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Nitie Mumbai Placement Committee

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Placement Committee, NITIE Mumbai

Placement Committee, NITIE Mumbai

88 Stories

Every One Should Know How To Sell - Mandi’s Class

I woke up a little early that day keeping in mind that I have to present myself better in the class of Business Communication. I took a little extra effort that day to get ready. I trimmed my beard neatly, wore a nice crisp shirt and styled my hair to

NITIE - Strongest Industry Connect

The day I converted NITIE and started informing my friends about it the responses were definitely not in line with what I was expecting. There was a long rant about Mumbai – the local trains, crowd, traffic and a lot of other things that I never cared about. Then came

The Vision Of NITIE

“To be the thought leader in Industrial Engineering education and research, and partner in the manufacturing renaissance of the nation.”-This is the Vision of NITIE. “To advance transformative education and industry-inspired research in Industrial Engineering.”- This is the Mission of NITIE. We are NITIE. We are the Pioneers of the Industry.National Institute of

As Crazy As Crazy Can Get - Batchmates At NITIE

Bachcha Tendua: Well, you must be wondering, what kind of name is this? And how did he get this name, then lemme explain. This friend was supposed to say Tendua (leopard) ka Bachcha (cub) comes to our NITIE campus through IIT Bombay but as an outsider from Hindi belt, he