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Pooja Wanpal

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16 Stories

The Taj Way: Organisational Behaviour In Action - Pooja, TISS Mumbai

On November 26, 2008, Mumbai was held hostage. Gunmen stormed into many prominent places in the city and shot down people. One of these places was the Taj Mahal Hotel. Stories of exemplary courage and sacrifice emerged, as ordinary citizens of Mumbai stood united in the face of terror.In Taj

Do You See The Gorilla? - The Case Of Inattentional Blindness In Life At B-Schools

More than a decade ago, neuroscientists Christopher Chabris and Daniel Simons did an experiment. They filmed a group of students passing a basketball to each other. Some of them were dressed in black, others in white. The viewers had to count the number of times the ball was passed.Before we

Five Stages Of Case Study Competitions - Pooja, TISS Mumbai

Wake up! The case study season is here. If you are in a B-school, you are already familiar with this term - if you are an aspirant - well, hunker down, grit your teeth and just face it, because here is a heads up for you - case studies are

Diversity Is The Reality

Diversity isn’t just a buzz word anymore. Diversity is a fact of this faced paced, modern world. The workforce has altered significantly - be it increasing number of women entering the workforce, the existence of multiple generations in a single factory or the expression on different gender identities or sexual