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Pankaj Mann

Alumni | IIM Lucknow (Since 1984)

Pankaj Mann is a 22 years old electronics and communication engineer and a PGP2 student at IIM Lucknow. He's a huge Harry Potter fan and when he says his hobby is reading, he means reading Harry Potter again and again. He's an avid runner and a marathon enthusiast. His passion lies in teaching!

Pankaj Mann is a 22 years old electronics and communication engineer and a PGP2 student at IIM Lucknow. He's a huge Harry Potter fan and when he says his hobby is reading, he means reading Harry Potter again and again. He's an avid runner and a marathon enthusiast. His passion lies in teaching!

17 Stories

Of Unsaid Feelings And Words: Yet Another B-School Tale

Today I’m going to tell you a story: The story of a girl who almost gave up on herself. It’s a story about motivation, about finding yourself. It’s about believing in people and building trust in them. While some say that it is fiction, I believe even fiction work is real

The Perfect Interview Does Not Exist

More than 1.5 lakh people write CAT every year out of which some 10k-20k people don’t appear for the exam. Of these 1 lakh people lucky few get the calls from IIMs for interviews. A big-time challenge for this lucky herd is to convert the calls. Failing to secure a

Handling Failure: This Is Not The End; Keep Your Hopes High!

Your CAT did not go as expected! You toiled for 10 months, gave up your social life, did not watch Justice League, nor the Thor movie. You gave up on your regular curriculum of college, you screwed up your relationships, you gave up on spending time with friends; you did

Why Am I Doing An MBA?

"For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them." ~ ARISTOTLEIt’s not for that lucrative job, no it's not. Trust me on that...I had a job offer in hand and I decided to join IIM Lucknow anyway. I am an engineer, often