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Nitie Mumbai Placement Committee

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Placement Committee, NITIE Mumbai

Placement Committee, NITIE Mumbai

88 Stories

What Makes NITIE Unique - Siyak

The Anonymous Pioneer in OperationsI am Siyak, a Mechanical Engineering Graduate and a Project Manager from Maruti Suzuki India Ltd. As I had to leave my Job from Maruti Suzuki to pursue my MBA from NITIE, as usual people started to inquire the same cliché questions - why I left

On Campus, On Faculty, And On Facilities - NITIE Mumbai

The B-School experience is the most exciting and happening phase of one’s life. It is filled with a lot of learning, excitement, industry exposure and epic parties! So, the college campus, which is our home for those two years is in essence the élan vital of the much hyped B-School

5 Things That Make NITIE Mumbai Special

God’s Own Campus. Yes, that’s what NITIE Campus is named as. You want to know why? Ok, let me enumerate for you…1. Mecca of Supply Chain: NITIE is popularly known as the Mecca for Supply Chain management, and there is a reason for it. NITIE positions itself as the best

What Makes NITIE Unique - Rahul Ghate

If the name National Institute of Industrial Engineering falls on someone ear he will imagine campus with a modern infrastructure and industrial type environment. Visiting our campus he would feel happy even if his eyes prove him wrong. Situated in a hilly region with its own pond gives a feeling