals - IGNATIA 2016 Was More Than Just A Sports Meet

We left our campus on the 21st of July, skeptical about the 24 hours of journey (which got extended, surprisingly, to 36 hours) ahead of us to IIM Ranchi. After a lot of confusion regarding the number of participants willing to attend and several last moment adjustments, the Sports Committee of